Defra Answers your SFI 2024 Questions

Written by Chris Fellows

After the interruption of a General Election, Defra have been able to get back to answering farmers 2024.  The delay, which has been frustrating for all, has now passed and on the 26th September Defra delivered a webinar in collaboration with the Farming Advice Service (FAS) and The Farming Forum (TFF).

The webinar was lead by Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes, joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

As with previous webinars, questions could be asked in advance by farmers on TFF or submitted via Slido. Given the popularity of the SFI discussion section on TFF, there were a lot of questions.  If you didn’t get a chance to attend, Defra have now loaded their answers to questions onto the TFF thread (read via QR Code) and the webinar is available on demand.

If following reading the thread and watching the webinar, you still have questions, please feel free to ask your own question ono TFF and see what the collective wisdom of all the farmers on TFF can come up with in terms of answers.  We know Defra monitor this section closely, it’s likely they will see your question too.

Read the SFI section on TFF here.