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  • How To Start Drilling For £8K

    Clive Bailye’s seed drill of choice is his 6m John Deere 750A , which has been used exclusively for 3-4 seasons. Last year, with an increased acreage, the founder and publisher of this Direct Driller magazine thought a second seed drill was necessary. Having just the one machine was a risk and in a difficult season would mean drilling was delayed. He looked around and found a good condition Horsch CO6 tine drill advertised in Germany.

    Words and pictures by Mike Donovan


    After delivery he rebuilt the coulters to a narrow profile so as to reduce soil disturbance. He says the tine drill is very useful driling after straw crops such as osr and also through the straw on second crop cereals.

    Buying the drill from a German farmer was not particularly complicated, and provided him with a higher spec machine than Horsh sell in the UK. The seed dart tyres are much wider, and the machine is fitted with blockage monitors as well as full width front packers and also a liquid fert application system.

    A sheaf of photos were taken, and Clive then asked for some of specific parts to show wear. The deal was done at under £5,000 which Clive says is the market value of these machines which are too large for small farmers to buy. Original owners like to buy new and sell when the machine is still in good condition.

    Narrow tines with wear tiles

    @Clive knew he wanted to make changes, substituting the Horsch tines and coulters for something far narrower, and has ended up getting his own design of tine made, which has a wear tile made from Ferobide, far harder than tungsten. The drill is on the farm primarily for osr and 2nd crop cereals drilled into chopped straw and the 25cm spacing is okay for these crops.

    Comments on Clive’s on-line forum, TFF, said the drill many not be so good with beans, as the slot is a mere 12mm wide. And in barley the spacing may well be too wide as it needs to be thick. Clive points out that the seed pipe can actually be a bit wider than 12mm as it is in the shadow of the point. It would be good to have the option of using it for beans.


    Above left: The cheap CO6 is being calibrated ready for its first outing


    Above right: The adapted Horsch is being filled by the home built drill logistics trailer with seed and liquid starter fert.

    Getting around the German instructions

    The Horsch came, of course, with a control box and instructions in German. More on-line discussion revealed that English instructions were available on the Horsch website, and another explained that Horsch was sourcing some of these parts from Agton in Canada anyway. Zealman from New Zealand explained that the button marked with callipers should be held down for around 5 seconds. The menu is where you adjust the tramline sequence, valve layout and row numbers.


    Ball hitch is a continental standard and provides a positive connection between tractor and drill


    The Stocks Wizard has a rotor modified for Avadex which otherwise leaks everywhere

    A Stocks Wizard is on the back of the drill and used for Avadex. Here again the knowledge of actual farmers is helpful. Alistair Nelson warned that the rotor and the surrounding shroud need to be changed, and he got good advice “from Rick at Stocks”. Clive has the same setup on the 750A and says that the Avadex leaks everywhere unless the modification is made. The drill was acquired and modified in 2016 and the results have been excellent.

    The machine went through the residue without many problems and having the second drill has meant more timely planting. Clive has shown that moving into No-Till is not the expensive exercise so many farmers think it might be. The total cost, after modifications which included replacing all tines and coulters, was under £8,000.

    Author Mike Donovan writes: we have featured a number of home made direct drills in @Practical Farm Ideas, and are always interested in seeing more. Please contact mike or 07778877514.

  • Farm Walk – Farm Walk With 2022 Soil Farmer Of The Year Runner-up Andrew Rees

    In the first week of August a range of farmers and industry professionals met at Moor Farm in south west Wales to
    hear the 2022 Runner-up to the Soil Farmer of the Year competition, Andrew Rees, explain how he has developed a
    dairy system with soil health at the centre.

    Moor farm is a 160 hectare grassland farm near Haverfordwest, which over the previous five years has been undergoing a holistic regeneration away from winter brassicas and a high input system to a fully rotational grazing system integrating diverse species-rich swards. Andrew has seen significant benefits to his business from this change of approach, including a reduction in fertiliser cost and usage alongside better herd health demonstrated by the vast reduction in veterinary fees.

    Experimenting with different mixtures and management has led Andrew to create a system intended to provide year-round forage for his dairy herd. Moving away from pure perennial ryegrass leys has had its challenges, but Andrew explains

    “Working to a 21 day grazing rotation is stressful, you can quickly run out of grass during adverse conditions, the aim of using herbal and diverse leys was to increase the resilience of the grazing platform. Now we have much more ahead of us and much more flexibility within the system where we aim for a 60 day rest period, but this can be up to 120 days in some cases”.

    He adds, “We started by sowing simple herbal ley mixtures, but as they were still managed like ryegrass we lost a lot of the diversity and therefore also potential yield. Now we have much longer rest periods between cutting or grazing to allow for regrowth and the leys are far more resilient.” Fields are divided into 0.1 hectare blocks and animals are moved according to need. Andrew now has a keen eye for how much forage his grazing groups require despite the wide diversity of covers across the farm. When asked about his system Andrew states, 

    “We use a leader-follower approach whereby the R2 cattle (10-22 months old) follow the R1 heifers (3-10 months old), with 24 hours between the groups in each grazing cell. Having the smaller cattle grazing first means they have preferential grazing and we are not limiting their intake in any way, not forcing young animals to graze down also helps lower worm burdens. Older animals can then be pushed a bit harder and are able to deal with the more mature forage”

    He further adds, “Anything which isn’t grazed is hopefully trampled; that is when we know we have the stocking density and number of moves per day right – if the ley is starting to become a bit stemmy we move them more often, up to three times per day.” 

    This trampling action which Andrew integrates into his system has wider benefits for the soil in that it is better protected from environmental conditions and also now of higher quality with the constant organic additions from the leys above. Andrew fully promotes this system outlining to the group,

    “Changing grassland management has given conditions for native seeds to germinate. We don’t want bare soils that cap and produce the conditions for weeds to appear. By keeping the surface covered with either growing plant matter or the trampled residue, we reduce our weed burden.”

    Since the transition to more speciesrich leys Andrew has found, “The different rooting systems we have in the fields open the soil up and improve the structure, therefore we are removing the conditions in which weeds can become dominant.”

    The system Andrew has created focusses on a long rotational grazing platform for both the milking herd and young stock combined with deferred grazing to provide areas for outwintering cattle. He explains,

    “We used to have kale in the rotation to provide over-winter feed but were finding that there was far too much damage and soil wash. We now use a deferred grazing system to out-winter our R1 heifers which are between 8 to 10 months old. We position bales when the land is dry and travels well, ready to provide additional feed throughout the winter period.” The condition of the soil and the health of the livestock are the key priorities when outwintering stock, to manage this Andrew explains, “Heifers that are outwintered are scheduled to move every two days, but this can increase to three times daily to avoid soil damage if conditions become wet. This system works for us as our heifers are light and we still have the capacity to bring them in-house if the weather or soil requires it.”

    Following these outwintering processes, fields are re-seeded, with Andrew tailoring off-the-shelf mixtures to suit his system, “We have started reseeding with a half-rate Cotswold herbal ley mix, with half-rate Barenburg Barrmix (this was more because it’s what I had in the shed to give right balance of clovers and herbs) with additional annuals to provide a boost to performance in the first year whilst the other species establish”.

    When establishing his leys, Andrew aims to use as simple and minimal cultivation system as possible, removing old or tired leys with low rate glyphosate buffered with humic and citric acid to lower the pH. He then drills the seed in two directions to increase the eventual cover with an application of seaweed to give a starter boost of nutrition.

    Andrew has, on average, reduced nitrogen usage by 140kg per hectare whilst still producing silage for the milking herd. He has recently started silaging the herbal leys which are highly diverse and contain species such as pea, barley, vetch, sunflowers, linseed, radish, chicory, plantain and a mixture of clovers. This will be analysed when the clamp is reopened and fed as part of the usual ration. In addition to regularly analysing silage, Andrew also frequently tissue tests his leys – results suggest the mineral content of his leys are double that found when they were in a perennial rye grass system. The species composition has a naturally far lower demand for nitrogen compared to perennial ryegrass and is much better at scavenging existing nutrients within the soil, further reducing the need for artificial inputs.

    Andrew uses slurry in combination with a Tow and Fert system to help maintain fertility and production across the farm. Fields destined for silage are given slurry before and after the 1st cut with a 25kg sprinkle of N prior to cutting. The Tow and Fert is used to top up fine lime, phosphate and humates alongside some foliar potassium. Andrew samples a fifth of the farm every year, with the whole farm last sampled in 2018 – having this up to date data allows him to understand where his nutrients are most required and move away from broadacre applications. Fine lime is regularly used across the farm with Andrew detailing, “Applying fine lime helps increase the free exchangeable calcium in the system, we are aiming to have calcium at luxury levels which will take time but will help with the longevity and palatability of the tall covers.”

    As a dairy farmer, herd health is a main priority for Andrew. Through implementing changes to grazing species composition and management, alongside reducing the nitrogen use across the farm, livestock performance has seen vast improvements. The dairy herd are also grazed on diverse summer cover crops, being turned out for a few hours after milking.

    Andrew explains this strategy, “Having the cows grazing across the diverse leys has improved butter fats and allowed us to stretch out the grazing season where historically we may have run out of grass. This means that the herd is currently balanced between herbal leys, traditional grass pasture and silage in the yard when they come in to be milked. The additional grass means we only need to supplement feed them around 4kg of cake per day, massively reducing costs.”

    The cows are now found to be far more content, with lower nitrogen covers thought to lower the free nitrates in their system, reflected in the results of the milk testing. This contentment has also improved fertility and the health of the dairy herd. Empty rates have decreased from 10.5% in 2019 to 5.5% in 2021 with mastitis per 100 cows also reducing from 19.7 in 2019 to 3.5 in 2021.

    The increased fertility in the herd has also allowed Andrew to move his spring calving system later so they can calve to match the grass growth, reducing the housing requirement as calves are weaned on grass with outside grazing access from 4 weeks of age. Worm burden has also drastically reduced and consequently, so has the requirement for anthelmintic products. Faecal egg counts are conducted to see if any wormers are required, however Andrew has found that due to the long-grass grazing system with animals biting higher up the plant in combination with chicory rich pastures, very little, if any, are required.

    When asked about how he would advise others beginning along the herbal or diverse ley journey Andrew has these words of wisdom, “Start by drilling the leys in the spring as this gives a much better chance for establishment whilst you are experimenting with your system. If you are going in later when the conditions could be dryer or colder it might be tough on the clover to get up and away.” At Moor Farm, the leys are highly diverse and full of many different species. Andrew’s thinking behind this is, “When you establish herbal leys you can often see a drop in yield compared to a perennial ryegrass whilst they establish, therefore we also drill in summer annual species to help build the quantity of forage available to graze. If we are establishing a ley in the spring, we would expect to be able to graze it that autumn. However, this would be a lighter graze than in the second year and not as tight, just to make sure we don’t stress the plants too much”.

    The next challenges for Andrew focus further around nitrogen reduction, as he discussed with the group, “The aim would be to be using zero chemical nitrogen whilst managing to maintain our current production. I want to be able to leave the land in a better condition than when we started whilst also being financially profitable.”

    During the Soil Farmer of the Year competition, the judges found Andrew’s approach highly innovative, understanding how to maximise the health of the soil to produce high quality, mineral rich forage for his cattle using less inputs, but instead through his grazing and nutrient management system. The benefits Andrew has observed upon the health, welfare and productivity of his cattle through diversifying the leys has been highly successful – also giving him additional flexibility in other areas of the farming business now he is secure in the growth of forage on the farm, developed through increasing the resilience of his system.

  • How to interpret sap analysis

    In the third part of our series on sap analysis, Mike Abram learns how to interpret the results.

    You’ve taken your leaf sample, packaged it up and sent it to the Netherlands, and now the results have landed in your inbox. There’s a whole ray of bars and numbers for just about every nutrient you could possibly wish to measure. But where do you start when trying to interpret the results, what does it all mean, and how can you use the information to make better decisions?

    NovaCropControl’s analysis is split into four sections – at the top are the sugar, EC (total dissolved salts) and pH levels of the sap, followed by the cation nutrients, the anions and at the bottom the trace elements.

    For each nutrient the report shows what the current level is for young leaves in a light green bar, and older leaves in dark green. There are target values for each nutrient, which are calculated from analysis of at least 500 samples from different fields and growers. The bars are split into three sub-sections representing levels that are too low, good, and too high in the sap.

    Broadly there are four stages to interpreting the results, suggests Eric Hegger, a consultant with NovaCropControl.

    “Always start with which elements are high, which are low – are there any in excess or deficient. The next thing is the difference in uptake between young and old leaves, looking at nutrient mobility.”

    As explained in more detail in Direct Driller, July 2022, it’s important to understand which elements are mobile in the plant, and which are immobile to recognise which leaves are more critical to be looking at.

    “Then look at the interactions within the cations and / or anions, and if you still don’t have an answer to why any of the elements are too high or too low in uptake, look at what environmental factors might have influenced mineral uptake – for example, climate, pH, soil life, etc.

    “In the end that should give most of the answers to know what corrections might need to be made,” he says.

    So what might it mean if an element is in excess or deficient in an analysis you receive? Let’s use examples of a barley crop from Australia and Ireland (see charts) to help explain the importance of each different variable analysed.

    Total sugars: Often this will be linked to level of nitrate in the plant, with high sugars meaning low nitrate and vice versa. “If the plant takes up a lot of nitrate it has to convert it to protein to use for growth. But if the plant takes more nitrate up than it can use for growth it starts to build up, and you measure that in the sap as higher nitrate levels.”

    High nitrate in the plant means a lot of vegetative growth, which in turn means a lot of water in the plant which dilutes the level of sugars,” explains Mr Hegger.

    “High levels of sugar in the plant could be an indication of good crop health, as we know that means lower nitrate levels and the moment nitrate gets too high the plant is more attractive to pests and diseases.”

    Another possible reason for low sugars is there is not enough photosynthesis for sugar production and active growth.

    Typically, growers should be looking for total sugar to be relatively high, especially in younger leaves, although too high levels can be caused when there’s not enough water movement – for example, very hot weather causing plant stomata to close drying the plant out and causing the sugars to concentrate.

    pH: In plant sap analysis, pH is not usually that informative, Mr Hegger suggests. “It is nothing to do with pH of the soil, usually doesn’t vary much from sample to sample, so in most cases I don’t look at this much.”

    EC: In contrast, EC, which is a measure of the total dissolved salts in the plant, is very important to look at as it gives a measure of whether there is enough nutrition uptake, or the transport of nutrition into the new leaves.

    “For example, if the new leaves are very low and the old leaves very high that could indicate the weather has been extreme and the plant has stopped evaporating and couldn’t transport enough nutrition to the new leaves,” Mr Hegger explains.

    “But in most cases the EC shows if there is enough nutrition uptake.”

    Cations (Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium): In the previous article, the antagonistic behaviour of the cationic nutrients was discussed – if one is too high, uptake of the others can be blocked.

    In the example below (chart 1) that’s clearly the case with potassium in excess, while calcium, magnesium and sodium to a lesser extent deficient, Mr Hegger says.

    “It’s possible there is enough calcium and magnesium available in the soil but the plant cannot take it up because of the high potassium, so the grower has to do something about his potassium input. Mostly it comes from manure or compost, and maybe the input is too high.

    “Eventually that could influence crop health and quality.”

    Potassium deficiencies usually start in old leaves as it is a mobile element, and the young leaves will take potassium from the old leaves. For calcium it is important to look at the result for the young leaves because it is an immobile element and deficiencies will show there first.

    There are no target levels for the potassium to calcium ratio as even if the ratio is correct both could be too low or too high. It’s less important for grain crops, but in fruit crops, such as tomatoes, it’s critical for fruit quality.

    As with the other cations, if magnesium is too high it can often block uptake of potassium and calcium.

    It is quite common the cations are not optimally balanced in sap analysis and treating the excess rather than the deficiency is likely to have better results. However, in the field it can be relatively difficult to manipulate these elements very quickly, Mr Hegger admits.

    “Before you plant the crop, when you use base fertiliser or apply compost or manures, you set the base for the entire season. During the season it’s not possible to do big corrections on the soil. You can do a foliar spray to try to make a correction if something is really too low, but don’t expect you’re going to make big changes in the crop.”

    In the first year of analysis, often it is trying to learn from the results and understand how longer-term management, particularly of soil nutrients, can help, he says. “It can take more than a year to make a correction in the soil, before you see a reaction in the plant.”

    Environmental conditions can also play a part. For example, high temperatures and light intensity can block calcium uptake. “It’s why it is important to take samples every two to three weeks to see how levels change in the crop. If it is weather that is blocking the calcium and three weeks later the weather is normal, the levels might be back to the target levels.”

    Sodium doesn’t have to be in the target values for grain crops, although it is important for some crops. “If it goes above the target values, then it can block the uptake of the other cations.”

    There are four measurements related to nitrogen: ammonium, nitrate, nitrogen in nitrate and total nitrogen. Ammonium levels can be affected by the time the sample is in transport, says Mr Hegger. “If it is high that’s something to consider, otherwise it is an indicator of stress in the plant.”

    In barley and wheat, nitrate is almost directly converted to proteins, so if it is too high it is an indication that too much has been supplied, Mr Hegger suggests. “Generally, it is important to get your nitrate levels as low as possible, as long as your total nitrogen levels are high enough.

    “In barley and wheat total nitrogen is more important as this gives an indication of crop growth. If it too high, the plant will be more sensitive to pests and diseases.

    “As long as total nitrogen is not getting below the target values, you know it is good enough, and fortunately nitrogen is easier to correct.”

    N in nitrate is a measure of the health of the plant. A high proportion of N in nitrate compared with total nitrogen is an indicator of lower plant health in some crops, such as tomatoes. “Unfortunately we can’t use that trick in cereals because of the low nitrate levels in the crop, so it doesn’t mean so much.”

    Chloride, like sodium, is not particularlyimportant as long as it is not too high. If it is higher than the target value it can block uptake of other anions.

    Sulphur is an important element for many processes in the plant. Like calcium it is relatively immobile so look at the young leaves for signs of deficiency.

    Ideally, phosphorus levels shouldn’t be too high, so aim for these to be within the target values. “If it is too high, inputs can be reduced as it will block iron, manganese, or zinc uptake.”

    Aim for silica to be within the target values, as it helps with uptake of calcium and the health of the plant. “You can try to correct with a foliar spray, but it is not easy depending on crop.”

    Iron deficiency will show first in younger leaves, but it doesn’t matter too much if the old leaves are too high, while manganese can easily get too low. “For the plant it is like a sweet – it’s the easiest for it to take-up, but also one of the easiest to leach out of the soil.”

    Trace elements, which also includes zinc, boron, copper and molybdenum are easier to treat with foliar sprays.

    No target levels are given for aluminium as ideally, for most crops, you don’t want any showing up, Mr Hegger says.

    Sap analysis interpretation

    • Start with excesses and deficiencies
    • Look at differences in uptake between young and old leaves
    • Consider interactions between cation elements, and between anions
    • Are there environmental factors influencing results
    • Treating cations excesses may help more than treating deficiencies
    • Cations are less receptive to in-season corrections
    • In cereals, total nitrogen is important – too much means poor health, not enough will give poor growth
    • Trace elements easier to treat with foliar applications

    Example sap analysis in barley from Australia

    What the Australian analysis shows?

    The low sugars, calcium and boron levels are an indication of the crop likely being under climate stress and not growing well, suggests Mr Hegger, while the high ammonium is almost certainly due to the length of time the sample has been transit.

    Another sample should be taken in three weeks to see what changes in climate cause to the crop and sap.

    High potassium levels are likely to be blocking calcium and magnesium uptake so, while foliar applications of those could be tried, a more long-term solution is adjusting potash inputs on the field and attempting to raise magnesium and calcium in the soil perhaps.

    Total nitrogen is on the high side so lower inputs could be considered.

    Boron and manganese deficiencies could be treated with foliar sprays.

    Example sap analysis in barley from Ireland

    What the Irish analysis shows?

    Sugar levels are good in this crop, which shows it is growing well. Calcium and magnesium levels are high, but potassium is within the target values so no immediate issue. However, could the grower do something to reduce calcium and magnesium levels for the nest season to avoid risk of blocking uptake of potassium?

    High nitrate levels suggest supply might be high, although total nitrogen is within target values. This suggests the crop has taken up a lot of nitrate but cannot convert directly to proteins – potentially an indicator of disease or pest problems in the crop, as there isn’t a lack of other nutrition in the form of magnesium, sulphur, manganese and molybdenum preventing conversion of nitrogen to protein.

    A follow up sample to confirm low phosphorus would be beneficial, while high manganese is probably blocking iron uptake.

  • How To Interpret SAP Analysis

    In the third part of our series on sap analysis, Mike Abram learns how to interpret the results

    You’ve taken your leaf sample, packaged it up and sent it to the Netherlands, and now the results have landed in your inbox. There’s a whole ray of bars and numbers for just about every nutrient you could possibly wish to measure. But where do you start when trying to interpret the results, what does it all mean, and how can you use the information to make better decisions? NovaCropControl’s analysis is split into four sections – at the top are the sugar, EC (total dissolved salts) and pH levels of the sap, followed by the cation nutrients, the anions and at the bottom the trace elements.

    For each nutrient the report shows what the current level is for young leaves in a light green bar, and older leaves in dark green. There are target values for each nutrient, which are calculated from analysis of at least 500 samples from different fields and growers. The bars are split into three sub-sections representing levels that are too low, good, and too high in the sap. Broadly there are four stages to interpreting the results, suggests Eric Hegger, a consultant with NovaCropControl.

    “Always start with which elements are high, which are low – are there any in excess or deficient. The next thing is the difference in uptake between young and old leaves, looking at nutrient mobility.” As explained in more detail in Direct Driller, July 2022, it’s important to understand which elements are mobile in the plant, and which are immobile to recognise which leaves are more critical to be looking at. “Then look at the interactions within the cations and / or anions, and if you still don’t have an answer to why any of the elements are too high or too low in uptake, look at what environmental factors might have influenced mineral uptake – for example, climate, pH, soil life, etc.

    “In the end that should give most of the answers to know what corrections might need to be made,” he says. So what might it mean if an element is in excess or deficient in an analysis you receive? Let’s use examples of a barley crop from Australia and Ireland (see charts) to help explain the importance of each different variable analysed. Total sugars: Often this will be linked to level of nitrate in the plant, with high sugars meaning low nitrate and vice versa. “If the plant takes up a lot of nitrate it has to convert it to protein to use for growth. But if the plant takes more nitrate up than it can use for growth it starts to build up, and you measure that in the sap as higher nitrate levels.”

    High nitrate in the plant means a lot of vegetative growth, which in turn means a lot of water in the plant which dilutes the level of sugars,” explains Mr Hegger.

    “High levels of sugar in the plant could be an indication of good crop health, as we know that means lower nitrate levels and the moment nitrate gets too high the plant is more attractive to pests and diseases.” Another possible reason for low sugars is there is not enough photosynthesis for sugar production and active growth. Typically, growers should be looking for total sugar to be relatively high, especially in younger leaves, although too high levels can be caused when there’s not enough water movement – for example, very hot weather causing plant stomata to close drying the plant out and causing the sugars to concentrate. pH: In plant sap analysis, pH is not usually that informative, Mr Hegger suggests. “It is nothing to do with pH of the soil, usually doesn’t vary much from sample to sample, so in most cases I don’t look at this much.” 

    EC: In contrast, EC, which is a measure of the total dissolved salts in the plant, is very important to look at as it gives a measure of whether there is enough nutrition uptake, or the transport of nutrition into the new leaves. “For example, if the new leaves are very low and the old leaves very high that could indicate the weather has been extreme and the plant has stopped evaporating and couldn’t transport enough nutrition to the new leaves,” Mr Hegger explains. “But in most cases the EC shows if there is enough nutrition uptake.” Cations (Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium): In the previous article, the antagonistic behaviour of the cationic nutrients was discussed – if one is too high, uptake of the others can be blocked.

    In the example (chart 1, left) that’s clearly the case with potassium in excess, while calcium, magnesium and sodium to a lesser extent deficient, Mr Hegger says.

    “It’s possible there is enough calcium and magnesium available in the soil but the plant cannot take it up because of the high potassium, so the grower has to do something about his potassium input. Mostly it comes from manure or compost, and maybe the input is too high.

    “Eventually that could influence crop health and quality.”

    Potassium deficiencies usually start in old leaves as it is a mobile element, and the young leaves will take potassium from the old leaves. For calcium it is important to look at the result for the young leaves because it is an immobile element and deficiencies will show there first. There are no target levels for the potassium to calcium ratio as even if the ratio is correct both could be too low or too high. It’s less important for grain crops, but in fruit crops, such as tomatoes, it’s critical for fruit quality. As with the other cations, if magnesium is too high it can often block uptake of potassium and calcium. It is quite common the cations are not optimally balanced in sap analysis and treating the excess rather than the deficiency is likely to have better results. However, in the field it can be relatively difficult to manipulate these elements very quickly, Mr Hegger admits.

    “Before you plant the crop, when you use base fertiliser or apply compost or manures, you set the base for the entire season. During the season it’s not possible to do big corrections on the soil. You can do a foliar spray to try to make a correction if something is really too low, but don’t expect you’re going to make big changes in the crop.”

    In the first year of analysis, often it is trying to learn from the results and understand how longer-term management, particularly of soil nutrients, can help, he says. “It can take more than a year to make a correction in the soil, before you see a reaction in the plant.”

    Environmental conditions can also play a part. For example, high temperatures and light intensity can block calcium uptake. “It’s why it is  important to take samples every two to three weeks to see how levels change in the crop. If it is weather that is blocking the calcium and three weeks later the weather is normal, the levels might be back to the target levels.”

    Sodium doesn’t have to be in the target values for grain crops, although it is important for some crops. “If it goes above the target values, then it can block the uptake of the other cations.” There are four measurements related to nitrogen: ammonium, nitrate, nitrogen in nitrate and total nitrogen. Ammonium levels can be affected by the time the sample is in transport, says Mr Hegger. “If it is high that’s something to consider, otherwise it is an indicator of stress in the plant.” In barley and wheat, nitrate is almost directly converted to proteins, so if it is too high it is an indication that too much has been supplied, Mr Hegger suggests. “Generally, it is important to get your nitrate levels as low as possible, as long as your total nitrogen levels are high enough.

    “In barley and wheat total nitrogen is more important as this gives an indication of crop growth. If it too high, the plant will be more sensitive to pests and diseases.

    “As long as total nitrogen is not getting below the target values, you know it is good enough, and fortunately nitrogen is easier to correct.”

    N in nitrate is a measure of the health of the plant. A high proportion of N in nitrate compared with total nitrogen is an indicator of lower plant health in some crops, such as tomatoes. “Unfortunately we can’t use that trick in cereals because of the low nitrate levels in the crop, so it doesn’t mean so much.” Chloride, like sodium, is not particularly important as long as it is not too high. If it is higher than the target value it can block uptake of other anions. Sulphur is an important element for many processes in the plant. Like calcium it is relatively immobile so look at the young leaves for signs of deficiency.

    Ideally, phosphorus levels shouldn’t be too high, so aim for these to be within the target values. “If it is too high, inputs can be reduced as it will block iron, manganese, or zinc uptake.” Aim for silica to be within the target values, as it helps with uptake of calcium and the health of the plant. “You can try to correct with a foliar spray, but it is not easy depending on crop.” Iron deficiency will show first in younger leaves, but it doesn’t matter too much if the old leaves are too high, while manganese can easily get too low. “For the plant it is like a sweet – it’s the easiest for it to take-up, but also one of the easiest to leach out of the soil.”

    Trace elements, which also includes zinc, boron, copper and molybdenum are easier to treat with foliar sprays. No target levels are given for aluminium as ideally, for most crops, you don’t want any showing up, Mr Hegger says.

  • Farmer Focus – Philip Bradshaw

    I ended my previous article noting the challenges ahead, but with some optimism for the season, and the forthcoming harvest. However, I had underestimated how exciting it was to get, and how much volatility we would come to enjoy! Our crops continued to look well through the spring and early summer. The spring beans established nicely and grew quickly. Sometimes with all crops, it was a challenge to keep on top of treatment timings, especially when I spent some time away on off farm work. I managed to buy a lot of our inputs at the right time, but unfortunately, I had to buy some of our Nitrogen fertiliser at the higher prices. 

    I offset this with some appropriate wheat sales, and while I can’t claim to have got everything right, we will have good averages on both input acquisition, and crop sales for harvest 2022.Thankfully, with our system fuel use is very low, and we have been reducing nitrogen use steadily for some years, which has given us the confidence to appropriately use even less for this harvest year. 

    The incredible summer weather we enjoyed did speed crop development, and our annual rogueing season at Whittlesey was a joy, with little in the way of blackgrass to be found. We even found time to have a couple of fantastic days at the Groundswell show, in a hired campervan, and enjoyed seeing lots of interesting speakers, meeting friends old and new, and the evening refreshments! Harvest for us started with the Winter Barley, and it was our best barley ever. The yields varied from 11t/ha on some heavier fields to 9t/ha on lighter land, so we ended up with an average of just 10t/ha over a weighbridge, despite a drought and seasonally reduced inputs. Sadly though, the OSR which followed was less exciting. 

    We drilled on two occasions last August, with rain forecast within days, that never came. As such, some areas were very thin. I wrote some off before the winter Astrokerb application, and this was re drilled with beans, but with hindsight I should have written a little more off. The average harvested yield was 2.56t/ha, which is half what we used to yield a few years ago, but there was too much thin crop pulling down the average. 

    The price though is decent, and the input costs were low. The wheat was a much better story and was consistently decent across all farms. The farm at Newborough was all KWS Firefly, and this has averaged well over 10t/ha. At Whittlesey we achieved a similar average, but with some variation. The second wheat KWS Zyatt averaged 10t/ha which was pleasing and lifts the farm margin by reducing our area of less profitable break crops, and our first wheat KWS Extase and KWS Firefly averaged 11 t/ha. With little storage on farm, and the early harvest pressures on the grain trade and central stores we had to wait to clear wheat before we could cut the beans, but the dry weather continued, and they were all done before the Bank Holiday. 

    Sadly, the beans were a little disappointing. Last year we averaged almost 6t/ha across all the beans, and this year we are only just above half that. Those super-hot days that we enjoyed in July effectively killed most of the crop off, and we had very small beans. Overall, though, with most of the farm in wheat and barley, we had a good harvest, with no drying, and good prices so far – a memorable season. As usual, we did some on farm trials. Philip Wright, our friend, and consultant helped with trials on tyre pressure, and soil loosening with the paraplow. 

    The tyre pressure trial was similar to last years, and was interesting, as we drilled in autumn 2021 in drier conditions than 2020. The result was that while there was a little difference between the low and medium pressure area compared to untrafficked land, there was still a more significant yield loss in the high pressure area. The soil loosening trial gave interesting results. In field analysis through the season showed better biological activity and rooting in the paraplowed area, particularly where we also applied biological amendments, and this showed in yield assessments at harvest. 

    On the paraplowed land there was a tiny gain with the amendment over that without. However, the unmoved land had a substantial yield penalty over the loosened land. Obviously these are not extensive replicated trials, but they do show that when required loosening is appropriate, and I will continue to add biological amendments expecting a cumulative effect over time. The final trial I did was with a field of KWS Extase. I decided after our N1 application on a whim to do a low input trial, so 2 ha of the 12 ha field had only the first N dose of 46kgN/ha as a liquid, and no more fertiliser, and I also reduced the already modest fungicide and PGR programme on the low input area. Again, this is a basic farm experiment, with little replication, but the results were interesting. 

    The weighbridge calibrated yield monitor on the combine harvester gave an average full header yield of 12.24t/ha low input, against a 12.36t/ha for the control area which had normal treatment including 110kg/ha N as liquid. This surprised me, and may be a quirk of the season, but I will push lower still with N next year, particularly on the skirt fen soils. However, it was clear from the delivery results, that the low input area had lower proteins, and this will need to be considered in a milling wheat situation. Unfortunately, the clover living mulch crop that we planted ahead of beans has failed. Like the OSR last August, the rain never came. I want to try it again and may try and under sow some in the spring. 

    So, for next year what are our plans? The dry weather and soils post-harvest have ruled out planting OSR or clover here this year due to the risk associated with the dry conditions. I did plant about half of the planned catch/cover crops with a multi species blend. This was done with the GD disc drill rather than the Sabretine to try and preserve the moisture. Keeping living roots in the soil is an important part of the system for us, but in a dry season like this we need to react accordingly. We are paraplowing the 20% of the farm at Whittlesey that wasn’t done last year, and this will be pressed to reconsolidate. Our home saved wheat seed has tested clean for disease, so it will be cleaned on farm and treated only with Tiros before drilling from mid-October. 

    Looking ahead we need to refine our system further and reduce artificial inputs when possible. The challenge though is achieving a balance between reducing inputs appropriately, while also maintaining a decent level of crop output to be profitable. The inflation in our costs, including last year’s rent rise, is substantial, and the risks associated with farming now are more significant than ever.

  • Farmer Focus – Philip Bradshaw

    I ended my previous article noting the challenges ahead, but with some optimism for the season, and the forthcoming harvest. However, I had underestimated how exciting it was to get, and how much volatility we would come to enjoy!

    Our crops continued to look well through the spring and early summer. The spring beans established nicely and grew quickly. Sometimes with all crops, it was a challenge to keep on top of treatment timings, especially when I spent some time away on off farm work. I managed to buy a lot of our inputs at the right time, but unfortunately, I had to buy some of our Nitrogen fertiliser at the higher prices. I offset this with some appropriate wheat sales, and while I can’t claim to have got everything right, we will have good averages on both input acquisition, and crop sales for harvest 2022.Thankfully, with our system fuel use is very low, and we have been reducing nitrogen use steadily for some years, which has given us the confidence to appropriately use even less for this harvest year.

    The incredible summer weather we enjoyed did speed crop development, and our annual rogueing season at Whittlesey was a joy, with little in the way of blackgrass to be found. We even found time to have a couple of fantastic days at the Groundswell show, in a hired campervan, and enjoyed seeing lots of interesting speakers, meeting friends old and new, and the evening refreshments! Harvest for us started with the Winter Barley, and it was our best barley ever. The yields varied from 11t/ha on some heavier fields to 9t/ha on lighter land, so we ended up with an average of just 10t/ha over a weighbridge, despite a drought and seasonally reduced inputs.

    Sadly though, the OSR which followed was less exciting. We drilled on two occasions last August, with rain forecast within days, that never came. As such, some areas were very thin. I wrote some off before the winter Astrokerb application, and this was re drilled with beans, but with hindsight I should have written a little more off. The average harvested yield was 2.56t/ha, which is half what we used to yield a few years ago, but there was too much thin crop pulling down the average. The price though is decent, and the input costs were low. The wheat was a much better story and was consistently decent across all farms. The farm at Newborough was all KWS Firefly, and this has averaged well over 10t/ha. At Whittlesey we achieved a similar average, but with some variation. The second wheat KWS Zyatt averaged 10t/ha which was pleasing and lifts the farm margin by reducing our area of less profitable break crops, and our first wheat KWS Extase and KWS Firefly averaged 11 t/ha.

    With little storage on farm, and the early harvest pressures on the grain trade and central stores we had to wait to clear wheat before we could cut the beans, but the dry weather continued, and they were all done before the Bank Holiday. Sadly, the beans were a little disappointing. Last year we averaged almost 6t/ha across all the beans, and this year we are only just above half that. Those super-hot days that we enjoyed in July effectively killed most of the crop off, and we had very small beans. Overall, though, with most of the farm in wheat and barley, we had a good harvest, with no drying, and good prices so far – a memorable season. As usual, we did some on farm trials. Philip Wright, our friend, and consultant helped with trials on tyre pressure, and soil loosening with the paraplow. The tyre pressure trial was similar to last years, and was interesting, as we drilled in autumn 2021 in drier conditions than 2020. The result was that while there was a little difference between the low and medium pressure area compared to untrafficked land, there was still a more significant yield loss in the high pressure area.

    The soil loosening trial gave interesting results. In field analysis through the season showed better biological activity and rooting in the paraplowed area, particularly where we also applied biological amendments, and this showed in yield assessments at harvest. On the paraplowed land there was a tiny gain with the amendment over that without. However, the unmoved land had a substantial yield penalty over the loosened land. Obviously these are not extensive replicated trials, but they do show that when required loosening is appropriate, and I will continue to add biological amendments expecting a cumulative effect over time. 

    The final trial I did was with a field of KWS Extase. I decided after our N1 application on a whim to do a low input trial, so 2 ha of the 12 ha field had only the first N dose of 46kgN/ha as a liquid, and no more fertiliser, and I also reduced the already modest fungicide and PGR programme on the low input area. Again, this is a basic farm experiment, with little replication, but the results were interesting. The weighbridge calibrated yield monitor on the combine harvester gave an average full header yield of 12.24t/ha low input, against a 12.36t/ha for the control area which had normal treatment including 110kg/ha N as liquid. This surprised me, and may be a quirk of the season, but I will push lower still with N next year, particularly on the skirt fen soils. However, it was clear from the delivery results, that the low input area had lower proteins, and this will need to be considered in a milling wheat situation.

    Unfortunately, the clover living mulch crop that we planted ahead of beans has failed. Like the OSR last August, the rain never came. I want to try it again and may try and under sow some in the spring. So, for next year what are our plans? The dry weather and soils post-harvest have ruled out planting OSR or clover here this year due to the risk associated with the dry conditions. I did plant about half of the planned catch/cover crops with a multi species blend. This was done with the GD disc drill rather than the Sabretine to try and preserve the moisture. Keeping living roots in the soil is an important part of the system for us, but in a dry season like this we need to react accordingly.

    We are paraplowing the 20% of the farm at Whittlesey that wasn’t done last year, and this will be pressed to reconsolidate. Our home saved wheat seed has tested clean for disease, so it will be cleaned on farm and treated only with Tiros before drilling from mid-October.

    Looking ahead we need to refine our system further and reduce artificial inputs when possible. The challenge though is achieving a balance between reducing inputs appropriately, while also maintaining a decent level of crop output to be profitable. The inflation in our costs, including last year’s rent rise, is substantial, and the risks associated with farming now are more significant than ever.

  • Sustainable Food: How Can Ecolabels Help Transform Entire Value Chains?

    With sustainability being placed higher and higher on consumers’ agendas, people are turning to high-emitting
    industries to ask how they are playing their part in reducing environmental impacts on the planet. The food industry
    alone accounts for one third of emissions globally – and with population rising, the challenge of feeding the planet
    while lowering our footprint is becoming more real than ever.

    By Laura Nolan and Cliona Howie, Foundation Earth

    An increasing number of brands are making efforts to green their products, be more sustainable and communicate that to their buyers in a credible way. Many green claims are being made left, right and centre – but how do you back up and qualify a food product’s ecofriendliness in an accurate, transparent way? What is being measured exactly, and what information and data can we access to verify such claims? How can we move towards a food system that doesn’t just reward client-facing brands, but also farmers and producers who contribute to making value chains more sustainable?

    The role of ecolabels

    One example is the use of ecolabels placed on products, that show consumers just how much that item costs the environment in an easy, accessible way (you’ve most likely seen those traffic light systems on your home appliances!). This trend isn’t new: 84% of consumers believe it’s important for each person to contribute to sustainability (Source: Kerry Group, “Sustainability in Motion”), and many companies are starting to respond to the demand for corporate transparency – from fashion, to beauty, electronics and of course, food.

    But what do ecolabels show exactly? Well, there are over 500 environmental labels out there: a lot of them focus on carbon footprint (CO2 emissions), some will tell you if a product is organic or not, and others try to look at a broader range of measures like water use, water pollution and biodiversity. Some even include other ethical indicators such as working conditions or animal welfare. The scopes are large and diverse, there is no “one size fits all”, and there isn’t a consistent, harmonised approach.

    Regulation is underway – the European Union has worked towards the development of a unified method to communicate environmental information of products across the European Union – the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Method – since 2013. PEF, for example, measures 16 different environmental impact categories. The French government has also been building a national environmental scoring system for food products, and similar initiatives are underway in The Netherlands and Denmark.

    We need better data!

    And yet, current approaches to assess the environmental impacts of individual food products remain limited. Often, proxy data is used to generate an estimate of a product’s impact, and the true impact of a specific product is never known. That means that if an actor in the value chain (for example a farmer) is making active efforts to green its processes, that most likely won’t show up in the final score due to the use of averages. 

    Impact scores based on secondary data are easier, quicker and cheaper to obtain, but without accurate information on a product-by-product basis, environmental impacts cannot be meaningfully managed and the climate crisis will intensify. And without an accurate. per-product understanding of where the highest environmental impacts are in a supply chain, food producers are not incentivised to grow, manufacture, transport or sell their products more sustainably.

    Here’s the thing: ecolabels don’t only help consumers choose a product – when the assessments are done accurately and in-depth, using methods such as Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for example, they can also help food producers reduce the environmental impacts of their production and produce in a better way. They act as key source of intelligence to help industry players pinpoint where their highest impacts are, and what can be done to improve them. That’s when ecolabels also become a powerful data-driven tool to build more sustainable food systems.

    At Foundation Earth, we are working to develop a method that scores food products in the most accurate way possible, based on LCAs using the highest quality data available. We map the supply chain, assess the impacts throughout and tell brands where they might be going wrong. At the same time we are comparing different existing methods to pull out the best of them all and create a single method that will allow brands to have a comprehensive view of their supply chain and know where improvements can be made.

    Recognising actors across the supply chain

    So, brands are starting to place more and more emphasis on their sustainability efforts – but what does this mean for the other actors along the supply chain? The nice shiny label is sitting on the product pack, but how does that help all food players, from farmers to marketers, to demonstrate their sustainability efforts?

    For now, it doesn’t really. Everyone in the chain has contributed to that final score (either negatively or positively!), so why do they miss out on the acknowledgement? At Foundation Earth we believe there is a real gap here, because to transform entire food systems we need to recognise the do-gooders and incentivise others to join in these efforts. If a farmer is doing their best to place sustainability at the heart of their business model, and probably even seeing the direct benefits of their actions on biodiversity around them – for example – this should be celebrated. Because every effort counts.

    That’s why we are launching new pilots calling all pioneers to be part of Foundation Earth’s trials and pave the way for food system transformation. We are aiming to deliver a standard, scalable product footprinting system not only for brand owners but also producers and retailers, that will connect entire value chains and give recognition where it is due by delivering our label across the chain. This will in turn unlock commercial value for businesses and support all actors in achieving their net-zero goals.

    A food ecolabel for all

    What will this look like concretely? We already have our scoring system for final products – remember that traffic light system mentioned on your home appliances? Our Foundation Earth Eco Impact labels apply a similar system: our scores range from A+ to G (A+ being green and representing the lowest environmental impact, G being red and representing the highest) and are recertified yearly, making it possible for products to improve their grade. But instead of labels just being on final, packaged products, ingredients and processes could be certified at each step of the value chain as well, bringing recognition to all those businesses applying sustainability principles and helping business-to-business (B2B) buyers find alternative, sustainable options.

    Transforming food systems for the better will take active participation from us all. And it’s only by recognising and celebrating efforts that we will build a movement big enough to create actual change and leave way for food systems that won’t harm the planet.

  • Sustainable food: how can ecolabels help transform entire value chains?

    By Laura Nolan and Cliona Howie, Foundation Earth

    With sustainability being placed higher and higher on consumers’ agendas, people are turning to high-emitting industries to ask how they are playing their part in reducing environmental impacts on the planet. The food industry alone accounts for one third of emissions globally – and with population rising, the challenge of feeding the planet while lowering our footprint is becoming more real than ever.

    Fact box

    Agriculture alone accounts for 70% of global freshwater consumption (Source: FAO).

    Food systems are responsible for one third of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions (Source: Nature Food).

    Our global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss, with agriculture alone threatening 86% of the species at risk of extinction (Source: Chatham House).

    Agricultural expansion drives almost 90% of global deforestation (Source: FAO).

    On top of this, feeding an estimated world population of 9.1 billion people in 2050 would require raising overall food production by 70% (Source: FAO).

    An increasing number of brands are making efforts to green their products, be more sustainable and communicate that to their buyers in a credible way. Many green claims are being made left, right and centre – but how do you back up and qualify a food product’s eco-friendliness in an accurate, transparent way? What is being measured exactly, and what information and data can we access to verify such claims? How can we move towards a food system that doesn’t just reward client-facing brands, but also farmers and producers who contribute to making value chains more sustainable?

    The role of ecolabels

    One example is the use of ecolabels placed on products, that show consumers just how much that item costs the environment in an easy, accessible way (you’ve most likely seen those traffic light systems on your home appliances!). This trend isn’t new: 84% of consumers believe it’s important for each person to contribute to sustainability (Source: Kerry Group, “Sustainability in Motion”), and many companies are starting to respond to the demand for corporate transparency – from fashion, to beauty, electronics and of course, food.

    But what do ecolabels show exactly? Well, there are over 500 environmental labels out there: a lot of them focus on carbon footprint (CO2 emissions), some will tell you if a product is organic or not, and others try to look at a broader range of measures like water use, water pollution and biodiversity. Some even include other ethical indicators such as working conditions or animal welfare. The scopes are large and diverse, there is no “one size fits all”, and there isn’t a consistent, harmonised approach.

    Regulation is underway – the European Union has worked towards the development of a unified method to communicate environmental information of products across the European Union – the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Method – since 2013. PEF, for example, measures 16 different environmental impact categories. The French government has also been building a national environmental scoring system for food products, and similar initiatives are underway in The Netherlands and Denmark.

    We need better data!

    And yet, current approaches to assess the environmental impacts of individual food products remain limited. Often, proxy data is used to generate an estimate of a product’s impact, and the true impact of a specific product is never known. That means that if an actor in the value chain (for example a farmer) is making active efforts to green its processes, that most likely won’t show up in the final score due to the use of averages.

    Impact scores based on secondary data are easier, quicker and cheaper to obtain, but without accurate information on a product-by-product basis, environmental impacts cannot be meaningfully managed and the climate crisis will intensify. And without an accurate per-product understanding of where the highest environmental impacts are in a supply chain, food producers are not incentivised to grow, manufacture, transport or sell their products more sustainably.

    Here’s the thing: ecolabels don’t only help consumers choose a product – when the assessments are done accurately and in-depth, using methods such as Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for example, they can also help food producers reduce the environmental impacts of their production and produce in a better way. They act as key source of intelligence to help industry players pinpoint where their highest impacts are, and what can be done to improve them. That’s when ecolabels also become a powerful data-driven tool to build more sustainable food systems.

    At Foundation Earth, we are working to develop a method that scores food products in the most accurate way possible, based on LCAs using the highest quality data available. We map the supply chain, assess the impacts throughout and tell brands where they might be going wrong. At the same time we are comparing different existing methods to pull out the best of them all and create a single method that will allow brands to have a comprehensive view of their supply chain and know where improvements can be made.

    Recognising actors across the supply chain

    So, brands are starting to place more and more emphasis on their sustainability efforts – but what does this mean for the other actors along the supply chain? The nice shiny label is sitting on the product pack, but how does that help all food players, from farmers to marketers, to demonstrate their sustainability efforts?

    For now, it doesn’t really. Everyone in the chain has contributed to that final score (either negatively or positively!), so why do they miss out on the acknowledgement? At Foundation Earth we believe there is a real gap here, because to transform entire food systems we need to recognise the do-gooders and incentivise others to join in these efforts. If a farmer is doing their best to place sustainability at the heart of their business model, and probably even seeing the direct benefits of their actions on biodiversity around them – for example – this should be celebrated. Because every effort counts.

    That’s why we are launching new pilots calling all pioneers to be part of Foundation Earth’s trials and pave the way for food system transformation. We are aiming to deliver a standard, scalable product footprinting system not only for brand owners but also producers and retailers, that will connect entire value chains and give recognition where it is due by delivering our label across the chain. This will in turn unlock commercial value for businesses and support all actors in achieving their net-zero goals.

    A food ecolabel for all

    What will this look like concretely? We already have our scoring system for final products – remember that traffic light system mentioned on your home appliances? Our Foundation Earth Eco Impact labels apply a similar system: our scores range from A+ to G (A+ being green and representing the lowest environmental impact, G being red and representing the highest) and are re-certified yearly, making it possible for products to improve their grade. But instead of labels just being on final, packaged products, ingredients and processes could be certified at each step of the value chain as well, bringing recognition to all those businesses applying sustainability principles and helping business-to-business (B2B) buyers find alternative, sustainable options.

    Transforming food systems for the better will take active participation from us all. And it’s only by recognising and celebrating efforts that we will build a movement big enough to create actual change and leave way for food systems that won’t harm the planet.


    Sustainability is being placed high on consumers’ agendas, and as a result being reflected more and more in brand’s business models.

    Ecolabels are a powerful tool to give consumers the confidence to choose more sustainable products.

    There are many existing ecolabelling schemes and methods, that look at various indicators. The European Union has worked towards a unified method, the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF).

    Currently a lot of methods use proxy data – industry averages – which don’t reflect the true impact of an individual product.

    Undertaking Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) on individual products enables accuracy and generates intelligence to help businesses produce in a better way.

    We need to not only recognise the brands, but all producers from farm to retail. A certification scheme across the value chain could reward those sustainability efforts and incentivise others.

  • Another Extradordinary Year

    Written by James Warne from Soil First Farming

    What an extraordinary growing season we seem to have had. In a nutshell, very low rainfall, low temperatures until June and good levels of solar radiation (sunshine) resulting in generally good yields with good specific weight and moderate protein. Especially so as most crops senesced approximately 2 weeks earlier than normal.

    All the more extraordinary is where we have, once again, been trialing reduced nitrogen rates on production we have seen very little difference in final yield between standard N rates and reduced N rates (until we reach a critical level, then yield drops significantly). Where we have found yield difference this comes from lower grain weight as opposed to reduced plant counts or tiller numbers. So what can we draw from this wealth of variables? Firstly, autumn 2021 was the kindest drilling season we have had for a couple of years suggesting that most crops went into good soil conditions backing up the adage ‘well sown-half grown’! the autumn and winter that followed was certainly dryer and in some areas was probably below average on the rainfall scale suggesting that crops rooted well.

    Winter was also very mild with very few days of frost and certainly no prolonged periods of cold weather. Wheat tends to be growing at around 5’C and above and I believe that the crops were growing most of the winter, albeit very slowly probably contributing to root mass development as much as above ground vegetative growth.


    One of the greatest contributing factors in this year’s yield-fest has been the temperature, or rather lack of if we cast our minds back to the early spring and summer. For the majority of us the temperatures were in the comfortable mid to high teens (celcius) occasionally reaching the low 20’s but never exceeding this until mid-June.

    Contrary to popular belief high-temperatures can be one of the greatest yield reducing factors for wheat as it can be sensitive to high temperatures throughout its growth cycle. It is, however, particularly to heat during the period from booting, through ear-emergence and flowering. This sensitivity then reduces after flowering trough grain-fill and maturity. Research shows temperature effects can start from the mid-late 20’s and become significant once into the 30’s. This is particularly so during the period of pollen formation and fertilisation.

    Typically wheat is in flower around the second wheat in June (assuming the midlands of the UK). This occurred 7-10 days earlier this around, early June. The first really warm temperatures occurred around the 15th June onwards this year. By which time wheat had passed through the temperature critical period of pollen formation and flowering. From then on the temperatures typically remained in the low 20’s throughout June and into July when the skies cleared and we had prolonged periods if high 20’s-30’s and clear skies. This warmth and sun, combined with large soil moisture deficits, lead to rapid senescence and ripening. But the critical period of reproductive growth (stem extension and ear formation through to flowering) occurred during steady consistent conditions.

    The high temperatures came too late to have any potential to reduce yield. Although those in the very dry east of the country probably found the lack of moisture contributed to a drop in yield.


    It is generally accepted that the crop only receives half its nitrogen requirement from that we apply. The other 50% comes from or via the soil. With the majority of the nitrogen being taken up in the nitrate form which is very water soluble it is assumed that the plant takes up most of its nitrogen as nitrate in the soil water.

    With the bulk of the uptake happening from stem extension through to ear emergence. As I have already mentioned above a large chunk of the UK was very dry during this period of April & May with some areas receiving zero rainfall, yet crops were still able to access the nitrogen they required for canopy and ear development. Although it seems perhaps not enough to assimilate into protein but that may also be attributed to sulphur availability.

    What is really interesting though is where we had reduced the soil applied N by half, combined with a small amount of foliar applied N this gave a very similar yield to wheat which had received a typical nitrogen dose. Where we had dropped the soil applied N further we did start to see a yield drop. I must stress these results were consistent on farms which have been practicing carbon building practices as in a Conservation Agriculture strategy, where we believe there to be a greater supply of N available for mineralization by the soil biology.


    Although another question must surely be if the soil was moisture deficient the biology must surely have been dormant and therefore unable to mineralise the nitrogen! It’s also worth noting that while it developed into another low disease year we saw a marked increase in mildew develop in the high N plots compared to lower total N plots. Never forget that nitrogen can help drive disease levels within the crop. Finally, one of the most perplexing outcomes of this year is if the crop is able to produce the yields we have had when its growing cycle was at least two weeks shorter than average, why do we spend so much time and effort in trying to keep the canopy green? If there is one thing we have been shown this year it’s the lifespan of the crop has no direct influence on the final yield…..

  • Sometimes You Have To Disagree

    Written by Tony Gent

    A couple of articles caught my interest in the July additional of this Magazine, First What’s Your Colour written by James Warne and Farmer Focus by Andrew Ward. The theme of both is somewhat similar in questionable understanding the principle of how soil degradation works and putting in place appropriate practice to start a sequence of improving organic matter and resulting biology. 

    Since the evolvement of tillage mainly to establish a single species crop with reduce competition from other species – a weed, mass food production evolved highly successfully. What we now understand is that success was based on what some compared to mining products from the soil. The way soil evolved over millions of years to work before man’s intervention vegetation growth and subsequent die back were in balance I.E., organic carbon, fertility and nutrition release were at the same rate with no artificial soil movement taking place.

    When soil fertility is naturally high soil movement results in robust crops due to the cultivation induced increased rate of nutrition release. This is particularly so as soil movement technology gets more and more aggressive particularly with development of inversion tillage such as the plough. What we now have as a result of cultivation causing instance of retention and release is soil which is out of balance with its biology resulting in degradation or as we say total mining of the soil-based resource.

    The dilemma so many farmers are faced with, with soil in this situation is putting in place practices that turn the corner towards restoration of biology and protecting the short-term risk as they see it to the income stream from the farm. Also, judgement and assessment of what’s happening can become massively clouded and confusing with reduced soil movement reducing artificial soil structural correction, but which still compromises natural biological build up.

    Particularly farmers with heavily degraded soil that has been vigorously attacked with more and more power and forced soil manipulating technology for timelier establishment and finer seed beds. The awareness of what other farmers have achieved in a No-Till position where they are growing very respectable cost-effective crops doing nothing. Their thought process is all too often that’s ok but I think there is an opportunity to do less, but if I continue to do something it’s got to be better than doing nothing. We have learned that again particularly with heavily degraded soil that logic is partly correct, but it must be applied from a different standpoint.

    It doesn’t work if just removing some elements of what you are doing now and leave others in is “OK I’m doing less”. The problem is that what you were doing even with so-called min-till had an element of primary tillage or initial soil breaking in it, followed by seedbed preparation either prior to drilling or in conjunction with drilling. The problem as I have described is often a bad compromise first not achieving carrying soil along in its degraded state or doing a suitable operation to not compromise biology recovery and so just bumping along in the tough of doing neither of artificially doing natures job completely or treating the soil correctly to allow biology to recover and the soil and moving to a point of soil largely looking after itself as nature intended.

    The first absolute rule in all this is do nothing if it is not needed and then only in suitable weather and rotational situations and opportunity. Also experience has shown us that grass related crops I,E, cereals have much stronger rooting than many break crops and usually tolerate heavily degraded soil with little or no loss of yield, so long as establishment is robust and there are no compaction or drainage issues. Break crops such as oil seed rape and beans though are weaker rooting and soon show their dislike to less than reasonable soil structure.

    When you stop tillage of degraded soil so long as the previous crop and this is by far the best way to judge the structural state of a field was robust and suffered no signs of compaction or drainage problems and no severe damage was done to the soil removing the previous crop, then it’s completely rational to expect if its grown one successful robust crop why shouldn’t it grow another one, without any interference with the soil. With the first year or two of No-Till that’s usually the case.

    But after that an element of weather luck and rotational circumstances creep in. The soil starts to forget the artificial structuring help you have been giving it and as I have said is yet to be at the stage to compensate for this. In practice and this is where weather luck starts to play a part usually with our maritime climate a wet sowing period compromises crop establishment and results in a less than ideal robust crop. Because soil recovery relies on the soil being active and full of roots and activity,

    We have found the approach to the doing something to help for us has been low disturbance vertical tillage. With us there are two stages to this – repair and get soil going in the right direction and the much more laid-back simple rotation opportunistic rotational maintenance, of which as biology increases you need less and less. Very important you must not confuse soil hard or firmness with soil compaction – soil is naturally hard or firm, particularly in dryer conditions, but with the honeycomb built up as biology is restored firmness is not a problem. The big big misconception is trying replicate this structure with cultivation, it does not work like that. The more you cultivate the soil structural the weaker it becomes and wet and dry conditions and trafficking it just slumps together into one big hard lump or slush, and the cycle of obliterating it with cultivation must begin again. Also worms and microbes have no chance in this cycle of obliteration to slump.

    Methods of establishment also plays a part in this with a fixed tine or disc approach. Tines range from the type that moves all or most of soil creating an affect that’s basically one pass cultivation and obviously compromises massively No-till and biology recovery to a very narrow low disturbance tine which is much better, but most still have some element of disruption and inversion effect on the soil. All tines have the disadvantage of blockage in residue, especially in cover crops. Discs generally have much lower surface disturbance and are much better at handling residue and as with tines there are various different approaches to design.

    The main difference is that most create the opening by displacement of the soil sideways soil against soil, which results in compression soil damage and smear in wet conditions that is synonymous with most design limitations. An under-cut disc such as the Weaving GD is much kinder to the soil as there is little or no sideways movement and the opening is created with a natural sleight upwards action, resulting in minimal disturbance and pressure on the soil allowing the seed to be placed under the tilth. Soil friction is generally less than a tine because the disc rotates with the soil flow, resulting in less pressure needed to firm the soil around the seed leading to reduced shrinkage and slot opening, also the seed is predominantly placed to the side away from the primary cut therefore generally slightly away from any hair pinned residue.

    Recently the theory of cover cops has come to the forefront, which is great, and no doubt could help with particularly the transition enormously, but the practicality has many challenges, particularly with the establishment window. As I write – ok its early and we have plenty of time and opportunity, but no moisture and as we have seen with small seed crops if you put them in the ground and they don’t immediately grow they lose vigour and often are a complete failure, even when it does eventually rain. Wet seasons often are cold and late also which compromises establishment before the autumn growing period tails of into winter. Also, with a later harvest workload becomes a compromise and cash crops must take precedence.

    By all means embrace no-till, especially to address soil degradation and make sure your methods facilitate an improvement in soil biology. This is absolutely vital to allow the soil to recover, some appropriate help maybe needed to win in the long term, together with a little patience.

  • Be careful about doing nothing

    Written by Tony Gent

    It doesn’t work if just removing some elements of what you are doing now and leave others in is “OK I’m doing less”.

    A couple of articles caught my interest in the July additional of this magazine, first What’s Your Colour written by James Warne and Farmer Focus by Andrew Ward. The theme of both is somewhat similar in questionable understanding the principle of how soil degradation works and putting in place appropriate practice to start a sequence of improving organic matter and resulting biology.

    Since the evolvement of tillage mainly to establish a single species crop with reduce competition from other species – a weed, mass food production evolved highly successfully. What we now understand is that success was based on what some compared to mining products from the soil. The way soil evolved over millions of years to work before man’s intervention vegetation growth and subsequent die back were in balance so organic carbon, fertility and nutrition release were at the same rate with no artificial soil movement taking place.

    When soil fertility is naturally high soil movement results in robust crops due to the cultivation induced increased rate of nutrition release. This is particularly so as soil movement technology gets more and more aggressive particularly with development of inversion tillage such as the plough. What we now have as a result of cultivation causing instance of retention and release is soil which is out of balance with its biology resulting in degradation or as we say total mining of the soil-based resource.

    The dilemma so many farmers are faced with, with soil in this situation is putting in place practices that turn the corner towards restoration of biology and protecting the short-term risk as they see it to the income stream from the farm. Also, judgement and assessment of what’s happening can become massively clouded and confusing with reduced soil movement reducing artificial soil structural correction, but which still compromises natural biological build up.

    Particularly farmers with heavily degraded soil that has been vigorously attacked with more and more power and forced soil manipulating technology for timelier establishment and finer seed beds. The awareness of what other farmers have achieved in a No-Till position where they are growing very respectable cost-effective crops doing nothing. Their thought process is all too often that’s ok but I think there is an opportunity to do less, but if I continue to do something it’s got to be better than doing nothing. We have learned that again particularly with heavily degraded soil that logic is partly correct, but it must be applied from a different standpoint. It doesn’t work if just removing some elements of what you are doing now and leave others in is “OK I’m doing less”. The problem is that what you were doing even with so-called min-till had an element of primary tillage or initial soil breaking in it, followed by seedbed preparation either prior to drilling or in conjunction with drilling. The problem as I have described is often a bad compromise first not achieving carrying soil along in its degraded state or doing a suitable operation to not compromise biology recovery and so just bumping along in the tough of doing neither of artificially doing natures job completely or treating the soil correctly to allow biology to recover and the soil and moving to a point of soil largely looking after itself as nature intended.   

    The first absolute rule in all this is do nothing if it is not needed and then only in suitable weather and rotational situations and opportunity. Also experience has shown us that grass related crops such as cereals have much stronger rooting than many break crops and usually tolerate heavily degraded soil with little or no loss of yield, so long as establishment is robust and there are no compaction or drainage issues. Break crops such as oil seed rape and beans though are weaker rooting and soon show their dislike to less than reasonable soil structure.

    When you stop tillage of degraded soil so long as the previous crop and this is by far the best way to judge the structural state of a field was robust and suffered no signs of compaction or drainage problems and no severe damage was done to the soil removing the previous crop, then it’s completely rational to expect if its grown one successful robust crop why shouldn’t it grow another one, without any interference with the soil. With the first year or two of No-Till that’s usually the case. But after that an element of weather luck and rotational circumstances creep in. The soil starts to forget the artificial structuring help you have been giving it and as I have said is yet to be at the stage to compensate for this. In practice and this is where weather luck starts to play a part usually with our maritime climate a wet sowing period compromises crop establishment and results in a less than ideal robust crop. Because soil recovery relies on the soil being active and full of roots and activity,

    We have found the approach to the doing something to help for us has been low disturbance vertical tillage. With us there are two stages to this – repair and get soil going in the right direction and the much more laid-back simple rotation opportunistic rotational maintenance, of which as biology increases you need less and less. Very important you must not confuse soil hard or firmness with soil compaction – soil is naturally hard or firm, particularly in dryer conditions, but with the honeycomb built up as biology is restored firmness is not a problem. The big big misconception is trying replicate this structure with cultivation, it does not work like that. The more you cultivate the soil structural the weaker it becomes and wet and dry conditions and trafficking it just slumps together into one big hard lump or slush, and the cycle of obliterating it with cultivation must begin again. Also worms and microbes have no chance in this cycle of obliteration to slump.

    Methods of establishment also plays a part in this with a fixed tine or disc approach. Tines range from the type that moves all or most of soil creating an affect that’s basically one pass cultivation and obviously compromises massively No-till and biology recovery to a very narrow low disturbance tine which is much better, but most still have some element of disruption and inversion effect on the soil. All tines have the disadvantage of blockage in residue, especially in cover crops. Discs generally have much lower surface disturbance and are much better at handling residue and as with tines there are various different approaches to design. The main difference is that most create the opening by displacement of the soil sideways soil against soil, which results in compression soil damage and smear in wet conditions that is synonymous with most design limitations. An under-cut disc such as the Weaving GD is much kinder to the soil as there is little or no sideways movement and the opening is created with a natural sleight upwards action, resulting in minimal disturbance and pressure on the soil allowing the seed to be placed under the tilth. Soil friction is generally less than a tine because the disc rotates with the soil flow, resulting in less pressure needed to firm the soil around the seed leading to reduced shrinkage and slot opening, also the seed is predominantly placed to the side away from the primary cut therefore generally slightly away from any hair pinned residue. 

    Recently the theory of cover cops has come to the forefront, which is great, and no doubt could help with particularly the transition enormously, but the practicality has many challenges, particularly with the establishment window. As I write – ok its early and we have plenty of time and opportunity, but no moisture and as we have seen with small seed crops if you put them in the ground and they don’t immediately grow they lose vigour and often are a complete failure, even when it does eventually rain. Wet seasons often are cold and late also which compromises establishment before the autumn growing period tails of into winter. Also, with a later harvest workload becomes a compromise and cash crops must take precedence.

    By all means embrace no-till, especially to address soil degradation and make sure your methods facilitate an improvement in soil biology. This is absolutely vital to allow the soil to recover, some appropriate help maybe needed to win in the long term, together with a little patience.      

  • Drill Manufacturers In Focus…


    The latest 12m HORSCH Avatar 12.25 SD, launched in early 2022, has been updated with new equipment options, including a new control concept. The intuitive handling system is based on ISOBUS and makes it easier for the farmer to adjust, operate and monitor the drill. The terminal interface can be adapted to the user’s requirements and, with the new hardware and software, HORSCH has created a platform which can supply an almost unlimited number of components when metering.

    Thanks to the well-proven folding design the transport dimensions are very compact. With an outside width of 3 metres, it is also ideal for road transport. There are various tyre versions from 520 to 900 tyres and twin tyres.

    The newly developed seed hopper platform has a capacity of 6500 litres and can be ordered as a double hopper with a 60:40 ratio. To increase the range further, especially for rape seed, a MiniDrill G&F is now available as an option. This additional hopper has a capacity of 400 litres and is often used for seed, granulates or slug pellets. Filling stops can be reduced and up to 3 components can be metered at the same time. The seed wagon layout increases the drilling window with the large tyre widths reducing compaction even in wet soil conditions. The double support wheels at the wings ensure low tracks and optimum adaption to the soil. With its 1-row design with SingleDisc coulters and a row spacing of 25cm, the Avatar 12.25 SD is ideal for mechanical population control, but also for the most different sowing methods, such as direct seed, mulch seed and into standing catch crops.

    The new LED headlight system, WorkLight Pro, allows for driving at night and, like all HORSCH Avatar models, the HM skid as well as the newly developed HM Plus skid provide enormous stability and longevity of the seed coulter.

  • Horsch Avatar 12.25 SD updated with new equipment options

    The latest 12m HORSCH Avatar 12.25 SD, launched in early 2022, has been updated with new equipment options, including a new control concept. The intuitive handling system is based on ISOBUS and makes it easier for the farmer to adjust, operate and monitor the drill. The terminal interface can be adapted to the user’s requirements and, with the new hardware and software, HORSCH has created a platform which can supply an almost unlimited number of components when metering.

    Thanks to the well-proven folding design the transport dimensions are very compact. With an outside width of 3 metres, it is also ideal for road transport. There are various tyre versions from 520 to 900 tyres and twin tyres.

    The newly developed seed hopper platform has a capacity of 6500 litres and can be ordered as a double hopper with a 60:40 ratio. To increase the range further, especially for rape seed, a MiniDrill G&F is now available as an option. This additional hopper has a capacity of 400 litres and is often used for seed, granulates or slug pellets. Filling stops can be reduced and up to 3 components can be metered at the same time.

    The seed wagon layout increases the drilling window with the large tyre widths reducing compaction even in wet soil conditions. The double support wheels at the wings ensure low tracks and optimum adaption to the soil. With its 1-row design with SingleDisc coulters and a row spacing of 25cm, the Avatar 12.25 SD is ideal for mechanical population control, but also for the most different sowing methods, such as direct seed, mulch seed and into standing catch crops. The new LED headlight system, WorkLight Pro, allows for driving at night and, like all HORSCH Avatar models, the HM skid as well as the newly developed HM Plus skid provide enormous stability and longevity of the seed coulter.

  • Crop And Carbon: Optimising The Double Yield

    Written by Thomas Gent, CEO Agreena UK

    It’s no secret that employing regenerative farming techniques – minimal soil disturbance, the use of cover crops and organic manures, applying carbon-rich fertilisers – both reduce the amount of farm-generated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and add to the amount of carbon stored in the soil. These GHG reductions and carbon storage initiatives can then be quantified annually, depending on the practices carried out over the harvest year. This, in a nutshell, is what’s referred to as carbon farming.

    The quantification of GHG reduction and carbon storage is measured in units called carbon certificates; one certificate represents one tonne of CO2-equivalent emissions (either removed or reduced). If you’re a typical farmer who’s practising carbon farming, you can expect to yield between one and two carbon certificates per hectare per year. But that’s just the beginning. The exciting bit comes when you’re able to optimise and garner a double yield, meaning both crop yield and carbon certificate yield. This is where I’d kindly like to ask you to pause for a moment, take a deep breath and reflect on this perspective:

    A carbon certificate yield should be thought of as a crop

    Here’s why: Both yields take place once a year in line with the typical summer-tosummer crop cycles we’re all used to. This means you have the potential to harvest two crops from your field: one wheat crop and one carbon crop, for example. Once you’ve harvested your carbon certificates, you need to decide what to do with them. Much like a normal cash crop, they can be kept, used for your own purposes or sold to an end user. You can even work with a company to take them to market for you.

    As a farmer myself, I’m constantly researching new and innovative ways to turn my farm into a battleground for combating climate change. Caring for the soil under my feet to sequester carbon from the atmosphere is a profitable and sustainable way to optimise my farm’s carbon negative position while at the same time producing a new asset in the form of a carbon certificate But it isn’t just me; I’ve spoken with many farmers in the area who have recently transitioned to carbon farming through the Agreena certification programme and are now yielding and earning from their carbon harvest.

    They’re using Agreena to help them strategise how they can move further away from their established baseline to increase their yield of carbon certificates per hectare – moving more fields over to direct drilling, for instance. Still others have found that crops in the rotation with a high carbon yield, such as pulses and linseed, are inherently less profitable. The carbon payment they’ve received has topped up their profitability and improved their soil.

    Other key takeaways from these conversations have been that the most ‘carbon yielding’ crops are those that have a cover crop before them. This has helped reduce the need for artificial fertiliser in the cash crop that follows, which can help save big considering the current high price of fertiliser. Planting an over-the-winter crop and following it with a spring cash crop can also generate a lot of carbon certificates and allow you to address problematic, annual winter weeds. This is a win-win for carbon yields and addressing long-standing weed problems.

    The Agreena soil carbon platform, aptly named AgreenaCarbon, works to support you in the quantification and planning that’s necessary to begin earning carbon certificates after each annual harvest year. Employed by farmers in 14 countries, the internationally accredited soil carbon certification programme works with world-leading regenerative agriculture technology and external verification partners, so there should be no doubt for corporate buyers and farmers that the programme delivers high-quality carbon certificates. The programme is available to all farms of all sizes and types, and makes a transition to regenerative farming practices financially viable. Perhaps best of all, no matter where you are in your regenerative journey, you can enter the programme.

    To learn more about AgreenaCarbon and how you can start optimising your double yield in the field, visit

  • Crop and carbon: Optimising the double yield

    Written by Thomas Gent

    It’s no secret that employing regenerative farming techniques – minimal soil disturbance, the use of cover crops and organic manures, applying carbon-rich fertilisers – both reduce the amount of farm-generated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and add to the amount of carbon stored in the soil. These GHG reductions and carbon storage initiatives can then be quantified annually, depending on the practices carried out over the harvest year. This, in a nutshell, is what’s referred to as carbon farming.

    The quantification of GHG reduction and carbon storage is measured in units called carbon certificates; one certificate represents one tonne of CO2-equivalent emissions (either removed or reduced). If you’re a typical farmer who’s practising carbon farming, you can expect to yield between one and two carbon certificates per hectare per year. But that’s just the beginning. The exciting bit comes when you’re able to optimise and garner a double yield, meaning both crop yield and carbon certificate yield. This is where I’d kindly like to ask you to pause for a moment, take a deep breath and reflect on this perspective:

    A carbon certificate yield should be thought of as a crop yield.

    Here’s why: Both yields take place once a year in line with the typical summer-to-summer crop cycles we’re all used to. This means you have the potential to harvest two crops from your field: one wheat crop and one carbon crop, for example. Once you’ve harvested your carbon certificates, you need to decide what to do with them. Much like a normal cash crop, they can be kept, used for your own purposes or sold to an end user. You can even work with a company to take them to market for you.

    As a farmer myself, I’m constantly researching new and innovative ways to turn my farm into a battleground for combating climate change. Caring for the soil under my feet to sequester carbon from the atmosphere is a profitable and sustainable way to optimise my farm’s carbon negative position while at the same time producing a new asset in the form of a carbon certificate But it isn’t just me; I’ve spoken with many farmers in the area who have recently transitioned to carbon farming through the Agreena certification programme and are now yielding and earning from their carbon harvest.

    They’re using Agreena to help them strategise how they can move further away from their established baseline to increase their yield of carbon certificates per hectare – moving more fields over to direct drilling, for instance. Still others have found that crops in the rotation with a high carbon yield, such as pulses and linseed, are inherently less profitable. The carbon payment they’ve received has topped up their profitability and improved their soil.
    Other key takeaways from these conversations have been that the most ‘carbon yielding’ crops are those that have a cover crop before them. This has helped reduce the need for artificial fertiliser in the cash crop that follows, which can help save big considering the current high price of fertiliser. Planting an over-the-winter crop and following it with a spring cash crop can also generate a lot of carbon certificates and allow you to address problematic, annual winter weeds. This is a win-win for carbon yields and addressing long-standing weed problems.

    The Agreena soil carbon platform, aptly named AgreenaCarbon, works to support you in the quantification and planning that’s necessary to begin earning carbon certificates after each annual harvest year. Employed by farmers in 14 countries, the internationally accredited soil carbon certification programme works with world-leading regenerative agriculture technology and external verification partners, so there should be no doubt for corporate buyers and farmers that the programme delivers high-quality carbon certificates. The programme is available to all farms of all sizes and types, and makes a transition to regenerative farming practices financially viable. Perhaps best of all, no matter where you are in your regenerative journey, you can enter the programme.

    To learn more about AgreenaCarbon and how you can start optimising your double yield in the field, visit

  • Agronomist In Focus…


    Always start with why…?

    Four years ago, John Cherry and I were having an enlightened conversation while seated around his kitchen table discussing the future of agronomy. This was now several years since John and his brother Paul along with Paul’s son Alex, had founded the Groundswell Conference in Hertfordshire. Attending Groundswell, meeting Frederic Thomas, being a BASE member and the other people I have met along the way, have all been defining light bulb moments in my agronomy career. They allowed me to join the dots of mainly subconscious observations made throughout my career and some conscious ones too. I particularly remember one day as a harvest student getting out the tractor cab while waiting for the combine. I noticed the soil in the field under the stubble was loose and friable, it had a sweet smell and good worm activity – a perfect growing medium. Why then were we about to turn this soil upside down in an attempt to recreate the exact same result? That made no sense apart from that’s what everyone does, isn’t it? It felt like this conversation in John’s kitchen was another of these lightbulb moments. We were debating what should the agronomist of the future look like and indeed the type of service they should be offering in a regenerative system? 

    Fast forward to today and Groundswell Agronomy has enjoyed it’s second year successfully attending the Groundswell Conference 2022. During our conversation in John’s kitchen, I suggested what might appear to be a flawed business model and that was to make myself redundant in ten years. Not because I don’t immensely enjoy what I do, but if one of the overarching principles of the agronomist of the future is to make a regenerative farming system the solution, we have to do things differently. Rather than the current model of an in season, short term solution from a can focusing on margin over input costs. We know intuitively that we need to take a far more long-term view. Taking inspiration from organic systems or any system for that matter, where nutrition is considered rotationally rather than crop specifically.

    Regenerative farming is nothing new, when you interrogate the principles of such a system, they are what good mixed farming has always been about albeit with a better understanding of the “why” something works. Our understanding of soil biology is just one example of an area that during my studies was barely mentioned. Today we are aware of its importance and seek to understand it in far more detail than ever before.

    Over the last year we have seen huge volatility in input and energy prices which makes one of the key drivers behind my interest in a conservation or regenerative model so important, and that has always been to future proof the rural farm business (acknowledging most farm businesses are very diversified), maximise the return on investment and the management time employed. One challenge that a regenerative system currently faces and one that is having an increasing effect on the practical agronomy of these crops, is a consistency of core values. Regulation brings a degree of structure missing from regenerative agriculture at the moment. While I’m definitely not a fan of highly regulated industries having a framework to work within would bring credibility for the system and clarity to the consumer. There are fundamental principles that are well accepted within a regenerative system however these are interpreted slightly differently, depending on the individual’s interpretation of these principles and depending on their world view. Their attitude to risk, the time of the year and most definitely this year, changes in grain prices all derail the best of intentions.

    Which means that communication between the grower and the agronomist becomes ever more important. I often joke about the need for farmers and agronomists to have couples therapy, but it is vital for everyone involved in growing the crop to have a clear understanding of the overall objectives, the businesses attitude to risk and the fundamental “why” behind the decision making. Why is such a powerful word and it’s not until we ask ourselves why at least four times can we rarely get to the reality of why we’re thinking and feeling a certain way. While we are skilled at crafting a rational justification for what we do. The reality can be sometimes quite different.

    In trying to answer the question “is there another way” to farm. It has led me to question every decision we make as agronomists. As I researched further seeking to properly understand soils and how to manage them, I moved from thinking things were simple to very complex before realising what seemed complex was actually very simple. However, the key when working more closely with natural systems is to always have a plan B, C, D and E. Irrespective of farm size this is very possible, but it requires a very different way of thinking and being flexible and open to change. An example of this, and one that may seem extreme is that if we accept as farmers, we are ultimately trying to farm sunlight and if we’re to manage soils better, permanent soil cover is a fundamental goal of the system. Then when we plant something, we don’t necessarily know whether that crop will be a cash crop, a forage crop or a cover crop? We are used to controlling nature and I suggest we can learn more by taking inspiration from nature to create a truly efficient system.

    All the while being aware as humans, we are very good at self-sabotage. We need to be aware of the cycle of SELF-SABOTAGE and be compassionate when we fall victim to this process particularly when we are trying to adopt a new system or approach. We favour doing what feels comfortable – we then decide to make a change – we take steps to change – the change feels good – this feels different – we feel uncomfortable – we question the changes made – our subconscious craves familiarity, and the cycle begins again. While it’s easy to explain a concept by going to extremes and to some a regenerative system can seem extreme, if it does nothing else but to make you stop and question your approach there is a value in that alone. There are always aspects of the system which can provide benefit and fit into a more conventional approach.

    To find better ways of doing things to some extent ignoring labels can be helpful and shifting the focus on the value of each individual technique being deployed. One thing that is clear from other parts of the world is in order to make an alternative system work well it involves far more trusting and intimate relationships with the rest of the supply chain. Only by challenging convention throughout the supply chain will we achieve success. We need to reimagine everything from the soil up.

    So, while having these grand aspirations is all very well, what does that look like day to day in the field and where could farmers trials, as well as more formalised trials start investigating? Here are a few conversation starters to have with your agronomist the next time you have your therapy session together!

    1.Alongside trials, one starting point is to begin with knowledge exchange and financial benchmarking peer to peer, facilitated by the agronomist is essential first step. Many growers would be dismissive of the concept of no-till potatoes as unrealistic but such projects while extreme are a way to interrogate a different way of thinking. We need to ask what elements of this approach could have value whatever the system?

    2.Where does your advice come from? Maybe growers should swap their agronomist every three years to maintain innovation? This was an idea suggested by Mark Dewes at a panel discussion at Groundswell in 2021. Mark had recently completed a Nuffield Scholarship into looking at different agronomy models around the world.

    3.Our cover crop knowledge is very much in its infancy, and everyone is trying to achieve different things. The starting point is to know the value of the benefit you are getting from that particular cover crop. Aiming to ideally make every cover crop a cash crop. Relay cover cropping and blurring the line overlapping a cash and a cover crop can be a more nuanced way of getting the best return on investment from that cover crop. Quantifying the true value cover crops bring to improving nutrient use efficiency would give more confidence in using cover crops more widely.

    4.Maintain a balance; as farmers we love the production element of growing but maintaining a balance accepting for a regenerative system to work our attention needs to be focused, 50% on marketing and 50% on growing in that order and irrespective of whether the product leaves the farm as a 29ton bulk lorry or a single branded 500g bag. The best example of farmers making the system work around the world is through diversity of crop and market. It may be a contentious question, but why exactly in a more normalised year are we growing so much wheat, while historically farm profitability has been declining for some?

    5. Is our idea of efficiency flawed – a question for another day but something to ponder?

    Lastly, an interesting question. Why is it that Microsoft is reportedly the second-largest employer of anthropologists in the world? In essence it can be summed up by the fact that in order to know where were going we must first know where we have come from. There is nothing new in farming or farming regeneratively just the way we think and join the dots.

  • Agronomist in Focus – Richard Harding

    Always start with why…?

    Four years ago, John Cherry and I were having an enlightened conversation while seated around his kitchen table discussing the future of agronomy. This was several years after John and his brother Paul along with Paul’s son Alex, had founded the Groundswell Conference in Hertfordshire.

    Attending Groundswell, meeting Frederic Thomas, being a BASE member and the people I have met along the way, have all been defining light bulb moments in my agronomy career. They allowed me to join the dots of mainly subconscious observations made throughout my career and some conscious ones too. I particularly remember one day as a harvest student getting out the tractor cab while waiting for the combine. I noticed the soil in the field under the stubble was loose and friable, it had a sweet smell and good worm activity – a perfect growing medium. Why then were we about to turn this soil upside down in an attempt to recreate the exact same result? That made no sense apart from that’s what everyone does, isn’t it? It felt like this conversation in John’s kitchen was another of these lightbulb moments. We were debating what should the agronomist of the future should look like and importantly, what type of service they should be offering in a regenerative farming system?

    Inspiration from organic systems

    Fast forward to today and Groundswell Agronomy has enjoyed it’s second year successfully attending the Groundswell Conference 2022. During our conversation in John’s kitchen, I suggested what might appear to be a flawed business model and that was to make myself redundant in ten years. Not because I don’t immensely enjoy what I do, but if one of the overarching principles of the agronomist of the future is to make a regenerative farming system the solution, we have to do things differently, Rather than the current model of an in season, short term solution from a can focusing on margin over input costs. We know intuitively that we need to take a far more long-term view. Taking inspiration from organic systems or any system for that matter, where nutrition is considered rotationally rather than crop specifically.

    Regenerative farming is nothing new, when you interrogate the principles of such a system, they are what good mixed farming has always been about albeit with a better understanding of the “why” something works. Our understanding of soil biology is just one example of an area that during my studies was barely mentioned. Today we are aware of its importance and seek to understand it in far more detail than ever before.

    Over the last year we have seen huge volatility in input and energy prices which makes one of the key drivers behind my interest in a conservation or regenerative model so important, and that has always been to future proof the rural farm business (acknowledging most farm businesses are very diversified), maximise the return on investment and the management time employed. One challenge that a regenerative system currently faces and one that is having an increasing effect on the practical agronomy of these crops, is a consistency of core values. Regulation brings a degree of structure missing from regenerative agriculture at the moment. While I’m definitely not a fan of highly regulated industries having a framework to work within would bring credibility for the system and clarity to the consumer. There are fundamental principles that are well accepted within a regenerative system however these are interpreted slightly differently, depending on the individual’s interpretation of these principles and depending on their world view. Their attitude to risk, the time of the year and most definitely this year, changes in grain prices all derail the best of intentions.

    The key to working closely with natural systems

    Which means that communication between the grower and the agronomist becomes ever more important. I often joke about the need for farmers and agronomists to have couples therapy, but it is vital for everyone involved in growing the crop to have a clear understanding of the overall objectives, the businesses attitude to risk and the fundamental “why” behind the decision making. Why is such a powerful word and it’s not until we ask ourselves why at least four times can we rarely get to the reality of why we’re thinking and feeling a certain way. While we are skilled at crafting a rational justification for what we do. The reality can be sometimes quite different.

    In trying to answer the question “is there another way” to farm. It has led me to question every decision we make as agronomists. As I researched further seeking to properly understand soils and how to manage them, I moved from thinking things were simple to very complex before realising what seemed complex was actually very simple. However, the key when working more closely with natural systems is to always have a plan B, C, D and E. Irrespective of farm size this is very possible, but it requires a very different way of thinking and being flexible and open to change. An example of this, and one that may seem extreme, is that if we accept that, as farmers, we are ultimately trying to farm sunlight and so if we’re to manage soils better, permanent soil cover is a fundamental goal of the system. Then when we plant something, we don’t necessarily know whether that crop will be a cash crop, a forage crop or a cover crop? We are used to controlling nature and I suggest we can learn more by taking inspiration from nature to create a truly efficient system.

    Question your approach to farm management

    All the while being aware as humans, we are very good at self-sabotage. We need to be aware of the cycle of SELF-SABOTAGE and be compassionate when we fall victim to this process particularly when we are trying to adopt a new system or approach. We favour doing what feels comfortable – we then decide to make a change – we take steps to change – the change feels good – this feels different – we feel uncomfortable – we question the changes made – our subconscious craves familiarity, and the cycle begins again.

    While it’s easy to explain a concept by going to extremes and to some a regenerative system can seem extreme, if it does nothing else but to make you stop and question your approach there is a value in that alone. There are always aspects of the system which can provide benefit and fit into a more conventional approach.

    No-till potatoes

    To find better ways of doing things to some extent ignoring labels can be helpful and shifting the focus on the value of each individual technique being deployed. One thing that is clear from other parts of the world is in order to make an alternative system work well it involves far more trusting and intimate relationships with the rest of the supply chain. Only by challenging convention throughout the supply chain will we achieve success. We need to re-imagine everything from the soil up.

    So, while having these grand aspirations is all very well, what does that look like day to day in the field and where could farmers trials, as well as more formalised trials start investigating? Here are a few conversation starters to have with your agronomist the next time you have your therapy session together!

                •           Alongside trials, one starting point is to begin with knowledge exchange and financial benchmarking peer to peer, facilitated by the agronomist is essential first step. Many growers would be dismissive of the concept of no-till potatoes as unrealistic but such projects while extreme are a way to interrogate a different way of thinking. We need to ask what elements of this approach could have value whatever the system?

                •           Where does your advice come from? Maybe growers should swap their agronomist every three years to maintain innovation? This was an idea suggested by Mark Dewes at a panel discussion at Groundswell in 2021. Mark had recently completed a Nuffield Scholarship into looking at different agronomy models around the world.

                •           Our cover crop knowledge is very much in its infancy, and everyone is trying to achieve different things. The starting point is to know the value of the benefit you are getting from that particular cover crop. Aiming to ideally make every cover crop a cash crop. Relay cover cropping and blurring the line overlapping a cash and a cover crop can be a more nuanced way of getting the best return on investment from that cover crop. Quantifying the true value cover crops bring to improving nutrient use efficiency would give more confidence in using cover crops more widely.

                •           Maintain a balance; as farmers we love the production element of growing but maintaining a balance accepting for a regenerative system to work our attention needs to be focused, 50% on marketing and 50% on growing in that order and irrespective of whether the product leaves the farm as a 29ton bulk lorry or a single branded 500g bag. The best example of farmers making the system work around the world is through diversity of crop and market. It may be a contentious question, buy why exactly in a more normalised year are we growing so much wheat, while historically farm profitability has been declining for some?

                •           Is our idea of efficiency flawed – a question for another day but something to ponder?

    Lastly, an interesting question. Why is it that Microsoft is reportedly the second-largest employer of anthropologists in the world? In essence it can be summed up by the fact that in order to know where were going we must first know where we have come from. There is nothing new in farming or farming regeneratively just the way we think and join the dots.

  • Drill Manufacturers In Focus…


    With the harvest safely gathered in Jeff Claydon, Suffolk arable farmer and inventor of the Opti-Till® direct strip seeding system, discusses the results and looks ahead to next season.

    18 August 2022

    It has been a very strange year for weather in most parts of the UK. Here in Suffolk, where annual rainfall is just 600mm making it one of the driest regions, the exceptional conditions brought back memories of 1976. That year, almost no rain fell between March and September and during a visit to the county then Minister of Agriculture, the late Fred Peart, described the drought as a tragedy, urging the public not to panic. Sounds familiar! Between New Year’s day and the end of May this year our farm weather station recorded 196.8mm of rain, well below the long-term average. April brought only 18.6mm and in May 41.6mm fell, followed by 34.4mm in June and a miniscule 10.4mm in July, contributing to a total of just 244mm for the year to date. Much of that came in the form of short, localised showers, so the water evaporated very quickly and produced little benefit.

    One positive of the exceptionally dry conditions was our earliest-ever harvest. The 12m Claas Lexion 600 Terra-Trac had an uninterrupted run from the time we cut the first oilseed rape in mid-July until the last spring oats which were combined during the first week of August. With daytime temperatures consistently in the mid-to-high 30s and little in the way of overnight dew we were able keep going for as long as we were physical able to do so. It was a very tiring couple of weeks, but with help from my sons, Oliver and Spencer, harvest was completed in record time and with wheat coming into store at 11-12% there were no drying costs.

    Too dry to drill

    The downside of the prolonged dry weather is that currently the land is too dry to drill oilseed rape. Normally, the crop would have been in the ground a week or two ago but, with no moisture to start the germination process, drilling it then would have been a mistake. Patience is the key as we await some meaningful rain! The ground is so dry and cracked that undertaking any form of conventional cultivations would be very expensive in fuel, excess wear on machinery and ground-engaging metal. Breaking down the large clods created by that approach would also be very time-consuming and expensive but driving around the area those drawbacks have not stopped some from trying. On our own heavy clay land, the Claydon Straw Harrow has been successfully deployed across the whole farm, the main limitation being keeping dust to a minimum by restricting forward speed when operating close to houses in the village, especially if they have washing on the line!

    With our rotation having changed from wheat and oilseed rape to include more spring-sown and break crops, the aim is to use land destined for spring drilling to help reduce the weed burden and seed bank using Opti-Till® stubble management techniques which move no more than 2cm of topsoil. This enables us to control weed seeds and volunteers without herbicides, other than one full-rate application of glyphosate just prior to drilling. Effective stubble management has become particularly important following the loss of neonicotinoid seed treatments and some products to control grassweeds due to the inherent fear that the aphid vectors of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) will increase significantly. However, BYVD can be reduced considerably by using the Opti-Till® system to manage stubbles and eliminate the ‘green bridge’ effect. It also enables drilling to be delayed, but to do that with any degree of certainty you must be able to get the crop in the ground quickly, which means not having too many operations before sowing.

    Last night’s 2.4mm of rain was just enough to make conditions perfect for the Claydon Straw Harrow, a simple, robust, fast, and very effective stubble management tool with many uses. Operating at 15 – 25km/h, it is equipped with sprung steel tines which vibrate rapidly to break up straw and expose chopped crop residues. They also create a ‘boiling’ action which uproots weeds and volunteers, as well as destroying slugs and slug eggs. An additional upside of the hot, dry conditions has been that slugs have had a very tough time and have been unable to breed, so we will not have to worry about them this season. 

    The Straw Harrow creates a fine micro-tilth in the top 20- 30mm of soil, providing ideal conditions for rapid germination of weeds and volunteers, which can then be raked out and destroyed with another pass before they become established. When glyphosate is eventually applied, it is as a single, full strength dose prior to drilling, which maximises its effectiveness and reduces the risk of weed resistance Even during a prolonged dry spell and high summer temperatures the difference between harrowed and unharrowed soil is clear. Unharrowed soil is hard and baked with shrinkage cracks; soil that has been harrowed has a crumbly, fine tilth and crop residues have been broken into small pieces.

    20-Year Anniversary

    This harvest marked 20 years of establishing all crops on the farm using only Claydon Opti-Till® products. These consist of the Straw Harrow, occasionally the TerraStar® light rotary cultivator where slightly more soil movement is required, together with the Claydon direct strip seeding drill, followed by the TerraBlade inter-row hoe. My last article for Direct Driller mentioned that our crops were showing exciting potential, and they certainly lived up to expectations. That was a pleasant surprise given the lack of rain and the fact that we backed off on the nitrogen due to concerns that it would not be fully utilised in the dry conditions. This was a good decision, made easier because we only grow feed wheats. Winter wheats received 190kgN/ha, 50 – 60kgN/ ha less than our normal 240-250kgN/ha, and oilseed rape a similar amount, again less than normal.

    In a couple of small areas where nitrogen was missed when applying it through our 36m self-propelled sprayer, for which I can only blame myself, the yield plummeted, highlighting the importance of this major nutrient. Without fertiliser and agchems yields would quickly regress to 1970s levels, around 30cwt for barley and 2 tons per acre in ‘old money’ terms, or 3.7t/ha and 5t/ha respective in modern parlance. The key difference between the 1970s and now is that there are more mouths to feed. According to the Office of National Statistics the UK population was 56,226,000 in 1975, it rose to 65,110,000 in 2015 and is projected to hit 69,444,000 by 2025. Should we therefore be concerned about the dramatic curbs on nitrogen use currently being proposed by the governments of The Netherlands and Canada?

    Fungicide programmes were maintained at normal levels because these products more than cover their cost through increased yield. Past experience has shown that if yellow rust or other foliar diseases take hold significant yield potential has already been lost by the time the signs become visible, far outweighing the cost of an effective treatment programme..

    Good drainage increases yields

    Drainage is very important to get the best from our heavy clay soils and in a couple of areas where the old tile system had broken down a significant reduction in yield was apparent. One 12ha area produced 7.78t/ha, compared with over 9.5t/ha in the adjacent field, an overall loss across that small area of around 25 tonnes, so correcting the problem was a priority. Dry weather allowed local drainage contractor W. R. Suckling & Sons to install new plastic pipes 1m deep across a total of 40ha in various fields. Some was done in the spring, some through rape stubble, and we will mole drain across these areas when conditions allow. Land is far too valuable to have it underperform, and this investment should maximise its potential by increasing yields.

    The dry spring and summer, combined with the use of a Claydon TerraBlade inter-row hoe meant that our crops were the cleanest I have ever known, with no spring-germinated blackgrass. I am delighted with the results of the 2022 harvest, high yields underlining the benefits of establishing deep rooting structures which enabled crops to make best use of available moisture. Having recently invested in a new weighbridge we know that the yield information is precise and have posted it on the Claydon website ( Those of you who have visited the Claydon factory will know the 16ha field to the right of the access road. The winter wheat there yielded just over 10t/ha, while the average across our whole IACA registered area was 9.54t/ha, with higher-thanaverage hectolitre weights. Given the lack of rain and 25% reduction in nitrogen use those are both excellent figures.

    Hybrid oilseed rape provided a similarly pleasing result. DK Excited, which was drilled at just 2.7kg/ha using a preproduction version of our new Claydon Evolution drill, averaged 3.84t/ha, with one field producing 4.2t/ha. Given that the crop had to contend with very dry weather, some pigeon damage, and small areas where cabbage stem flea beetle had attacked, these yields are exceptional. With very low establishment costs, a low level of fungicide use, and just 190kgN/ha the margin will be very attractive. Spring oats put in a surprising performance and are destined for use in a range of gluten-free products such as breakfast cereals and oat milk. We drilled the new Elsoms variety Lion directly into stubble which had been Straw Harrowed using a seed rate of just 100kg/ha and the crop subsequently received a total of 100kgN/ha in two equal splits.

    A Claydon TerraBlade inter-row hoe took out any grassweeds growing between the band-sown rows before they had a chance to develop and compete with the spring oats, so the crop looked clean throughout. Given the season’s challenges I was very pleased that it averaged 6.11t/ha, which was slightly below the 7t/ha from last year’s crop of WPB Elyann (KWS) but that had much more favourable growing conditions. We will be drilling Lion again in 2023, as 25% of the farm will be into spring oats, 25% oilseed rape and 50% winter wheat, all first wheats.

    Current conditions are the polar opposite of those last year, when there was plenty of moisture in the ground during August, but September was quite dry. With the ground currently bone dry we are waiting for significant rainfall to provide some moisture, so everything is currently in a state of limbo. The soil temperature is much higher than at the same time last year, so I am not too concerned that oilseed rape has not been drilled; it is much better to wait and sow into moisture than have the seed sit there doing nothing. Our own land is showing none of the deep cracking which is evident on some nearby farms where conventional cultivations and establishment protocols are used, nor do we have deep tramlines which will take time and money to put right. In contrast, our, fields are level with a layer of fine tilth and crop residues on the surface which will protect and insulate the soil, providing perfect conditions for drilling when we do get some rain.

    With Claydon customers saving up to £250/ha on establishment costs by using the Opti-Till® System demand for our products from farmers throughout the world is at record levels, so I am delighted that our new 36m x 36m clear-span building is almost finished. We have managed the build project in-house but, due to difficulties in getting contractors, progress has been slower than anticipated. The concern now is finding enough additional staff to fill the numerous vacancies that we have to offer so if you know of anyone who might be interested in a role please ask them to contact us! When complete the new facility will double our production capacity.

    Just before harvest, accredited master thatcher Harry Roberts of Harry Roberts Thatching Services finished replacing the roof at Gaines Hall, our Grade II listed 16th Century farmhouse. After 44 years’ service it was rethatched using wheat straw grown by Harry using the heritage wheat variety Maris Widgeon, drilled using a Claydon drill. We are delighted with the results.

  • Excellent results from the 2022 harvest, but what next?


    Excellent results from the 2022 harvest, but what next?

    With the harvest safely gathered in Jeff Claydon, Suffolk arable farmer and inventor of the Opti-Till® direct strip seeding system, discusses the results and looks ahead to next season.


    18 August 2022           

    It has been a very strange year for weather in most parts of the UK. Here in Suffolk, where annual rainfall is just 600mm making it one of the driest regions, the exceptional conditions brought back memories of 1976. That year, almost no rain fell between March and September and during a visit to the county then Minister of Agriculture, the late Fred Peart, described the drought as a tragedy, urging the public not to panic. Sounds familiar!

    Between New Year’s day and the end of May this year our farm weather station recorded 196.8mm of rain, well below the long-term average. April brought only 18.6mm and in May 41.6mm fell, followed by 34.4mm in June and a miniscule 10.4mm in July, contributing to a total of just 244mm for the year to date. Much of that came in the form of short, localised showers, so the water evaporated very quickly and produced little benefit.

    One positive of the exceptionally dry conditions was our earliest-ever harvest. The 12m Claas Lexion 600 Terra-Trac had an uninterrupted run from the time we cut the first oilseed rape in mid-July until the last spring oats which were combined during the first week of August.

    With daytime temperatures consistently in the mid-to-high 30s and little in the way of overnight dew we were able keep going for as long as we were physical able to do so. It was a very tiring couple of weeks, but with help from my sons, Oliver and Spencer, harvest was completed in record time and with wheat coming into store at 11-12% there were no drying costs.

    Harvesting wheat on the Claydon Farm with the 12m Claas Lexion 600 Terra-Trac.


    The downside of the prolonged dry weather is that currently the land is too dry to drill oilseed rape. Normally, the crop would have been in the ground a week or two ago but, with no moisture to start the germination process, drilling it then would have been a mistake. Patience is the key as we await some meaningful rain!

    The ground is so dry and cracked that undertaking any form of conventional cultivations would be very expensive in fuel, excess wear on machinery and ground-engaging metal. Breaking down the large clods created by that approach would also be very time-consuming and expensive but driving around the area those drawbacks have not stopped some from trying.

    On our own heavy clay land, the Claydon Straw Harrow has been successfully deployed across the whole farm, the main limitation being keeping dust to a minimum by restricting forward speed when operating close to houses in the village, especially if they have washing on the line!

    With our rotation having changed from wheat and oilseed rape to include more spring-sown and break crops, the aim is to use land destined for spring drilling to help reduce the weed burden and seed bank using Opti-Till® stubble management techniques which move no more than 2cm of topsoil. This enables us to control weed seeds and volunteers without herbicides, other than one full-rate application of glyphosate just prior to drilling.

    The new 9m mounted version of the Claydon Straw Harrow is seen here working in ‘80-acre’, a field which has been managed using the Claydon Opti-Till® System for 20 years, after the previous crop of LG Skyscraper winter wheat had been harvested. Following 2.4mm of rain overnight the lack of dust was noticeable, even at 25km/h!

    Effective stubble management has become particularly important following the loss of neonicotinoid seed treatments and some products to control grassweeds due to the inherent fear that the aphid vectors of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) will increase significantly. However, BYVD can be reduced considerably by using the Opti-Till® system to manage stubbles and eliminate the ‘green bridge’ effect. It also enables drilling to be delayed, but to do that with any degree of certainty you must be able to get the crop in the ground quickly, which means not having too many operations before sowing.

    Last night’s 2.4mm of rain was just enough to make conditions perfect for the Claydon Straw Harrow, a simple, robust, fast, and very effective stubble management tool with many uses. Operating at 15 – 25km/h, it is equipped with sprung steel tines which vibrate rapidly to break up straw and expose chopped crop residues. They also create a ‘boiling’ action which uproots weeds and volunteers, as well as destroying slugs and slug eggs. An additional upside of the hot, dry conditions has been that slugs have had a very tough time and have been unable to breed, so we will not have to worry about them this season.

    The Straw Harrow creates a fine micro-tilth in the top 20-30mm of soil, providing ideal conditions for rapid germination of weeds and volunteers, which can then be raked out and destroyed with another pass before they become established. When glyphosate is eventually applied, it is as a single, full-strength dose prior to drilling, which maximises its effectiveness and reduces the risk of weed resistance

    Conditions were perfect for the Claydon Straw Harrow to create a micro-tilth which will encourage rapid germination of weeds and volunteers. These can then be raked out and destroyed with another pass before they become established.

    Even during a prolonged dry spell and high summer temperatures the difference between harrowed and unharrowed soil is clear. Unharrowed soil is hard and baked with shrinkage cracks; soil that has been harrowed has a crumbly, fine tilth and crop residues have been broken into small pieces.


    This harvest marked 20 years of establishing all crops on the farm using only Claydon Opti-Till® products. These consist of the Straw Harrow, occasionally the TerraStar® light rotary cultivator where slightly more soil movement is required, together with the Claydon direct strip seeding drill, followed by the TerraBlade inter-row hoe.

    My last article for Direct Driller mentioned that our crops were showing exciting potential, and they certainly lived up to expectations. That was a pleasant surprise given the lack of rain and the fact that we backed off on the nitrogen due to concerns that it would not be fully utilised in the dry conditions. This was a good decision, made easier because we only grow feed wheats. Winter wheats received 190kgN/ha, 50 – 60kgN/ha less than our normal 240-250kgN/ha, and oilseed rape a similar amount, again less than normal.

    In a couple of small areas where nitrogen was missed when applying it through our 36m self-propelled sprayer, for which I can only blame myself, the yield plummeted, highlighting the importance of this major nutrient. Without fertiliser and agchems yields would quickly regress to 1970s levels, around 30cwt for barley and 2 tons per acre in ‘old money’ terms, or 3.7t/ha and 5t/ha respective in modern parlance.

    The key difference between the 1970s and now is that there are more mouths to feed. According to the Office of National Statistics the UK population was 56,226,000 in 1975, it rose to 65,110,000 in 2015 and is projected to hit 69,444,000 by 2025. Should we therefore be concerned about the dramatic curbs on nitrogen use currently being proposed by the governments of The Netherlands and Canada?

    Fungicide programmes were maintained at normal levels because these products more than cover their cost through increased yield. Past experience has shown that if yellow rust or other foliar diseases take hold significant yield potential has already been lost by the time the signs become visible, far outweighing the cost of an effective treatment programme..


    Drainage is very important to get the best from our heavy clay soils and in a couple of areas where the old tile system had broken down a significant reduction in yield was apparent. One 12ha area produced 7.78t/ha, compared with over 9.5t/ha in the adjacent field, an overall loss across that small area of around 25 tonnes, so correcting the problem was a priority.

    Dry weather allowed local drainage contractor W. R. Suckling & Sons to install new plastic pipes 1m deep across a total of 40ha in various fields. Some was done in the spring, some through rape stubble, and we will mole drain across these areas when conditions allow. Land is far too valuable to have it underperform, and this investment should maximise its potential by increasing yields.

    The dry spring and summer, combined with the use of a Claydon TerraBlade inter-row hoe meant that our crops were the cleanest I have ever known, with no spring-germinated blackgrass. I am delighted with the results of the 2022 harvest, high yields underlining the benefits of establishing deep rooting structures which enabled crops to make best use of available moisture. Having recently invested in a new weighbridge we know that the yield information is precise and have posted it on the Claydon website (

    Oilseed rape stubbles were Straw Harrowed in July to create the ideal conditions for weeds and volunteers to germinate once rain arrived.

    Those of you who have visited the Claydon factory will know the 16ha field to the right of the access road. The winter wheat there yielded just over 10t/ha, while the average across our whole IACA registered area was 9.54t/ha, with higher-than-average hectolitre weights. Given the lack of rain and 25% reduction in nitrogen use those are both excellent figures.

    Hybrid oilseed rape provided a similarly pleasing result. DK Excited, which was drilled at just 2.7kg/ha using a pre-production version of our new Claydon Evolution drill, averaged 3.84t/ha, with one field producing 4.2t/ha. Given that the crop had to contend with very dry weather, some pigeon damage, and small areas where cabbage stem flea beetle had attacked, these yields are exceptional. With very low establishment costs, a low level of fungicide use, and just 190kgN/ha the margin will be very attractive.

    Spring oats put in a surprising performance and are destined for use in a range of gluten-free products such as breakfast cereals and oat milk. We drilled the new Elsoms variety Lion directly into stubble which had been Straw Harrowed using a seed rate of just 100kg/ha and the crop subsequently received a total of 100kgN/ha in two equal splits.

    A Claydon TerraBlade inter-row hoe took out any grassweeds growing between the band-sown rows before they had a chance to develop and compete with the spring oats, so the crop looked clean throughout. Given the season’s challenges I was very pleased that it averaged 6.11t/ha, which was slightly below the 7t/ha from last year’s crop of WPB Elyann (KWS) but that had much more favourable growing conditions. We will be drilling Lion again in 2023, as 25% of the farm will be into spring oats, 25% oilseed rape and 50% winter wheat, all first wheats.

    Current conditions are the polar opposite of those last year, when there was plenty of moisture in the ground during August, but September was quite dry. With the ground currently bone dry we are waiting for significant rainfall to provide some moisture, so everything is currently in a state of limbo. The soil temperature is much higher than at the same time last year, so I am not too concerned that oilseed rape has not been drilled; it is much better to wait and sow into moisture than have the seed sit there doing nothing.

    Our own land is showing none of the deep cracking which is evident on some nearby farms where conventional cultivations and establishment protocols are used, nor do we have deep tramlines which will take time and money to put right. In contrast, our, fields are level with a layer of fine tilth and crop residues on the surface which will protect and insulate the soil, providing perfect conditions for drilling when we do get some rain.

    With Claydon customers saving up to £250/ha on establishment costs by using the Opti-Till® System demand for our products from farmers throughout the world is at record levels, so I am delighted that our new 36m x 36m clear-span building is almost finished. We have managed the build project in-house but, due to difficulties in getting contractors, progress has been slower than anticipated. The concern now is finding enough additional staff to fill the numerous vacancies that we have to offer so if you know of anyone who might be interested in a role please ask them to contact us! When complete the new facility will double our production capacity.

    Just before harvest, accredited master thatcher Harry Roberts of Harry Roberts Thatching Servicesfinished replacing the roof at Gaines Hall, our Grade II listed 16th Century farmhouse. After 44 years’ service it was rethatched using wheat straw grown by Harry using the heritage wheat variety Maris Widgeon, drilled using a Claydon drill. We are delighted with the results.

    Part of the new Claydon clear-span building which will provide additional manufacturing capacity to meet global demand for the company’s range of Opti-Till® products.

    The new 9m mounted version of the Claydon Straw Harrow is seen here working in ‘80-acre’, a field which has been managed using the Claydon Opti-Till® System for 20 years, after the previous crop of LG Skyscraper winter wheat had been harvested. Following 2.4mm of rain overnight the lack of dust was noticeable, even at 25km/h!

    Conditions were perfect for the Claydon Straw Harrow to create a micro-tilth which will encourage rapid germination of weeds and volunteers. These can then be raked out and destroyed with another pass before they become established.

    Oilseed rape stubbles were Straw Harrowed in July to create the ideal conditions for weeds and volunteers to germinate once rain arrived.

    Land on the Claydon farm shows none of the deep cracking evident on some nearby farms where conventional cultivations are used, as can be seen in the photograph below. The layer of chopped straw and crop residue on the surface after the Straw Harrow has been used protects the soil and locks in moisture, encouraging weeds and volunteers to germinate. The soil is perfectly prepared, creating a stale seedbed ready for drilling the next crop.

    Part of the new Claydon clear-span building which will provide additional manufacturing capacity to meet global demand for the company’s range of Opti-Till® products.

    An aerial view of Gaines Hall, Jeff Claydon’s Grade II listed 16th Century farmhouse in Suffolk, which was recently rethatched using wheat straw from a crop that was band sown with a Claydon drill. This approach results in the wheat stems being much thicker, more resilient and of higher quality than from crops drilled at the conventional row spacing. The crop was cut with a binder, stood in stooks for two weeks, then threshed in the traditional way to produce the best quality straw for thatching.

  • Robert Plumb Discusses Biological Farming

    BIOLOGICAL Farming, with the help of natural soil bacteria and Fungi, is growing rapidly and in the current crazy
    climate there is more and more interest – after all, we can now use these little bugs to provide Nitrogen, Phosphate
    and now Potassium. There are also products that will stimulate root growth and help to reduce disease pressure.
    Written by Robert Plumb

    I have been working on the Biological side of farming for 20+ years; before that, I was a fertiliser blender in mainstream agriculture, so over the years I have seen a few changes, not least the demise of companies like ICI, Fisons, Albright &Wilson and lots of others. In those early days when fertilisers were made more commonly available, many fertiliser companies took soil samples and simply recommended their products. It was very confusing for farmers as the soil results given used a range of different laboratories many using different extraction methods, this meant the farmer could not easily compare results.

    In the early 70’s the ADAS (then based at Cambridge), asked for a meeting with these fertiliser companies that included ICI, Fisons (now Norsk Hydro) and about15 other companies plus advisors; they then worked on an extraction method for a common soil analysis.

    Now bear in mind these people were there to sell fertiliser. The idea of replacing what you take off came later and sounds very good but is it really necessary? Little notice was made for the use of manure, and compost was unheard of. At that time fertilisers were quite cheap and a rule of thumb was a tonne of Nitrogen was about the same price as a tonne of Wheat, ie about £20.In fact, most compounds were at a similar price and Phosphate even qualified for a subsidy, as did all lime materials. It was a pretty simple system and it certainly sold a lot of fertiliser. But was it really necessary? Many of our long term friends have not applied any P or K fertilisers – other than a bit of compost, for a very long time (20 years plus) and their soil levels are pretty much the same as when we started, and yields have been OK. They are not trying to grow maximum yields but do they actually make a profit?

    Levels of K go from low to high

    Potassium (K) is extremely important for crop health and yield and at Soil Fertility Services we like to monitor the plant response with regular plant samples. We found that last season’s K levels – in all crops, were extremely low. No surprise from a dry soil. With plants unable to pull it off the clay particles and exchange sites, we are now being told that straw K levels were high! Potassium is important as it helps a plant to regulate water uptake and the opening and closing of the stomata; it is also critical in producing proteins and most wheat protein levels have been low. 

    Plants actually need similar amounts of Potassium as they do Nitrogen. This could be up to 200kg. I have never seen one with that level of Potassium at the main stem extension period, but now we may be able to help. We have developed a K fixing product. Similar to the N Fixing product Bio-N, the beneficial K fixing micro-organisms will release around 50kg of K from your soil’s “locked” up reserves, directly into the rhizosphere where your plant system can easily take it up. It may take two applications of 10 litres to provide all your crop’s needs, but it will surely help to overcome the problem of Potassium shortages.

    We have been measuring ‘total Soil K reserves’ and find between 6,000 and10,000 kg/ha in the top 10cm (4”) of your soil. Most of this K is in the lattice of the clay particles and is considered ‘unavailable’, but we can easily find200 – 300 kg on the surface of the clay fraction that can be made available to your crop with the help of the Bio-K.

  • Robert Plumb Discusses Biological Farming

    BIOLOGICAL Farming, with the help of natural soil bacteria and Fungi, is growing rapidly and in the current crazy climate there is more and more interest – after all, we can now use these little bugs to provide Nitrogen, Phosphate and now Potassium. There are also products that will stimulate root growth and help to reduce disease pressure.

    I have been working on the Biological side of farming for 20+ years; before that, I was a fertiliser blender in mainstream agriculture, so over the years I have seen a few changes, not least the Demise of companies like ICI, Fisons, Albright & Wilson and lots of others.

    In those early days when fertilisers were made more commonly available, many fertiliser companies took soil samples and simply recommended their products. It was very confusing for farmers as the soil results given used a range of different laboratories many using different extraction methods. This meant the farmer could not easily compare results.

    In the early 70’s the ADAS (then based at Cambridge), asked for a meeting with these fertiliser companies that included ICI, Fisons (now Norsk Hydro) and about 15 other companies plus advisors; they then worked on an extraction method for a common soil analysis.

    Now bear in mind these people were there to sell fertiliser. The idea of replacing what you take off came later and sounds very good but is it really necessary? Little notice was made for the use of manure, and compost was unheard of. At that time fertilisers were quite cheap and a rule of thumb was a tonne of Nitrogen was about the same price as a tonne of Wheat, ie about £20. In fact, most compounds were at a similar price and Phosphate even qualified for a subsidy, as did all lime materials.

    It was a pretty simple system and it certainly sold a lot of fertiliser. But was it really necessary? Many of our long-term friends have not applied any P or K fertilisers – other than a bit of compost, for a very long time (20 years plus) and their soil levels are pretty much the same as when we started, and yields have been OK. They are not trying to grow maximum yields but do they actually make a profit?

    Potassium (K) is extremely important for crop health and yield and at Soil Fertility Services we like to monitor the plant response with regular plant samples. We found that last season’s K levels – in all crops, were extremely low. No surprise from a dry soil. With plants unable to pull it off the clay particles and exchange sites, we are now being told that straw K levels were high! Potassium is important as it helps a plant to regulate water uptake and the opening and closing of the stomata; it is also critical in producing proteins and most wheat protein levels have been low.

    Plants actually need similar amounts of Potassium as they do Nitrogen. This could be up to 200kg. I have never seen one with that level of Potassium at the main stem extension period, but now we may be able to help.

    We have developed a K fixing product. Similar to the N Fixing product Bio-N, the beneficial K fixing micro-organisms will release around 50kg of K from your soil’s “locked” up reserves, directly into the rhizosphere where your plant system can easily take it up.

    It may take two applications of 10 litres to provide all your crop’s needs, but it will surely help to overcome the problem of Potassium shortages.W e have been measuring ‘total Soil K reserves’ and find between 6,000 and 10,000 kg/ha in the top 10cm (4”) of your soil. Most of this K is in the lattice of the clay particles and is considered ‘unavailable’, but we can easily find 200 – 300 kg on the surface of the clay fraction that can be made available to your crop with the help of the Bio-K.

  • Groundswell 2022

    Farmers and growers flocked to the sixth annual Groundswell, the UK’s largest regenerative agricultural show in late
    June this year. It was another sell-out event with 5,500 attendees who travelled to North Hertfordshire for two days of
    information exchange, inspiration and a bit of liquid refreshment during the worst drought since 1976.

    Written by Alex Cherry

    With over 140 sessions to attend, Groundswell offered a platform for household names, technical experts, experienced regenerative farmers and leading researchers to explore and debate the issues, opportunities, science and practices around regenerative agriculture. The event has grown from 500 farmers in a barn in 2016 as the “No-Till Show” to the two-day “Regenerative Agriculture Show and Conference” that it is today. Although, one commentator referred to it as a “Festival of Ideas” which perhaps seems more appropriate given the scale and breadth of content.

    The eve before Groundswell is always exciting as people begin to arrive from all corners of the UK and beyond, pitching tents and getting the lay of the land. It is a chance to catch up with old friends and make new acquaintances in The Earthworm Arms Bar, where there were some enticing foodie offerings including different Pasture for Life meats cooked over fire. Dr Doolittle took to the decks and blasted out some disco classics which had mixed reviews from the audience, although a loyal cohort in Hawaiian shirts kept the energy going. The camping area soon filled up with around 750 campers with all shapes and sizes of tents and campervans.

    On Wednesday morning Jill Clapperton kicked off proceedings in the Big Top tent, followed by Greg Judy advising farmers “How to think like a Grazier”. Across the8 different session venues it was tough deciding what to go and see. Before the midday session a tribute was made to Caroline Drummond MBE, recognising her incredible achievements of 30 years leading LEAF, before her tragic passing in May.

    Henry Dimbleby provided a one year update to the National Food Strategy and Dwayne Beck from South Dakota asked “Are We Doing The “Right Things” Or Only Doing The Wrong Things Better? ”Billy Lewis was announced as “Mixed Soil Farmer of the Year” and David Miller as the “Arable Soil Farmer of the Year” in the awards organised by Farm Carbon Toolkit. Tom Martin ran a very honest session entitled “Learn from My Mistakes”, a forum which was appreciated by the audience.

    The guest speaker that seemed to be on everyone’s tongue was George Monbiot who presented a well rehearsed synopsis of his latest book “Regenesis”. The audience were broadly welcoming of this polarising debate on the future of food. It posed some difficult and highly-referenced points to disrupt the assumption that Regenerative Agriculture is the answer to feeding the planet. As a festival of ideas, it is important to challenge everything. It was noble of George to attend Groundswell, although it would have been even even more impressive had he stayed on for a couple of drinks in the Earthworm Arms to listen to some of the pioneering regenerative livestock farmers he rallies so strongly against..

    Professor Lennart Olsson from Lund University in Sweden provided a fascinating update on the progress of the radical “perennial revolution” that the Land Institute and their global network are working on.

    After a stimulating and hot day, unsurprisingly the Earthworm Arms bar became the focal point for further in-depth analysis and discussion. The beer was brewed in part by surplus bread from Toast Ale and brewing enthusiasts headed to the tour at Crossover Blendery where the beer is spontaneously fermented and flavoured by the fruit growing in the agroforestry on the farm. 

    As the sun set, attendees got stuck in to some serious shape throwing on the dancefloor to the groove of funk and soul from DJ Krinks and, in the campsite, history was made as the first Groundswell marriage proposal took place and a happy couple announced their engagement, fittingly on the anniversary of their first embrace at Groundswell 2021. We look forward to the first Groundswell wedding in 2023!

    Despite a few sore heads and one speaker declaring memory loss from the antics in the early hours, Thursday’s sessions kicked off with stimulating questions proposed: “How is big business adopting regenerative agriculture? ”And “Does it make financial sense to go Regen? ”.In the Demo Field the line up of manufacturers showcasing their direct drill machines included Weaving, Sky, Dale, Sam Agri, Horsch, Novag, Kverneland, Ryetec, Tuckwells, Amazon, Primewest, Claydon and Horizon. The ground was very dry and the cover crop was bulky with rye volunteers and weeds. As a case study of an innovation born from a meeting at Groundswell, Small Robot Company and Tuckwell’s demonstrated their Treatment Maps Partnership- Tom robot can identify individual weeds in the field and also provide accurate plant counts in a growing crop, whilst also giving an accurate assessment of leaf colour and biomass assessment. This is converted into shape files readable by the sprayer which targets problem areas rather than applying a blanket application to the field.

    Defra Secretary of State George Eustice was joined on stage by: Minette Batters, tenant farmer and NFU President; Baroness Natalie Bennett, former leader of the Green Party; Tony Juniper, Chair of Natural England; in a panel chaired by Baroness Rosie Boycott, journalist and publisher. Commenting on the show, Eustice said “It’s amazing to see such creative thinking, new ideas being pioneered, new agronomic techniques and indeed, the rediscovery of old ones.”

    Elsewhere in the programme speakers tackled practical issues such as ‘do potatoes have a place in regen systems?’, ’Improved Nutrient Management with Zero Carbon Fertilisers” and ‘the threat of weeds for regenerative agriculture. ’Hosts John and Paul Cherry led a group to move the mobof beef shorthorns for the last session of the day with Greg Judy providing a refreshing and entertaining commentary on proceedings.

    We hope the show is re-energising and stimulates new ideas in this fast changing world we live in. If you missed some of the sessions in person, you can watch nearly all of them on the Groundswell YouTube channel. If you have an idea for a great session for next year applications are accepted via the Groundswell website. We’re busy planning already, looking to expand on the offering for small-scale regenerative farmers, new entrants and market gardeners, while not forgetting the retail sector. We are also asking exhibitors to state what they are doing to support Regenerative Practices when they apply for a stand. We hope the show can continue to bring together a forward thinking community whilst regenerative agriculture becomes more widespread within the UK farming industry. Make sure you have the dates in your diary – 28th and 29thJune 2023.