Reap the benefits every time with the Seedmatic Series.
The Seedmatic was built with over five decades of proven Aitchison seeding experience in mind, the extremely successful 4000 Series Seedmatic seed drill lets you sow the seeds of success the Aitchison zero-tillage way.
The Seedmatic tine drills will penetrate existing stubble or pastures, hard and rocky as well as cultivated soils. They are commonly used to renovate or bulk up existing pastures, as well as sow crops such as wheat and clover, peas or oilseed rape into cultivated soils or direct into stubble.
Renowned for building soil organic matter and creating an optimal environment for trouble free seed germination. The Seedmatic drills have a narrow 125mm or 5 inch row spacing with 14 inch disc coulters combined with a 400mm stagger of seeding rows enabling superior residual matter clearance. The vibrating 25mm Seedmatic tines are designed with a slimline boot holder to handle trash with ease and together with the Aitchison tipped Ni-hard inverted “T” boot, giving the perfect seed to soil contact creating the perfect seeding environment.
The Seedmatic drill range is designed to deliver uniform plant emergence with optimum yields at lower costs. The unique sponge delivery seeding system is extremely accurate and the infinitely variable gearbox handles most seed volumes and sizes effortlessly. It will deliver seeds of all sizes in most seed mixes evenly.
Drills are available in seed only form or seed and fertiliser format. Available in sowing widths of 2.5m and 3m. The 3m drill qualifies for the Farm Equipment Technology Fund grant.
Quality products built to last
Beware of imitations of this machine.
The Grassfarmer
Aitchison’s 3000 series Grassfarmer is one of the world’s most popular seed drills, specifically aimed at making even lighter work of reseeding and or renovating existing pastures and cultivated soils.
These lower cost economy linkage models are ideal for first time “zero-tillers”. They have a low horse power requirement, the highly dependable Grassfarmer is engineered to exceed your expectations. The unique sponge seed delivery system is both gentle and accurate and will sow most seeds in almost any condition at rates ranging from as low as 1kg/ha up to 350kgs/ha. Ni-hard knock on/off Aitchison inverted “T” boots with are standard on all tine drill models.