
How will AI change farming?

It’s not a matter of if, but more how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the farming sector. But I’m not sure that robots will be the way it manifests itself in our live. For sure, it will introduce innovations that significantly enhance efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. But one of the primary ways AI is transforming agriculture is through better data processing that can be used by our current machinery.

From Precision to Autonomy: How AI is Helping Farmers Tackle the Biggest Challenges in Agriculture

As a farmer, I have always been interested in new technologies that could make my job easier and more efficient. One of the most exciting new technologies in agriculture today is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is a broad term that encompasses many different technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. These technologies …

From Precision to Autonomy: How AI is Helping Farmers Tackle the Biggest Challenges in Agriculture Read More »

Soil-Centred Worcestershire Sustainability Drive

Home-made compost, massively reduced tillage and determined cover cropping have been central to the single-minded drive to improve the arable sustainability of the Green Horizons Network farm at Salford Lodge, Pitchill just outside Evesham over the past decade. A combination of challenging silty clay land contract-farmed with heavy kit for many years and lighter sandy …

Soil-Centred Worcestershire Sustainability Drive Read More »