Dale Drills Eco M Agricultural Seed Drill: Efficiency and Versatility for Modern Farming

Tom Dale from Dale Drills tells us about the 6m Eco M which gives as little disturbance as possible to get the seed on the ground

In today’s agricultural landscape, efficiency, sustainability and profitability are more important than ever. The Dale Drills Eco M Agricultural Seed Drill is a versatile tool designed to meet the diverse needs of contemporary farmers. With a host of innovative features, this seed drill enhances productivity, reduces environmental impact, and delivers long-term economic benefits.

Versatile Working Widths

Available in widths from 3 – 8m, a standout feature of the Dale Drills Eco M is its ability to grow with your farm. The Eco M’s unique modular design mean a farmer with a 4m machine could extend it to 6m if he required additional output. This flexibility allows the Eco M to cater to farms of all sizes, and to adapt to the ever-changing requirements of modern farming enterprises. By offering a range of working widths, the Eco M ensures that farmers can cover their fields efficiently while maintaining precision.

This adaptability also allows the Eco M to seamlessly integrate into different farming practices, whether focused on intensive production or sustainable, low-impact farming. The ability to choose the optimal working width enhances the seed drill’s versatility, making it an ideal tool for a broad spectrum of agricultural applications.

Multi-Tillage Compatibility

The Eco M is engineered to perform exceptionally well in various soil preparation methods, including conventional, minimum tillage (min-till), and direct seed beds. This versatility allows farmers to select the best cultivation method based on their specific conditions.

For conventional seed beds, the Eco M ensures even and consistent seed placement, promoting strong crop growth. In min-till operations, it minimises soil disruption, preserving soil structure and improving soil health. When working in direct seed beds, the Eco M enables planting directly into uncultivated soil, saving time and labour. This multi-tillage compatibility makes the Eco M a valuable asset across diverse farming systems, eliminating the need for additional equipment.

Efficiency in Every Pass

The Eco M excels in modern farming efficiency by applying up to four different products simultaneously. This capability reduces the number of field passes needed, saving time, lowering fuel consumption, and minimising soil compaction.

By consolidating multiple tasks into a single operation, the Eco M not only boosts productivity but also improves crop management. Farmers can customise the application of various inputs to meet their crops’ specific needs, leading to healthier plants and higher yields.

Low-Soil Disturbance

The Eco M features 12mm wide, tungsten carbide tipped tines designed to create minimal soil disturbance whilst ensuring effective seed-soil contact, which is crucial for maintaining soil health and ensuring excellent establishment. By preserving soil structure, reducing erosion, and retaining moisture, these tines align perfectly with conservation tillage practices that are increasingly prioritised in sustainable farming.

Furthermore, the narrow tines ensure precise seed placement, which is essential for uniform crop emergence.

Economic Benefits

The Eco M is equipped with low draft tines that require less power to pull through the soil. This design removes the need for heavy, expensive, high HP tractors, reduces fuel consumption and wear and tear on machinery. The economic advantages are clear: lower operational costs and a longer equipment lifespan.

The low draft requirement also broadens the Eco M’s accessibility to a wider range of tractors, including those with lower horsepower. This feature ensures that the seed drill can be effectively used across different farm setups, enhancing its appeal to a wide array of farmers.

Precision and Adjustability

Accurate depth control is critical for optimal seed germination and crop establishment. The Eco M’s parallel linkage system guarantees consistent and precise depth control across its entire width, even on uneven terrain or in varying soil conditions.

Additionally, the Eco M offers adjustable row spacing (12.5cm or 25cm), enabling farmers to customise planting patterns to specific crop requirements or field conditions. This adjustability enhances the seed drill’s flexibility, making it suitable for a wide range of crops and planting strategies.

Eligible for the Farm Equipment Technology Fund

The innovative and sustainable design of the Eco M has earned it eligibility for the Farm Equipment Technology Fund. This support recognises the Eco M’s role in promoting modern, efficient, and environmentally responsible farming practices. Farmers can take advantage of financial assistance to invest in this advanced technology, integrating it into their operations with ease.


The Dale Drills Eco M Agricultural Seed Drill is a comprehensive solution tailored to the diverse needs of modern agriculture. With its adaptable working widths, multi-tillage compatibility, multi-product application capabilities, and features that promote sustainability and efficiency, the Eco M is an invaluable tool for any farming operation. Whether your goal is to boost productivity, reduce costs, or adopt more sustainable practices, the Dale Drills Eco M is the smart choice for today’s forward-thinking farmers.