Author name: James Warne

Soil Winter Blues

Unmoved stubbles can often be the driest land on the farm after heavy rainfall.  Yet we are told that cultivation helps to dry land out.   What are the factors that allow stubbles to move water downwards faster than cultivated ground?   It’s now apparent that many cultivated soils are not draining recent deluges fast enough.   Crops …

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Blackgrass | Direct Driller Magazine

Decisions, decisions, decisions…

Slender Foxtail has put in its annual appearance with great vengeance this year. It’s that time of year where we all can see the results of each other labour’s. With wheat now out in ear, fields that are normally clean are showing the effects of the long & wet winter. Grass weeds are out in force, particularly Slender Foxtail AKA Blackgrass. The lack of herbicide activity and lack of conditions to get the applications on in a timely manner are showing. No doubt the mild wet autumn also played a part in reducing the longevity of herbicides.

Who owns regen?

It is clear that the term ‘Regen ag’ is now becoming as confused and meaningless as ‘min-till’.    The question of ‘what is Regen’ now happens with regular occurrence.   Worryingly there now seems to be, in the UK at least, organisations who are keen to control the narrative and take ownership of the term regen for …

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Another Extraordinary Year

What an extraordinary growing season we seem to have had. In a nutshell, very low rainfall, low temperatures untilJune and good levels of solar radiation (sunshine) resulting in generally good yields with good specific weight andmoderate protein. Especially so as most crops senesced approximately 2 weeks earlier than normal.Written by James Warne from Soil First …

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Another Extradordinary Year

Written by James Warne from Soil First Farming What an extraordinary growing season we seem to have had. In a nutshell, very low rainfall, low temperatures until June and good levels of solar radiation (sunshine) resulting in generally good yields with good specific weight and moderate protein. Especially so as most crops senesced approximately 2 …

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