Get Involved

If you’re trying to promote your products to the growing group of commercial farmers embracing regen and SFI, you now have the chance to engage with that audience at Direct Driller @Cereals with perfect sponsorship opportunities. Interested? See below what we still have left on offer! For tickets and more information about the show, click here.

Opportunities available

Official Show Sponsor 2024

Be our official Show Sponsor for 2024!

Your sponsorship includes wide scope recognition amongst all of the Direct Driller data base and online following, digital banners, graphics and logos in the main show and seminar area, PR pre and post event in the Direct Driller Magazine and more…

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Drill Arena 2 spaces available

We have two spaces available out of all 13 drill arena showcase spaces.

Sponsorship includes live showcasing in the drill arena and a live cab interview on the day of the event, wide scope online promotion pre and post show, features in Direct Driller Magazine and more.

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Exclusive Seminar Sponsor

The perfect sponsorship package to maximise your company’s presence at Cereals 2024 creating more customer engagement.

Sponsorship includes a full page feature article in the Direct Driller Magazine, extensive promotion pre and post show, sponsor quotes and more.

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Hospitality Area Sponsor

The perfect farmer & farming business engagement sponsorship package allowing you to network with VIP Direct Driller ticket holders and specific invitees only.

Sponsorship includes breakfast, tea and coffee, brand awareness campaigns, promotion across social media platforms and more, (package price dependant on cost of menu).

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Brand Alignment Seminar Sponsor

The perfect sponsorship package to maximise your company’s presence at Cereals 2024 creating more customer engagement.

Sponsorship includes a half page feature advert in the Direct Driller Magazine, promotion across all Direct Driller online platforms, sponsor quotes and more.

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Stand Space

Join us in the Direct Driller Area by simply having a stand.

Cereals typically attracts 18,000 visitors per day so why not get yourself seen with us?

Contact us

Map of Direct Driller Area for Cereals 2024