Chadbury-based agricultural machinery manufacturer, Weaving Machinery, has been awarded Gold in the British and Irish Manufacturer of the Year category in the LAMMA Innovation Awards 2025.
Family business, Weaving Machinery, has launched several new products and innovations over the past five years, with widespread recognition.
The Sabre drill debuted in 2020 and quickly became one of the best-selling drills in the UK being suitable for conventional, minimum tillage and direct drilling systems.
Meanwhile, the mounted GD disc drill has attracted international attention, gaining traction across Europe, particularly in Germany for those running min-til and direct drilling operations.
Adding to their success, the business was also awarded Silver in the Arable Establishment of the Year award category within the same awards with the cast roller used within its Subdisc.
Made up of three pieces the 700mm British cast iron V ring packer roller works to achieve a firm and level seed bed before drilling takes place.
LAMMA Innovation Award judges stated the standard across the board this year was extremely high, and congratulated Weaving for their achievements which will be formally presented at LAMMA with a trophy and certificate.
Simon Weaving, director at Weaving Machinery, said: “We are very grateful for the LAMMA Innovation Awards for recognising the product developments we have achieved at Weaving in recent years.
“We are always looking ways to improve the results our customers can achieve, particularly for those making use of min-til or no-til systems which our products really lend themselves to.”