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How To Start Drilling For £8K
Clive Bailye’s seed drill of choice is his 6m John Deere 750A , which has been used exclusively for 3-4 seasons. Last year, with an increased acreage, the founder and publisher of this Direct Driller magazine thought a second seed drill was necessary. Having just the one machine was a risk and in a difficult season would mean drilling was delayed. He looked around and found a good condition Horsch CO6 tine drill advertised in Germany.
Words and pictures by Mike DonovanAfter delivery he rebuilt the coulters to a narrow profile so as to reduce soil disturbance. He says the tine drill is very useful driling after straw crops such as osr and also through the straw on second crop cereals.
Buying the drill from a German farmer was not particularly complicated, and provided him with a higher spec machine than Horsh sell in the UK. The seed dart tyres are much wider, and the machine is fitted with blockage monitors as well as full width front packers and also a liquid fert application system.
A sheaf of photos were taken, and Clive then asked for some of specific parts to show wear. The deal was done at under £5,000 which Clive says is the market value of these machines which are too large for small farmers to buy. Original owners like to buy new and sell when the machine is still in good condition.
Narrow tines with wear tiles
@Clive knew he wanted to make changes, substituting the Horsch tines and coulters for something far narrower, and has ended up getting his own design of tine made, which has a wear tile made from Ferobide, far harder than tungsten. The drill is on the farm primarily for osr and 2nd crop cereals drilled into chopped straw and the 25cm spacing is okay for these crops.
Comments on Clive’s on-line forum, TFF, said the drill many not be so good with beans, as the slot is a mere 12mm wide. And in barley the spacing may well be too wide as it needs to be thick. Clive points out that the seed pipe can actually be a bit wider than 12mm as it is in the shadow of the point. It would be good to have the option of using it for beans.
Above left: The cheap CO6 is being calibrated ready for its first outing
Above right: The adapted Horsch is being filled by the home built drill logistics trailer with seed and liquid starter fert.
Getting around the German instructions
The Horsch came, of course, with a control box and instructions in German. More on-line discussion revealed that English instructions were available on the Horsch website, and another explained that Horsch was sourcing some of these parts from Agton in Canada anyway. Zealman from New Zealand explained that the button marked with callipers should be held down for around 5 seconds. The menu is where you adjust the tramline sequence, valve layout and row numbers.Ball hitch is a continental standard and provides a positive connection between tractor and drill
The Stocks Wizard has a rotor modified for Avadex which otherwise leaks everywhere
A Stocks Wizard is on the back of the drill and used for Avadex. Here again the knowledge of actual farmers is helpful. Alistair Nelson warned that the rotor and the surrounding shroud need to be changed, and he got good advice “from Rick at Stocks”. Clive has the same setup on the 750A and says that the Avadex leaks everywhere unless the modification is made. The drill was acquired and modified in 2016 and the results have been excellent.
The machine went through the residue without many problems and having the second drill has meant more timely planting. Clive has shown that moving into No-Till is not the expensive exercise so many farmers think it might be. The total cost, after modifications which included replacing all tines and coulters, was under £8,000.
Author Mike Donovan writes: we have featured a number of home made direct drills in @Practical Farm Ideas, and are always interested in seeing more. Please contact mike editor@farmideas.co.uk or 07778877514.
The New Normal
Written by Chris Fellows
We certainly confused a few in the last issue with the title change. As you can see, we are back to normal now (see what we did there). But the point stands, regen agriculture is everywhere right now and Defra have made it more profitable than ever. Thus, every other publication is now jumping on the regen bandwagon and the processes and concepts are becoming normalised.
However never fear – here comes the new normal. Because, having met our readers, I know they are anything but normal. They continually push the boundaries of what is possible. They look for better ways to farm both in terms of the environment and their profits. They were already cutting nitrogen applications before prices skyrocketed. They have always been looking for ways to change.
I think this ability to change or indeed, a desire to change sets many of the readers of this magazine apart from the wider of the farming community. Farming is slow to change. It is why the government have so often resorted to the stick approach than a carrot. Hence the offer from Defra to pay farmers to become more environmentally friendly is interesting. Will the carrot approach work and drive more farmers to change? The increased readership of the magazine in the last couple of months suggests it might. But only time will tell.
Here’s to the next 5 years and covering all the new amazing ways you find to farm your land and to every reader becoming that bit more profitable and sustainable. Let’s continue to keep the wider farming community on their toes and always lead the way. Whether this is in the privacy of your own operation or if you choose to speak at events, hold open days or get on YouTube. We have seen so many of you become our true farming leaders. Keep up the amazing work and I promise not to ever call you normal again!
From Precision to Autonomy: How AI is Helping Farmers Tackle the Biggest Challenges in Agriculture
As a farmer, I have always been interested in new technologies that could make my job easier and more efficient. One of the most exciting new technologies in agriculture today is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is a broad term that encompasses many different technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. These technologies are designed to mimic human intelligence and decision-making processes.
AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we farm by solving both agronomical and practical logistical issues. One area where AI could be particularly useful is in crop management. By analysing data on soil quality, weather patterns, and crop growth rates, AI could help farmers make more informed decisions about when to plant, fertilize, and harvest crops. This could result in higher yields and more efficient use of resources such as fertilizer and water.
Another area where AI could be helpful is in pest management. By analysing data on pest populations and their behaviour patterns, AI could help farmers make more informed decisions about when and how to apply pesticides. This could lead to more effective pest control and reduce the amount of pesticides that need to be used.
AI could also be used to optimize the use of farm machinery. By analysing data on field conditions and the performance of farm machinery, AI could help farmers make more informed decisions about when and how to use different pieces of equipment. This could result in more efficient use of fuel and other resources, as well as reduce the wear and tear on machinery.
The Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) and Lincoln University are two UK-based organizations that have already started using AI in their research and development efforts. AHDB is using AI to analyse data on crop growth and soil quality, while Lincoln University has developed the “Digital Field Assistant” system that uses sensors and cameras to collect data on crop growth, soil quality, and pest populations. This data is then analysed by AI algorithms to provide farmers with real-time recommendations on how to optimize their operations.
In addition to helping with agronomical decision making, AI could also help replace labour in certain areas of farming. For example, robots equipped with AI technology could be used to harvest crops, reducing the need for manual labour. This could be particularly helpful in areas where labour shortages are an issue. AI-powered robots could also be used to apply fertilizers or pesticides, reducing the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals for farmers.
Another benefit of AI in agriculture is the potential for reducing the environmental impact of farming. By optimizing the use of resources such as water and fertilizer, AI could help reduce waste and improve sustainability. Additionally, AI-powered robots could be used to apply fertilizers and pesticides more accurately, reducing the risk of over-application and minimizing the amount of chemicals that end up in the environment.
Precision agriculture is one of the most promising areas of AI in agriculture. Precision agriculture involves using data-driven insights to optimize farm operations, resulting in increased yields, reduced waste, and improved sustainability. AI can help farmers collect, analyse, and act on data in real-time, enabling them to make more informed decisions about crop management, resource allocation, and overall farm productivity.
Precision agriculture can be used to optimize irrigation, fertilizer application, and crop protection. For example, by using soil moisture sensors and weather data, AI algorithms can help farmers optimize irrigation schedules and reduce water usage, resulting in cost savings and improved resource efficiency. Similarly, AI-powered analytics can help farmers apply fertilizers and pesticides more accurately, reducing the amount of chemicals needed while improving crop health and yield.
Another promising area of AI in agriculture is autonomous farming. Autonomous farming involves using AI-powered robotics and drones to perform farm operations such as planting, harvesting, and crop monitoring. By automating these tasks, farmers can reduce labour costs,
increase productivity, and improve safety. For example, autonomous tractors can plant and harvest crops without human intervention, freeing up farmers’ time for other tasks.
In addition to these benefits, AI in agriculture can also help farmers buy inputs and sell outputs by looking for patterns in markets. By analysing data on market trends and prices, AI can help farmers make more informed decisions about when and where to buy inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides. This could result in cost savings and improved efficiency. Similarly, AI can help farmers identify the best markets for their crops and adjust their production accordingly.
AI can also help farmers manage their supply chains more effectively. By tracking crops from field to market, AI-powered analytics can help farmers and distributors optimize logistics, reduce waste, and improve profitability. For example, by analysing data on crop yields and market demand, AI algorithms can help farmers and distributors predict crop shortages and surpluses, allowing them to adjust their operations accordingly.
Despite the many benefits of AI in agriculture, there are also some risks and challenges that need to be addressed. One of the biggest risks is the potential for AI to exacerbate existing inequalities in the agriculture industry. For example, smaller farmers may not have the resources to implement AI technologies, giving larger, more well-funded operations an unfair advantage.
Another challenge is the need to develop AI technologies that are accessible and easy to use for farmers of all backgrounds and skill levels. This will require investment in education and training programs to ensure that farmers can effectively utilize AI-powered technologies.
There are also concerns around data privacy and security. Farmers need to be confident that their data will be kept secure and will not be shared with third parties without their permission. There are also concerns about the potential for AI to be hacked or manipulated by malicious actors.
To address these challenges, there needs to be a collaborative effort between farmers, researchers, and technology companies. Farmers need to be involved in the development of AI technologies to ensure that they are relevant and effective in real-world farming scenarios. Researchers need to work with farmers to collect and analyze data, while technology companies need to focus on developing AI technologies that are accessible, secure, and easy to use.
In conclusion, AI has the potential to transform the agriculture industry by helping farmers make more informed decisions about crop management, resource allocation, and supply chain management. By increasing efficiency and productivity while reducing waste and improving sustainability, AI can help address some of the biggest challenges facing the agriculture industry today. Additionally, AI can help farmers buy inputs and sell outputs by looking for patterns in markets, resulting in cost savings and improved profitability. However, it is important to proceed with caution and address the risks and challenges associated with AI in agriculture. With careful planning and investment, AI can help create a more efficient, sustainable, and equitable agriculture sector for the future.
Confession: I didn’t write this article. It was actually written by ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I simply gave it a brief of the subject I would like it to write “as me”. If you didn’t realize that before reading this confession, it’s an indication of just how powerful AI already is, even in its early stages of development.
As a farmer and contributor to Direct Driller magazine, I’m excited about the potential of AI in agriculture. It’s clear that AI can help us make more informed decisions about crop management, resource allocation, and supply chain management. By increasing efficiency and productivity while reducing waste and improving sustainability, AI can help address some of the biggest challenges facing the agriculture industry today.
I’ve been following the development of AI in agriculture for some time now, and it’s clear that there’s a lot of potential for this technology to transform the industry. From climate change adaptation to precision farming to autonomous farming, AI is already being used in many different ways to help farmers improve their operations.
Of course, there are also risks and challenges associated with AI in agriculture. As I mentioned earlier, there’s a risk that AI could exacerbate existing inequalities in the industry, and there are concerns around data privacy and security. It’s important that we address these challenges and work together to ensure that AI is used in a responsible and ethical way.
Overall, I’m optimistic about the future of AI in agriculture. I believe that this technology has the potential to create a more efficient, sustainable, and equitable agriculture sector for the future. By continuing to invest in research and development, and by working collaboratively to address the challenges associated with AI in agriculture, we can create a better future for farmers and for the planet as a whole.
New Direct Driller Website
In January we launched the all-new Direct Driller Magazine Website. You can now read articles from every issue of Direct Driller over the past 5 years (well you will when we have finished loading them all up). Issues 1-6 and 18-21 are all already live. This should make it much easier for you to share articles on social media or with your friends via email. We have included a QR Code in the contents section to link you to the content page on the new website.
As always, all content we have ever published is free to read to farmers worldwide. So please do keep sharing. Content is organised by Issue and by “Category”.
We have also created authors pages, if you have written for us then you will have your own page with all your content show in reverse chronological order with newest at the top. That means all of our Farmer Focus Writers have their own page where all there content is (or will be once issues 7-17 have been loaded up). You can get to a writer’s page by simply clicking on their name at the top of an article.
The next step for the website to allow you to edit your account with us to update your own shipping address. Where you are a TFF member already this will combine with that account (assuming you have used the same email for both), you won’t be required to have an additional login to remember. This will make all your account management much easier and save you have to email in with your address updates.
As always, if you think there are any other ways we could improve the site, we will continue to evolve it going forward.
Farmer Focus – Andrew Jackson
April 2023 Edition
When Chris asked me to write this article, I gravitated into panic mode because this is a quiet part of the year and I was not sure what to write about, however we seem to have been continuously busy, so I had better fill you in on our out of season activities.
In order to achieve one of the principles of regenerative agriculture where grazing livestock can be returned to graze within an arable rotation, I decided to perimeter fence our two farms with a view to eventually fencing individual fields. This would be funded by grants when available, or by not spending thousands of pounds on phosphate and potash fertiliser. I am working on the principle that we may have sixty years of phosphate reserves within our soils, and we just need to stop disturbing the fungi within the soil so that they can access the nutrient and feed it to the plant roots. The same may be said for potash, however I do plan to react to Sap tests and apply foliar potash when required. I seem to have managed to fall out with two or three fencing contractors, so I needed a system where we could erect fences ourselves with the skill set of our farm staff, (Carl, Anna, and myself).
Having spent days throughout my career patching up livestock fences where the wooden posts have rotted just below the surface of the ground, my attention was drawn to the steel post and Clipex stock netting which is supplied by McVeigh Parker. We erected a short distance of fence, and the appearance was very respectable and functional. Rolling out the netting and sinking some of the straining posts highlighted a few problem areas if we were to continue at scale. So I invested in a Quickfencer to roll out and tension the netting/ barbed wire, I also invested in a post knocker. I don’t envisage either of these items depreciating a huge amount of money and I could possibly sell them when my fences are complete.
Just after Christmas we completed our first section of perimeter fence, and this has allowed us to graze three fields with ease and confidence. Other spin offs include hopefully deterring dogs from hassling or killing our sheep and pinning back the public to the public footpath. During lockdown there seemed to be a right to roam over the whole farm. Excitingly we now having sheep grazing our arable fields for the first time in more than one hundred years. Will there be a cost benefit to all this cost and effort, I can hear you say? The answer is that I don’t know. All I do know is that the soils have evolved over thousands of years with grazing animals and, at the risk of harping back to Gabe Brown’s Dirt to Soil book, he prescribed grazing, and it just feels right to me. We were lucky enough to go to the Groundswell site to listen to Gabe Brown and his two colleagues. We learnt bits here and there, but our climate is so different to theirs, so we just must believe in his principles and try to make them work in our climate and on our soils.
In association with the film crew of ‘Six Inches of Soil’, a film that my daughter Anna is appearing in, we visited John Pawsey. There we spent a day discussing the differences and similarities between Regen farming and Organic farming. We had a common goal of producing wholesome crops and caring for the soil and if glyphosate ever gets banned, we may all be knocking on John’s door to see how we can manage our regen farming without one of the major chemicals within our armoury.
On John’s farm Anna got the opportunity to sit in the cab with John’s ploughman Sam who was skilfully ploughing at only four inches deep, the very same depth that the horse drawn ploughs operated at. Indeed, the question at the back of many farmers minds may well be which is the worst of the two evils, a low dose of glyphosate or shallow/ slow ploughing? Gabe Brown does not do either but having been to hear him speak and read his book, I still don’t really know how we can achieve this goal. For a few years I have been buying Gabe’s books in lots of ten books at a time and giving a book to any farmer who shows an interest in Regen faming. I was not aware that Anna had told Gabe about my book donating strategy, and he personally signed a book for me, and Anna gave the signed book to me for Christmas.
After Christmas we attended two conferences, the National Farm Attractions at Harrogate, and the BASE UK at Nottingham. Coincidentally, both featured the same motivational speaker, David Hyner. His presentation was slightly different for each conference, but the message from the Farm Attractions Conference was that you should strive for a goal and even if it is deemed impossible, this should not become a barrier to success. I hatched a plan and this must have been very different from all the Farm Attraction operators in the room. My plan was to strive for the impossible, to aim to grow a 10 T/Ha crop of wheat, direct drilled, without using fungicides, insecticides and applying only 100Kg/N/Ha.
A ten-tonne crop per Hectare is a reasonable target using normal crop production techniques, but my goal was threefold. If achieved, the cost of production would be so low that the grower would almost certainly make money. If it could work with wheat, the system would work throughout the other crops within the rotation and lastly this achievement might make all those farmers who look over my hedge and wonder what the hell is he up to this time, think again.
For some time, I have been considering setting up a regional/local cluster group, I have encountered many local farmers who may have read about Regenerative farming [MD3] [MD4] in the farming press. They understand the logic but would like to discuss the topic before making a leap. The 10 T/Ha ‘impossible’ goal made me think that by sharing the goal and asking others to carry out their own trials, there might be more chance of reaching a blueprint, before I retire or die.
In February I attended a reunion of the 47th Business Management Course of the Worshipful Company of Farmers. The host was Rob Shepherd, and the reunion was based near his farm in Salisbury. Rob has been working with Wessex Water to form a cluster group to examine the influence of agriculture on ground water, but also ways to improve biodiversity. Rob believes that there may be financial rewards through selling biodiversity and the cluster group or amalgamation of cluster groups may help bring this product to the marketplace. My thoughts are now that there could be other financial benefits from the creation of a regional cluster group.
Although my trials last season using foliar nitrogen were not successful, I have spoken to other farmers who have had success. Joel Williams and David Aglen, both told me at the BASE UK Conference that the ten-tonne goal may well be achievable and after sitting in on Joel’s foliar nitrogen course, I strongly believe that foliar nitrogen will be part of the strategy. Consequently, I have been to see two farmers who have been making nitrogen fertiliser by dissolving urea into water and researched the topic on the Farming Forum.
One of the two farmers that I visited had not considered foliar application, his aim was just to make nitrogen fertiliser at a more competitive price, so if I struggle with the foliar, hopefully I will be making some financial savings. Currently I am on some sort of “Challenge Anneka” (the younger reader will have to Google this TV program), to convert my redundant Dutch barn into a fertiliser making plant for use in April.
Anna spoke at the BASE UK Conference and after an afternoon of thought-provoking presentations, her light hearted look into her life and the start of her farming career went down well and many people offered complimentary comments. Last week we had our final filming with the ‘Six Inches of Soil’ crew. I believe that it went well, however I will never make an actor because of their failure to squeeze any emotion out of me for the film.
In my other life I help my wife when required and sometimes when not required within the Pink Pig Farm Attraction. After visiting a beer festival in our local church, I came up with the idea of combining a beer festival with a music festival. To date I have come up with five bands, ordered additional toilets and we are now sampling beer from local breweries with a view to selling ten cask ales, one or two lagers and a cider. The date is May 20th and the tickets have been released, watch this space!!!
Kuhn: Drill Manifacturer Update
3 in 1 with KUHN Espro
The KUHN 3000R, 4000 R and 6000 R Espro models can be specified with two small seed hoppers enabling up to three different products to be drilled at two depths in just one pass.
The smaller 3000 R offers a 2500 litre hopper whilst the larger Espro models are fitted with a 3,500 litre hopper. The time and fuel saving will be significant for operators looking to incorporate fertiliser, seed and potentially a cover crop or pesticide such as slug pellets.
The 3 metre model can be fitted with two hoppers from the KUHN range, the SH1120 sits on the drawbar and SH1540 is fixed on the rear. The 4000 R can be coupled to the SH1120 which mounts to the drawbar, with the larger SH2560 being mounted on the rear of the machine. The smaller SH1120 is well suited to slug pellets, whilst the larger could be used for a second seed type. Similarly, the larger 6 metre model, the 6000 R, can be specified with the same SH1120 hopper, but can also carry a larger SH4080 on the rear.
The additional hoppers also offer a way to reduce soil compaction by minimising the need for heavy machinery to be used for multiple passes. Whether direct drilling or drilling into cultivated land, the Espro can sow seed, fertiliser, and slug pellets in one pass. The additional hopper space could also be used to increase seed capacity, using the additional hoppers to sow two types of seed and fertiliser, should slug pellets not be needed.
The depth at which the seeds and products are drilled can also be adapted, enabling two different depths to be set. This enables the Espro to drill three products at two depths across a variety of soil types.
By using all three hoppers, operators can make significant fuel savings. The Espro is also well suited to medium to large-scale arable farmers and contractors thanks to the low power requirement and high output capacity.
There are four SH hoppers with capacities ranging from 110 litres to 400 litres. The application rate for the smallest in the range is 0.6kg/ha up to 65kg/ha whilst the largest offers an application rate of 2.2kg/ha up to 130kg/ha. The mid-range models offer 150 and 250 litres respectively and also provide an application rate of 2.2kg/ha up to 130kg/ha.
The Crossflex coulter bar is the key to the Espro range’s high working speeds. Each coulter is mounted on polyurethane blocks which allow the individual coulters to closely follow terrain contours. This ensures a consistent seeding depth across the machine’s full working width and enables accurate seeding to be carried out at high forward speeds.
The Espro uses two rows of cultivating discs followed by a single row of large diameter (900mm) press wheels which are offset and fitted with specially designed deep tread tyres to create an ideal seedbed. Other options on the front are a levelling board, track eradicators, full width press wheels or press wheels and track eradicators in combination.
Soil Health: New Opportunities to Innovate in Crop Protection Research and Development
Atwood et al, 2022
The paper discusses the importance of soil health in crop protection research and development. The authors argue that soil health should be given greater attention in crop protection research as healthy soils can lead to healthier crops and better yields.
It highlights the challenges faced by farmers in maintaining soil health, such as soil erosion, loss of organic matter, and soil compaction. These challenges can lead to reduced soil fertility, nutrient deficiency, and reduced crop yields. The authors suggest that addressing these challenges requires an integrated approach that combines soil management practices, such as conservation tillage and crop rotation, with crop protection strategies.
It also discusses the potential of new technologies to improve soil health and crop protection. For example, precision agriculture technologies can help farmers optimize their use of fertilisers and pesticides, reducing the risk of overuse and environmental harm. Similarly, genetic engineering and biotechnology can help develop crops that are more resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
The authors argue that innovation in crop protection research and development must prioritize sustainable practices that promote soil health and biodiversity. They suggest that a more holistic approach to crop protection that incorporates soil health can help improve the sustainability of agriculture and reduce the environmental impact of farming.
In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of soil health in crop protection research and development. The authors argue that by prioritizing sustainable practices that promote soil health and biodiversity, farmers can improve crop yields, reduce the use of chemical pesticides, and contribute to a more sustainable future for agriculture. They call for greater collaboration and investment in research and development to develop innovative solutions that address the challenges facing soil health and crop protection. It is an interesting read and worth 20 minutes of your time.
Paper Abstract
Soil health-based agricultural management practices are widely promoted to reduce erosion, increase nutrient use efficiency, improve soil structure, and sustain or increase yields. Pest and disease management are less frequently considered as components of a soil health management system. We present a framework for how the crop protection industry can advance soil health by developing systems of crop protection innovation that simultaneously target soil health outcomes, either through direct impact on soil or by enabling practices that promote soil health outcomes. Such an approach could lead to cross-sectoral, integrated agricultural solutions that achieve agronomic, environmental, and economic goals.
Read the full paper by following this link: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.821742
Claydon: Drill Manufacturer Update
Written by Jeff Claydon
April 2023 Issue
Spring is the ideal time to check your soils and consider how to improve them, says Jeff Claydon, Suffolk arable farmer and inventor of the Claydon Opti-Till® direct strip seeding system.
Spring is an excellent time to focus on soil health and how to improve it, because regardless of where you are, excellence in this aspect of farming is essential to maximise crop production and financial performance. I will provide some pointers later in this article, but first let us discuss the impact of the weather over the last year.
On the Claydon farm we had just 632.4mm of rain between 1 January and 31 December 2022, in line with our long-term annual average of 629mm, surprisingly. More significantly, from the start of the year until harvest finished during the first week of August just 244mm fell, and September remained very dry. The situation changed after we finished drilling winter wheat on 11 October, with two thirds of our annual rainfall coming in the last quarter of the year.
The first few weeks of 2023 have also been quite unusual, with just 58mm of rain from 1 January until 15 February. Our 200ha of winter wheat, all LG Skyscraper, has come through the winter in excellent condition and although we have yet to apply any liquid nitrogen the crop has never looked ‘hungry’, retaining a lovely deep green colour throughout. When temperatures increase the first dose of nitrogen will go on and hopefully it will progress rapidly from there.
The Opti-Till® system has been used to establish crops on the Claydon family’s arable farm since 2002. The difficult-to-manage Hanslope series soils have constantly improved and provide ideal conditions for growing high-yielding, profitable crops. A 6m version of the new Claydon Evolution drill is seen here establishing winter wheat in October and in mid-February the crop was in great shape. Although designed as a direct drill, the scenario where maximum benefit is realised, the Claydon drill’s versatility allows it to be used in conventional and min-till establishment situations after soil consolidation.
Our winter oilseed rape did what it always does and died back considerably over the winter. Of the 61ha drilled about 5ha was severely affected by cabbage stem flea beetle and slugs. Exceptionally dry weather last summer forced slugs to go down deep into the soil to avoid dehydration but when the weather turned wet they surfaced to feast on the emerging crop. We applied slug pellets immediately after the first rain, but it was too late; the damage had already been done.
Some areas of oilseed rape looked patchy in February, but once warmer weather arrives and nitrogen is taken up it will make up ground.
Oilseed rape has a strong, deep taproot.
In mid-January we applied Kerb® herbicide to take out grass weeds in our oilseed rape, except on the small area which will be redrilled with spring oats. To date, there are no signs of it working and the forecast is for more frosty mornings over the next ten days, so it will be a while before the results are seen.
Ten days ago, we applied 200l/ha of Chafer Nuram 35 + S (35%N + 7SO3) and the seven days of frosty weather which followed hit the crop hard. Even though all our oilseed rape is the hybrid variety DK Excited the low temperatures have restricted its growth and I expect the crop to continue looking lacklustre. Oilseed rape has a good strong, deep taproot so once warmer weather arrives it should power away.
At the time of writing conditions are very dry and fields destined for spring sowing would be in an ideal condition for drilling but for one thing – the continuing low temperatures. In days of old, gauging when soils were warm enough to start drilling was done using what was technically termed the ‘grandpa’s bum’ test, i.e., if the soil was warm enough to sit on with a bare bum it was warm enough to drill. I’m pleased to say that things have moved on considerably since then with our weather station now providing very comprehensive and accurate readings from the comfort of the office, eliminating the need to compromise personal integrity or cause distress to passers-by.
The dry, sunny, but very cold conditions are very misleading. Last week the daytime temperature was down to minus 2°C, yet today’s high is 13°C with an overnight low of 3°C, so even though spring oats favour early drilling it’s perhaps too cold to sow the 77ha of Elsoms Lion that we have planned. The variety yielded a pleasing 6.11t/ha last season and this year’s crop will be sown from home-saved seed.
Overcoming the temptation to rush out with our new 6m Claydon Evolution drill requires great restraint. However perhaps we should try some drilling to see how the oats perform; they are tough characters, and if it were to turn dry like last season it could be a real winner. Or if we get an attack from the Beast from the East, we might be pleased that we were patient. Who knows? We sprayed off any grass weeds and volunteers in mid-November so that they didn’t get too big and we will apply another dose of glyphosate before drilling, then follow behind the drill with our Claydon Straw Harrow before rolling.
Soil health should be the number one priority on any farm. Even in mid-February, all the land on the Claydon farm is travelling wonderfully well and so supportive that we are considering switching from 620 x 42 tyres to 420 x 50s on our self-propelled 36m RoGator® sprayer to keep tramlines narrow and minimise potential damage to the crop as it develops.
The extremes of weather over the last two or three years have highlighted the importance of having resilient, well-structured soils supported by an effective drainage system to take water away. However, achieving this using conventional crop establishment methods can be challenging.
In mid-February the soil in this field, which will go into spring oats, was in excellent condition and would have been ideal for drilling had air and soil temperatures been higher.
Conventional full cultivations and min-till systems can overwork the soil and destroy its structure, adversely impacting worm populations and activity. This reduces the soil’s ability to drain water in wet weather, leading to collapsing, slumping, and baking out, which increases moisture loss in dry conditions. This also starves the crop’s roots of essential air and nutrients, ultimately reducing yield potential and increasing the cost-per-tonne of production. The risks from flooding and soil erosion are also substantially higher.
Ploughing is expensive, both financially and environmentally. It creates the need for extra cultivation passes and increases fuel consumption. Turning the soil over releases moisture and CO2 to the atmosphere. Ploughing can deplete organic matter, mineralise nitrogen and harm soil life, while increasing the risk of wind and water erosion. The soil’s natural structure is destroyed, and it can no longer support the weight of heavy machinery, resulting in compaction and deeper wheelings, requiring more cultivations to repair the damage.
A min-till approach involving several shallower cultivations can also damage the soil’s natural structure and biology, which can lead to compaction and waterlogging. Min-till mixes weed seeds throughout the soil profile which allows them to germinate over a longer period. Drying the soil and preserving the weed seed bank is not helping to diminish the problem. Min-till can also dehydrate the soil which, combined with soil that breaks down easily into fine particles, can wash down the capillaries made by worms, blocking the flow of water through the profile into the drainage system. Green algae on the soil surface are an obvious sign of poor drainage and reflect anaerobic conditions, as do patchy crops on headlands.
Poor drainage on this headland is evident from visible wheelings.
Green algae on the surface indicate poor drainage.
Patchy crops on headlands are a further indicator of areas where drainage needs to be improved.
Instead of continuing the cycle of cultivations to resolve poor drainage/ soil structure it makes sense to find an alternative. The Claydon Opti-Till® System which we have used since 2002 has been transformational, eliminating the need for unnecessary, expensive cultivations while also reducing the cost and time involved in establishing crops. As we demonstrate the poor drainage effects on small areas, even with the Claydon system, it makes great sense to resolve them. With the reduction in cultivation costs/time using the system it has allowed us to direct these savings into drainage improvements. This has resulted in better yields, cleaner, more reliable crops, increased soil health, less erosion, better performance and ultimately reliable profitability. Our soil is made up of 55% silt 25%clay 20%sand, so this clay loam is not the easiest to farm, resulting in mainly cropping related to the combine harvester and the development of the Opti-Till® system.
The Claydon drill’s leading tine technology is at the heart of the Opti-Till® system. The leading tine loosens soil, but only where necessary, namely in the rooting and seeding zone, while the bands between the seeded rows are left undisturbed. The front tine loosens and aerates the soil, creating a friable tilth which provides a perfect environment for seedlings to germinate and develop strong, deep roots that tap into the moisture in the undisturbed banks of soil. The leading tine also breaks up any shallow compaction, reinstating the water and air balance in the soil, providing good drainage so that excess can get away from the rooting zone. This eliminates ponding through the later autumn and winter period.
Moisture is retained in the unmoved soil for the crop to access, while earthworm populations thrive as their burrows and old rooting pathways remain intact. The natural structure of the soil is also left undisturbed and as the capillaries remain unbroken water infiltration and rooting are unimpeded, which minimises stress on the crop throughout its life cycle, while soil biology flourishes. Claydon soils also have an increased capacity to support traffic in the field without risk of compaction.
Spring is an excellent time to evaluate the condition of your soils, check for signs of compaction and ensure that drainage systems are working correctly. This is easy and cheap to do, requiring nothing more than a fork, penetrometer, water infiltration tray and a couple of glass jars. With the information they provide you can plan to correct any deficiencies.
Jeff Claydon takes a penetrometer reading in a field destined for spring oats.
The first step is to insert a penetrometer into the ground at various points across the field to check that there are no soil pans, as these will severely limit drainage and root development. They are not caused solely by compaction from heavy machinery or working when conditions are unfavourable but can result from the sedimentation of soils that have been over-cultivated and ‘settled out’ over the winter. If they are present, the probe becomes much more difficult to push into the ground and the indicator needle swings into the red.
Unhealthy soils run together, or ‘slake’, very quickly when wetted because they lack the natural glues which help bind them together. Slaking blocks the natural pores and worm burrows in soil, which can lead to waterlogging and can develop into erosion, resulting in a loss of topsoil. Conversely, in very dry conditions wind erosion can occur and be equally damaging.
The slake test assesses the stability of soil aggregates when exposed to rapid wetting, as in the case of heavy or prolonged rainfall. The longer it takes for the soil sample to break up the better as this indicates a high degree of organic matter which helps to bind it together. This simple yet important test provides an excellent indication of a soil’s resilience and health, is easy to do and costs nothing. The ‘Soil’ page of the Claydon website (claydondrill.com/soil/) has a short video showing the test being carried out.
The jar on the right contains a sample of soil from the Claydon farm. It held together firmly even over a prolonged period. So little soil fell through the wire mesh at the top of the jar that the water remained clear right to the bottom. The silt soil in the other jar quickly fell apart and most of it dropped to the bottom, clouding the water.
There, you will also find our soil health brochure, which includes contributions from leading industry experts on a range of topics. Dr Elizabeth Stockdale, Head of Farming Systems Research at NIAB, discusses the benefits of good soil structure, how it can be damaged and how to improve it. Jerome Vasseur from seed breeder Jouffray-Drillaud in France highlights the benefits of cover crops and how to get the best out of them, while Gordon Brookes from Michelin discusses how to choose the correct tyre to reduce soil compaction.
Soil is an extraordinarily complex web of interactions, but in the right condition, with the right structure and nutrition it will deliver the results you are looking for. The key is to appreciate that its natural biology is there waiting to help; you just need to create the conditions to allow it to kick in.
All land is unique and often one field can contain several different types of soil which set the inherent limits to its physical properties, while management modifies those properties. Soil structure is broken, not made, by machinery: the plant roots, earthworms and glues/gums created by the decomposition process are the keys to its structure and aggregating ability. Food diversity is essential for both human and soil health, so adding more food to the land will allow it to support more biodiversity. Therefore, only move soil when necessary, avoid leaving ground bare and ensure that crops are grown in optimum conditions so they can maximise photosynthesis.
Working effectively with the soil requires an integrated, flexible approach to its husbandry. Changing one aspect of a system can alter the entire outcome and so, for example, the same drill might work differently in different situations and soils. When changing to strip seeding you cannot simply buy a new drill and expect that everything will be fine from the outset: for optimum results you must adapt your system and tailor your husbandry accordingly.
Even with the soil in excellent condition we are at the mercy of the weather. What will happen over the next few months we cannot tell, but if last year taught us anything it should be to always expect the unexpected. I will discuss the progress of our crops further in the next issue of Direct Driller and highlight some of the benefits which others who use the Claydon Opti-Till® system are experiencing.
The Claydon website galleries contain numerous videos on soil health and resilience, as well as showing the Claydon Opti-Till® System being used to establish all types of crops, in all situations, both in the UK and overseas – claydondrill.com. You can also keep up with the latest posts, photographs, and videos from Claydon and its customers through the Claydon Facebook page www.facebook.com/Claydondrill
Drivers in Regenerative Agriculture
Written by Robert Patten B.Eng. MBA from Plantworks and Smart Rotations
We can define regenerative agriculture in many ways, indeed many have, but for the sake of a grounded definition let us agree it begins with a focus on the soil being an asset and not a commodity. This is a good start, as assets you value and try to build greater value in and commodities you tend to absorb.
Knowledge is a function of time, and much time has passed since we first started to cultivate the soil. We have bent technology to our will in many aspects of agriculture and have achieved huge advances in field yields, pesticides efficacy and farming scale. It is though only relatively recently that technology has been able to peer into the workings of the soil, to look at the underlying chemistry and biology and understand how these have become altered by contemporary farming practices.
In an all too simplified summary we find that soil organic matter, a proxy of soil health, has declined in some cases to critical levels, this valuable resource of carbon is needed to support the native biology of soils. This biology in turn has a direct correlation to yield, where through the many microbial interactions with plants communities of fungi and bacteria explore soils for nutrients, release them and convert them into plant available forms. As we move away from the quest for ever greater yields through intensive farming and focus on sustainable practices that, by definition, can be maintained for generations we will rely on ever greater understanding of the many complexities of soils.
Farming is often highlighted asa contributor to greenhouse gasses, there is no getting away from it, with the USDA reporting that US agriculture is responsible for 10% of their carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. Fundamentally though, unlike any of the other sectors that at best can seek to reduce their emissions through adoption of new technologies or modulation of activity, only farming has the ability to reverse its carbon footprint and to potentially act as a global carbon sink. Think on that for a moment, there are potentially 570 million regenerative farming machines that could not only reduce their emissions but actually help to ‘call down’ the CO2 that the industrial revolution and the decades that have proceeded have ejected into our atmosphere.
Little surprise then that governments have rightly sought to support forms of regenerative farming around the world from both a future food security stand point and an environmental one. These interventions come in different forms, in the UK they are presented as incentives under the new Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS) that aim to support sustainable farming practices, improving animal health and welfare, reducing carbon emissions, creating and preserving habitat, and making landscape-scale environmental changes. Other governments, for example in Hungary, are taking a more generalised approach with farmers able to claim an 80 euro contribution per hectare when using bio stimulants and broader rotations combined, or a microbial bio stimulant alone, to accelerate their sustainable management of soils.
As we deal with the business at hand of farming we probably do not often spare a thought to the workings of the board rooms of big corporations, but it turns out they are taking an ever greater interest in us. Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is a framework designed to be embedded into an organisation’s strategy that considers the needs and ways in which to generate value for all organisational stakeholders (such as employees, customers, suppliers and financiers). It is noteworthy that many of these corporations hold investment either directly, or through their supply chain, into regenerative agriculture in very high regard, as it supports their audit of their environmental impact. PepsiCo, as an example, have stated that they corporately aim to change to regenerative practices on their not inconsequential 3 million hectares by 2030. It is interesting to note that all the big accountancy firms now run significant teams to audit ESG, a market that did not exist five years ago.
One of the consequences of the global traction of regenerative farming is the associated industries that have sprung up with technologies and service offerings targeted at this sector. One of the fastest growing agricultural sectors is the supply of biologicals, embracing bio stimulants, microbial bio stimulants (bio fertilisers), biorationals and associated products. The sector is forecast to eclipse $25 billion in 2028 and not surprising has caused a level of refocusing through acquisitions of the traditional manufacturing supply chain. We only have to reach back six months in history to note the Corteva Inc acquisition of biologicals firm Stoller Group Inc for $1.2 billion in cash – Nov 2022, Valent BioSciences LLC, part of the Sumitomo Group, acquisition of FBSciences Holdings, Inc. -Jan 2023 and Syngenta Seedcare collaboration with Bioceres Crop Solutions to bring innovative biological seed treatments to market a few months before. Indeed in February this year Bayer and Spanish group Kimitec announced a strategic agreement aimed at accelerating the development and commercialisation of biologicals solutions for crop protection and biostimulation. This will in turn see a technology push effect as marketing and sales endeavours seek to achieve a suitable return on these investments in the sector.
More domestically it is also noteworthy that all of the major UK agronomy companies now offer ‘soils’ related programmes with novel products and services. With relatively low differentiation in this sector in relation to traditional agronomic advice and lowering margins on product supply, regenerative agriculture offers scope for completely new insights into land management over a potentially long transitioning period with the possibility of developing new product offerings with higher margins. I am minded to note that many of these groups have in themselves sought to pioneer regenerative practices based on their own research activities and with an eye on future trends and government polices.
The carrot of carbon credits is an opportunity for regenerative farmers, using a suitable audit system they have a tangible proposition to quantify the incremental carbon that they lock up into the soil. As processes evolve to more easily codify the carbon retained and infrastructure to trade the credits becomes more developed and competitive this will act as an additional financial incentive for change which seems very appropriate based on the value being added here.
And finally, we come to the farmer who has to navigate all these forces for change, in an environment of increasing input costs and environment considerations. Thankfully the early regenerative farming movement has now grown to be a cultural movement, with knowledge sharing, adoption of new farming rotations and products. Significantly there has been a shift here in the supply and demand of knowledge as farmers have taken the lead in up ‘skilling’ themselves in terms of understanding of soils and how their core asset is best managed. In turn they are becoming more selective of the advice they seek, inputs they use consequently the supply chain has, and will, adapt to the changing demands of their clients.
There is a confluence of change factors in the market, a near perfect storm of new knowledge, good intension, government intervention and industrial funded products and services that have acted to accelerate the regenerative farming moment into what needs to become the ‘standard farming model’.
About the author:
Robert Patten B.Eng. MBA – Robert is the managing director of PlantWorks and Smart Rotations and has been leading change in the microbial sector in the UK for over twenty years.
What to do with your carbon?
Written by Thomas Gent from Agreena
Reading this magazine means even if you are not practising regenerative farming I am sure you are at least considering the transition away from ploughing. We of course are also seeing now that the government incentives are going to be rewarding this type of farming, everything seems to be pushing us in this direction.
So the next question that comes to mind in today’s world is what do I do with my carbon?
We need to start thinking about carbon in two separate ways firstly carbon stock, so the existing amount of carbon held on your farm in the soils, trees and hedges etc. This is the carbon that is currently not being traded and is an asset on your farm that you should protect carefully.
Secondly is your additional carbon. This is the carbon that can now be quantified and traded on an annual basis should you choose to do so. This is made up of two separate sections, reductions and removals. Reductions represent the reduction in GHG (GreenHouse Gas) emissions for example by burning less diesel or using less artificial fertilisers. Removals represent the act of taking carbon out of the atmosphere and adding it into your soils, for example by growing a cover crop.
This annual additional carbon compared to a baseline is what carbon programs are looking to help farmers quantify. It should be thought of as a second crop, so at harvest when travelling through the field with the combine you are going to be harvesting the grain crop whilst simultaneously finishing your carbon crop harvest for that year. Just like a crop of wheat the annual yield of a carbon crop depends on the actions you take in the field to improve it over the year and just like a wheat crop post carbon harvest you can choose how best to use that asset.
There are currently a few options that exist for what to do with your carbon certificates.
- First and usually most obvious one is that you can choose to monetise. There are companies that are looking to purchase high quality carbon certificates from local farmers. Depending on the program you join you may have the flexibility to sell these carbon certificates yourself or you can usually ask the carbon program to assist you with this.
- Secondly, holding onto your carbon certificates. Carbon certificates do not expire instantly; they can be held for multiple years. Some farmers I know are holding onto the certificates because they are betting that the price will rise and others are utilising the carbon within their own operations to maybe offset the emissions from another part of the estate. Either way with some programs you can choose to hold the certificates and only choose to sell when the price is right for you.
- Thirdly and most interestingly in the future will be the option to gain premiums for your produce. We are starting to see the emergence of this as a viable option but it is not yet something commonplace or operational at scale.
On my farm I have completed two carbon crop harvests, the first one in 2021 which I chose to monetise as there was no other option of what to do with the carbon that year. Second is from the 2022 harvest which I will probably choose to also monetise as there is no further option. For my coming 2023 carbon harvest I am hoping there will be an option to use the certificates along with my grain.
The important conclusion to the above is to understand that a farmer can issue carbon certificates yearly therefore by not joining a carbon program you are simply missing out on a harvest. We see no options in the market for farmers to backdate and issue carbon for previous years and no likelihood that a method for this will exist.
A farmer who is eligible for a carbon program (not ploughing) who is not part of a carbon program is missing out on harvest. As a farmer you are most likely already taking some of the actions that would help you issue carbon certificates therefore you should look to produce a carbon certificate for this to evidence the actions you have taken that year even if you are not looking to trade.
Direct Drilling Offers Savings for both the Farmer and the Environment
Growing up on a Canadian prairie farm previous to the 1980s, the term summer fallow was as common as wheat. Every farmer factored summer fallow into the farm crop rotation, often 50% of the land was left to rest while the other half was cropped. Resting land was prone to weed growth so the best way of controlling those weeds was to head out with the cultivator and turn the field black, many farmers took pride in “keeping that summer fallow black”. If mother nature decided to have a dry summer, it was not a good situation. The ditches would fill with your valuable topsoil and if the rain came it would erode the soil carving new ditches through the fields. No till farming pioneers started experimenting in the early 1970s, but the technology needed to take it large scale simply did not exist yet.
Finding new and better ways to grow the crops needed for the world’s ever-growing population became the daily focus of successful crop farmers around the world. Many methods that have been used successfully in the past were now becoming too costly, to both the farmer and the environment. These costs have given rise to the development of new and better equipment and techniques in the agricultural industry. The most exciting involves the now widely accepted practice known as direct drilling or no-till farming.
Basically, it is defined as a method that does not require the soil to be disturbed prior to planting. Direct drilling allows seeds to be planted directly into the soil with no prior need for plowing, tilling, and furrowing. When done on the large scale necessary for crop farming, the technological advances in the machinery used for the process of direct drilling can combine tasks, such as the application of fertilizer, effectively allowing the farmer to make just one pass through the field.
Soaring fuel and labor costs are applying pressure on farmers who have previously experienced success using the old, labor-intensive methods of plowing, tilling, and transplantation. In addition to struggling with these issues, scarcity of rainfall is causing water tables to fall significantly in many of the major crop-producing regions, further impeding the ability of farmers to irrigate their crops.
Equipment costs are a huge part of any crop farmer’s operating budget, especially maintenance and fuel costs. Direct drilling allows these farmers to drastically reduce the number of hours these machines are used by cutting down the number of passes made through each field. This extends the life of the machinery, while significantly reducing the cost of fuel, maintenance, labor, and downtime that can severely impact the profit margin.
Direct drilling provides equally important benefits to the health and vitality of the soil. When fewer passes are made through each field with heavy tractors and equipment, there is less compaction of the soil. This helps preserve the health of beneficial microbes in the soil, as well as the organic matter that provides nourishment to the crops that will grow there.
Soil that has been plowed and tilled into powdery consistency cannot defend itself against the winds and torrential rains that seek to blow or wash it away. Direct drilling allows the natural organic material of the soil to be maintained, keeping the soil surface stable and unharmed by wind and heavy rain. In addition, this organic material helps hold moisture during periods of reduced rainfall and helps it better absorb the rains, when they do come.
With benefits such as these, it is no wonder that direct drilling technology is emerging as one of the shining stars wherever high-volume crop production is desired, in an affordable and earth-friendly manner.
Over the last 30 years, Dutch Openers have been working directly with farmers to produce seed openers that are geared toward direct drilling. Innovations such as our Universal Series openers are designed to give farmers accurate seed and fertilizer placement with minimal soil disturbance and are widely used by producers in North America, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
Direct drilling farmers’ needs are not all the same so we offer single row spread tips from 1″ to 5″ widths. We also offer paired row tips from 2.5″ to 5″ row widths offering varying fertilizer depths from 3/8″ below the seed all the way up to 3/4″ below the seed. The Universal Series openers continue to innovate to adapt to new drills and new farming practices to stay current with immerging direct drilling trends.
We have spent the last 2 years building a test facility with the sole purpose of offering producers meaningful innovations that increase efficiencies. Direct drilling was born from the belief that there was a better way to plant the crop, retain moisture, and build nutrients into the soil through sustainable new farming practices. Dutch Openers is committed to continuing our work with producers, understanding their seeding struggles and presenting solutions that make a real difference in the field and their pocketbook.
How to cut nitrogen fertiliser use
Written by Rosalind Platt, managing director of UK leaders in crop nutrition, BFS Fertiliser Services. BFS is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year.
Foliar nitrogen fertiliser treatments later in the season can dramatically reduce the total amount of nitrogen needed while maintaining or increasing crop yields.
The recent turmoil in the fertiliser market has been adding to the pressures facing farmers from all sides. Another key farming imperative to move to Net Zero led us at BFS Fertiliser Services to think about how we could help farmers to use less nitrogen while maintaining yields.
Our solution was to develop a foliar nitrogen product called PolyNPlus Foliars. After five years of independent research with one of Britain’s oldest agricultural research centres, NIAB, and international farm managers and agronomists, Velcourt, PolyNPlus has been producing excellent results for farmers. The recent dramatic fluctuations in fertiliser prices have only increased the interest in these products.
What is PolyNPlus foliar nitrogen?
Nitrogen, vital to maximise yields in cereal production, is traditionally soil-applied as ammonium nitrate, urea or liquid UAN. Farmers would normally make two or three applications of soil-applied fertiliser in the spring. But, later in the season, the nitrogen use efficiency of these types of fertiliser, whether solid or liquid, can decline to 25%, especially when the conditions are dry – see chart.
When the leaf canopy is sufficient, however, PolyNPlus Foliars can replace a proportion of the soil-applied nitrogen. As a guide, and depending on soil and weather factors, 25 litres of PolyNPlus – supplying just 8kg of nitrogen between growth stages 37 and 39 – can replace 40 to 50kg of any type of soil-applied nitrogen. Or some farmers prefer to make two applications of 15 litres per hectare of PolyNPlus at growth stages 33 and 37.
This means that farmers can apply less nitrogen while maintaining or increasing yields as trials have shown. For example, Velcourt conducted a trial of Crusoe winter wheat in Casthorpe, Lincolnshire, which showed that, when using PolyNPlus, significantly lower levels of nitrogen were required to produce comparable or better yields – see chart.
PolyNPlus’s sticky nature prevents nitrate loss, avoiding groundwater contamination, and the loss of ammonia is minimal. In addition, replacing 40kg of soil-applied fertiliser with 25 litres of this product cuts the carbon footprint of the third application by 77 per cent.
Unlike conventional liquid fertilisers, PolyNPlus foliar nitrogen is safe to apply to the leaves of growing crops. It can also be tank-mixed with crop protection products, thereby reducing the number of passes required. Conventional jets or flat fan nozzles enable greater precision which means that less product is needed. Another benefit is that PolyNPlus does not contain plastics. It is available in easily distributed, reusable 1,000 litre containers requiring less storage space and, with no bags needed, there is no waste.
How PolyNPlus Foliars work
Soil-applied urea undergoes a long series of reactions before it gets into the plant. Drawing nutrients from the soil through a plant’s roots requires energy and the plant is not able to take up all of the nitrogen resulting in waste. By contrast PolyNPlus foliar nitrogen is applied directly to the leaf and assimilated into vital proteins.
PolyNPlus comprises molecules of different chain lengths. The shorter ones pass into the leaf quickly while the longer, less soluble ones are released more slowly over several weeks. Because the breakdown process occurs gradually, the plant utilises PolyNPlus most effectively and nitrogen use efficiency is greatly improved.
What farmers think
Mike Allum, who farms in Suffolk, applied 160kg of nitrogen on his winter wheat in three applications followed by 25 litres of PolyNPlus. He was delighted with the results. The good areas yielded up to 12.3 tonnes per hectare and, on average including some very poor areas badly hit by drought, achieved 10 t/ha.
An Essex farmer achieved good results with PolyNPlus on winter wheat, producing a higher yield at a lower cost. On the other hand, when he made three applications of soil-applied nitrogen (the left hand bar of the chart), he had a lower yield. He felt that was because the third application was in mid-April and was limited by lack of rainfall.
Paul Jannaway, a Wiltshire-based contractor working with several large landowners, said: ‘PolyNPlus ticks all the boxes on an environmental front. I applied it along with crop protection products which saved another pass. This meant that I was able to get the right quantity on at the correct time. The yields and quality of the products we harvested were excellent. I applied PolyNPlus in all conditions, even when it was very hot, and had absolutely no scorch. I believe we will be seeing a lot more of this product – PolyNPlus is the future.’
As well as using PolyNPlus successfully on wheat and rape, he has also used it on oats, just before the panicles or oat heads emerged and he recorded a bumper crop.
Six different formulations
The PolyNPlus product range is formulated with ureic polymers, sulphur, magnesium, manganese, micro-nutrients and organic uptake enhancers. Uniquely, there are six formulations to meet different crop needs: PolyNPlus Cereals, PolyNPlus ManMag, PolyNPlus High Sulphur, Straight PolyN. Also available with required trace elements for oilseed rape and maize are: PolyNPlus Oilseed and PolyNPlus Maize.
Beware of imitations
PolyNPlus is the only foliar nitrogen which has been extensively and independently trialled.
Foliar nitrogen is set to play an essential role in the future of farming. It is a cost-effective way to improve nitrogen use efficiency, maintain or increase yield, reduce pollution and cut a farm’s carbon footprint anticipating the Environmental Land Management scheme.
BASE-UK is an independent, nationwide, farmer-led knowledge exchange organisation, encouraging members to make agriculture more sustainable by using conversation systems – no-till; cover cropping; integrating livestock; diversifying rotations; using less invasive, cost-effective establishments. Growing Confidence for a Decade!
7th and 8th February 2023 – 10th Anniversary AGM Conference – A Decade of “Growing Confidence!”. What a fantastic turnout we had – of speakers and members! Frederic Thomas opened with a short history of BASE, followed by his view of the future of farming, and how we are best placed to help. A hard act to follow but this didn’t faze Vicky Robinson discussing the findings of her Nuffield Scholarship on Farmer-to-Farmer knowledge exchange. Duncan Wilson, Tom Storr and Elizabeth Stockdale took proceedings up to lunch after which Becky Willson kept everyone energised with her presentation on the work of FCCT. Alastair Leake provided interesting findings from the Allerton Project and Shaun Dowman discussed other sources of income. The day closed with motivational speaker David Hyner.
Wednesday opened with AGM business followed swiftly by a fascinating presentation from Frederic Thomas on carbon, nitrogen, and soil life. Steve Townsend and James Warne then discussed soil chemistry and the importance of the correct balance and nutrition for disease and pest proof crops, respectively. Lance Charity opened after lunch with an insight into his journey as a young farmer and then joined the farmer panel alongside Duncan, Tom, and Frederic. Joel Williams followed with his presentation on growing together and the day closed with Anna Jackson’s energetic talk on working with her father. They haven’t killed each other yet! These presentations were recorded and will be available to members via their profile on the website.
If you would like to know more about how to join BASE-UK, please visit our website: www.base-uk.co.uk
or email Rebecca@base-uk.co.uk We have a wide range of upcoming events, so check out our website calendar.
Anglian Water’s Grant scheme supports farmers with innovative ideas to improve soil health and water quality
In Autumn 2022, Anglian Water announced a grant scheme inviting farmers from across the catchment area to apply for funding of up to £7,500 towards innovative ideas that would help them to improve water quality, reduce chemical use and support the improvement of soil health.
A total of 65 farmers were awarded grants for innovation shortly before Christmas and part of the mission is to encourage change of practice for the long term with precision agriculture, reducing pesticide and fertiliser usage, and soil erosion as well as building long term business resilience, with farmers being part of the solution.
Two stand out applications that the water company supported included assistance to Richard Heady, a mixed livestock and arable farmer from Buckinghamshire, with a stubble rake to combat a challenging slug problem. Also Clive Pullin, a dairy and arable farmer from Silverstone on the Northamptonshire / Buckinghamshire border, wanted support with the purchase of a strip till preparator to improve root establishment for his maize cropping.
Talking to Clive Pullin he explains ‘We farm on heavy clay here at Parkfield Farm. Our machinery has to work hard and our diesel usage is high.’
Clive has been adopting a zero till approach to his land management for some years, with some of his peers deeming him as ‘raving mad’ for this method (for adopting innovative farming systems ). Clive was inspired by a trip to Australia, where he saw farmers were using a strip till method to use old roots to retain moisture and reduce soil loss. He thought he could apply this technique to his fields, removing the need to plough, improve drainage, reduce disease risk and top soil loss. Clive commented that ‘he was fed up with seeing his top soil blowing away or heaped up in a corner of the field.’
Clive saw the Grange Machinery Strip Till Preparator at the Midlands’ Machinery show and admired how useful this piece of kit would be in establishing his ‘lazy rooted’ maize crop. With adjustable discs operated from the cab, lightweight, developed and trialled by a small team of farmers, this innovative piece of kit could improve crop establishment, reduce soil compaction and combat the need to use the plough again.
Clive saw the Anglian Water grant advertised in the Thrapston Market Report and discussed a grant application with Anglian Water’s Catchment Adviser. With the grant match funding up to 50% of the cost of the strip till, it has made the initial outlay more palatable and allowed Clive to place an order for the drill. Clive is aware that it will take time to recoup his own financial outlay however he does expect to quickly achieve improved retention of water, soil and nutrients; reducing overall inputs, soil damage and diesel costs.
Kim Hemmings, Anglian Water’s Catchment Advisor for the Tove and Ouse Valley commented ‘We are delighted to support Clive with his grant application. Maize can be a high risk crop because sediment and nutrient losses can be greater than with other arable crops. These losses can result in higher pollution concentrations in raw waters abstracted for drinking water, which increases the cost of water treatment. The use of the drill will build the soils’ resilience to extreme weather conditions, improving soil moisture capacity during drought and the soils’ field capacity to hold water in wetter conditions. In addition, Clive practices multispecies cropping to improve maize protein which further protects against soil and nutrient losses, providing both agronomic and environmental outcomes’.
Similarly with Richard Heady’s application for funding toward a stubble rake, he could clearly demonstrate what benefit the grant would make to his business whilst improving water quality and soil health.
Richard commented ‘ We have a big slug problem and struggle with seed germination after the crop has been drilled. Our combine doesn’t spread the straw effectively and has allowed slugs to be prevalent, eating our cereal crop as it emerges. We have heavy soil and have large bare patches due to slug attack. ‘
Two thirds of the 420ha farm is dedicated to cereals and beans, used to feed his store cattle which he sends to Dunbia for processing. Richard hopes that the stubble rake will destroy the slug eggs by burying them but also removing their opportunity to breed, hence treating the cause not the effect.
Richard has adopted a more holistic approach to his farming methods and is equally hopeful to reduce reliance on chemicals. Long term Richard sees that his crop will have a better establishment, an increase in yields, as well as a reduction in diesel and fertiliser, hence why he is trying to put these controls in place.
‘I saw the grant advertised on Twitter, Richard commented. Anglian Water have been really flexible with being able to choose either a brand new piece of kit or second hand, whatever works best for my farming set up.’
Anglian Water hope to roll out more innovation grants in 2023, opening applications by late Summer which is to be confirmed. You can find out more information by contacting your local catchment advisor or visiting: https://www.anglianwater.co.uk/business/help-and-advice/working-with-farmers/ or follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AWCoastCountry
Farmer Focus – Phil Rowbottom
April 2023
Winter seems to have finally turned to spring in West Yorkshire, if not a little confused about its timeline! Having had very little in the way of snow all winter, 5 inches arrived on the 10th of March, just over a week after applying 85kg per ha of nitrogen to the wheats and OSR. Other than a trip out with the Sky Easy Drill to plant some beans for a customer, fertiliser application was the first field work since drilling wheat back at the end of October 2022. The wheats have looked pretty well all winter, some of the second wheats looked a bit patchy to start with, but have now caught up and are all very even.
Second wheat
One of the biggest ‘challenges’ in sharing my experience of Direct Drilling, is the visual aspect. As farmers, we’ve been conditioned to what a growing crop should look like, clean, Sterile seedbeds, with all the trash buried and no straw on the surface. Planting seed into stubble/cover crops is very alien to most farmers, but just because we’ve done it that way since grandfather was a lad, doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it that way, an openness to change is the biggest step. Cover crops were sprayed off prior to drilling, as it turns out, the frost would probably have done the job this year, the couple of trial patches left unsprayed, now look pretty much identical to the rest of the farm, but it is far too big a risk to take with the weather at moment, what that looks like in the future will all depend on which route we go down with ELMS and or SFI, that is very much yet to be decided.
1st Wheat after OSR & Cover crop
One observation of the cover cropping seems to be the resilience of radish, glyphosate doesn’t seem to affect it, although it’s been knocked back by the frost, it keeps on growing! Back in January I had a small group of researchers from Leeds University visit the farm, Dr Ruth Wade and Professor Ruth Chapman were very keen to see the changes to the soil since their previous visit.
Leeds University visit
The instant observation was literally over the hedge, wheat after OSR into cover crop vs wheat into ploughed and cultivated seedbed (more on the ploughing later!) I’ll let the pictures tell the story, a very wet cold January day, guess which field you could walk on without pick anything up on your boots?
Direct Drilled
Ploughed and cultivated
Whereas the wheat hasn’t concerned me, the OSR has some challenges as it always seems to. Pigeons and slugs have impacted every field, some worse than others. Pretty much every field has damage a few metres away from the hedge. We’re considering different options for next year to combat this, increased seed and slug pellet rates in these areas at the time of drilling are looking to be the favoured option at present.
One field has suffered from pigeons to the extent that well over half of it now won’t make a crop, the plan is to plant a cover crop into it ready for next autumn, the remaining 10 ares should make harvest fingers crossed. My previous statement of how crops look, can equally be directed to the look of the OSR. Planted in between the existing wheat stubble, viewed from across the direction of drilling the crop looks very patchy, seen from the direction of the drilling, it’s all in the row, aside from a bit of pigeon damage, it looks to be the beginning of a viable crop, without any sign yet of CSFB.
Encouragingly, the field that was straw raked and had the discs on the Muzuri Rezult stubble rake set to a very shallow depth, looks to have significantly higher plant population and much more ground cover, it will be interesting to see how it compares to the rest of the farm throughout the growing season and more importantly at harvest.
Now, I know that the plough is looked upon by some, in Direct Drilling circles, as the devil’s tool! Up until just over two years ago, everything was plough and power harrowed here, we were a traditional plough based system, until I realised there was an alternative way of crop establishment! That said, we are big supporters of the local ploughing match and have been hosting the Barugh and District Ploughing Association for well over 40 years, barring the odd weather event and a year off for Covid the farm has hosted the match every year. In a changing world, we feel it’s important to support local events and keep countryside traditions and skills alive to be passed down to future generations, irrespective of how we choose to grow our crops.
Drilling and Ploughing