British biotechnology company, AminoA Biostimulants launched their new liquid range of biostimulant products In July 2017 , so harvest 2018 has been an excellent test of their performance in some extreme conditions.

AminoA FLO is a highly concentrated l-isomer amino-acid complex developed for the large scale arable farmer, and is manufactured in the UK. It contains synthetics and the latest crop penetrant technology to make it suitable for mixing with other agrochemicals. There are no restrictions on its use, apart from in organics, and it is competitively priced against comparable products. It is recommended for use in all fungicidal tank-mixes at a rate of 1 litre ha. In the case of severely stressed crops or to encourage protein synthesis in Wheat, pod fill in OSR or other key target growth stages it is recommended to apply 2.5 litres ha

The Company have also launched AminoA GRO, a liquid L-isomer aminoacid complex formulated from vegetal source material and fluvic acid to maximise plant uptake. AminoA GRO is fully approved for use in Organics. The recommended application rate is between 2-5 litres ha. ‘’Our products are deliberately designed to have broad spectrum activity as they contain every essential aminoacid that plants synthesise throughout their growth cycle. Therefore, if applied to the plant at any stage from sowing to maturity they can contribute positively to yield and quality if the plant is not already producing an optimal level of aminoacids itself.

We are satisfied that repeated use of our products in combination with other agrochemicals will enhance their effectiveness and produce a yield response in the crop.

Most of our customers are conventional arable farmers who have realised that the judicious use of biostimulants can boost yields and profits whilst at the same time sustaining the fragile ecosystem in our soils. We have been delighted to work with Triton Farms across their 5000 acres in the UK and it is very rewarding to see that they have achieved farm record yields with a very low input system.’’ Richard Phillips Managing Director AminoA Ltd.

Direct drilled crops often suffer from low levels of available nitrate in the Autumn, as low soil disturbance does not mineralise nitrogen as traditional cultivations do. The programme used successfully at Triton Farms this season, in OSR and WW was 3 applications of 2 litres of AminoA FLO. For crops sown at traditional timings it is important to make applications in the Autumn before growth stops and then again as early as possible in the Spring. For late sown crops apply as soon as the crop has emerged and there is sufficient leaf area to take up the product.

Further applications should be made at boots swollen to mid-flowering in WW to boost proteins and at petal fall in OSR to extend pod fill or in the event of stress on the crop. At Triton Farms we conducted several tramline trials in OSR and WW. The results in OSR were dramatic and the untreated areas produced less than 50% of the biomass of the treated area, the farm average yield of 5.04 t ha was a record for OSR.

The entire WW area had already had 2 applications of 2 litres of AminoA FLO , so trials were conducted to establish the effect of 0, 2 or 4 litre applications at mid-flowering. The average yield increase from the 2 litre application was 7.5% and 13% from a 4 litre application. Hectolitre weights were also extremely good and increased up to and average of 86 kg hl at the 4 litre application rate. Overall the farm achieved it best yields ever, with a low input herbicide programme, farm saved untreated seed, a 12 ha fungicide programme and 220 kg Nitrogen. As a result they have already ordered 6000 litres AminoA FLO for the coming season.

Our OSR trials in France saw a pleasing 540 kg yield increase from a 2 x 2 litre application programme and we are expecting spectacular results in Sunflowers. Independent fully replicated WW trials in the UK (variety JB Diego) showed yield responses of 0.5 t ha from single applications of 3 litres ha AminoA FLO at either GS30 or GS39, when both timings were used yield increased by 1 t ha. AminoA FLO is effective in all crops and we would recommend growers use at least 1 litre ha in every fungicidal tank mix. In many cases this should not be an added cost as other products can normally be reduced as their efficacy will be improved. AminoA Biostimulants are available direct or through selected distributors, for more information see www.aminoa. call 01633894300 or email