Author name: AHDB

OSR monitoring network strengthened to help predict CSFB migration

AHDB will monitor cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB) at several winter oilseed rape sites across England to track migration this autumn. Work to track the cabbage stem flea beetle is part of a long-term effort to determine the factors affecting adult migration, with the ultimate ambition to provide a way to predict the start, duration …

OSR monitoring network strengthened to help predict CSFB migration Read More »

AHDB outlines biostimulants basics

The reviewers found that nine of the 11 product categories were associated with a statistically significant increase in yield in at least one experiment. For the most common product categories – seaweed extracts, humic substances, phosphite and plant-growth-promoting bacteria – statistically significant yield responses were observed for 3/7, 3/4, 4/17 and 13/15 cereal experiments, respectively. Data for oilseed rape was found to be lacking for all products, and no firm conclusions could be made.

Levy-funded trials help fine-tune fungicide choice

AHDB Technical Content Manager Jason Pole explains the role of the fungicide performance information in choosing the best technology to protect crops. For 30 years, there’s been a trusted team that’s tested the efficacy of chemistry used to battle major crop diseases in the fungicide performance project. The wheat trial series is the oldest, going …

Levy-funded trials help fine-tune fungicide choice Read More »

The scorecard that unearths a soil’s secrets

A full picture of soil health can be captured by a new ‘scorecard’. AHDB technical content manager Jason Pole investigates. Not everything that matters can be measured. Not everything that can be measured matters. Wise words. Nobody would dispute that soil health matters. Now it can be measured. The soil health scorecard is the product …

The scorecard that unearths a soil’s secrets Read More »

AHDB needs new monitor farmers in England and Wales – could you be one?

What is a Monitor Farm? With economic pressures mounting, including the end of the Basic Payment Scheme this year, finding new ways to improve performance and profitability is more important than ever for farmers. One way to do this is to pool knowledge with other, similar farming enterprises. AHDB’s Monitor Farm programme brings together groups …

AHDB needs new monitor farmers in England and Wales – could you be one? Read More »