Article written by Horizon Agriculture . See Horizon at Direct Driller at Cereals on the 11 & 12 June 2024, Bygrave Woods, Herts

Horizon Agricultural Machinery is excited to announce our new small granular hopper, the GH400!
Extremely configurable and versatile, the GH400 is designed to work with various machines and products and features our high-performance DSX metering unit.
Designed to be as modular as possible, the GH400 can easily be combined with Horizon machines or as a standalone platform for machines from other manufacturers. It can be controlled through RDS Artemis ISOCAN Monitor or ISOBUS and features touch button calibration.
All our GH400 models have a 400L pressurised hopper and DSX metering unit with interchangeable rollers, ideal for metering micro-granular fertiliser, slug pellets, Avadex or small seeds. It can be configured in the following different specs:
- The GH400-A: Our ‘airflow’ spec acts as a third or fourth hopper for our DSX platform and upcoming 9m DSX, utilising the existing turbine and distribution system.
- The GH400-O: Our ‘outlet’ configuration features a turbine and distribution system with integrated outlets to create a completely independent seeding unit. This option is designed for machines with 4-12 outlets, and the distribution system with integrated outlets keeps the hopper extremely compact. Compatible with our PPX and SPX.
- The GH400-D: Our ‘distribution’ specification includes a turbine, injector box assembly for selective seeding and distribution heads as it is designed for machines with 6-64 outlets. This configuration can also serve as a standalone seeding unit, and is perfect for combining with a mounted drill. Compatible with our DSX and MDSX.
The tried and tested DSX metering unit found in all our GH400 models has proved extremely accurate, and the interchangeable rollers accommodate a variety of products, working widths and speeds, with 0.5kg per/ha now achievable.
The GH400’s modularity makes it a great choice for pairing with third party machinery and is eligible for 2024’s FETF207 grant when paired with a drill of at least 3m working width.
Contact us, your local Horizon dealer, or visit the GH400 webpage to find out more and learn what it can do for you.