Drill Manufacturers In Focus…


British manufacturer’s Mzuri have recently launched their new low disturbance, iPass direct drill at LAMMA earlier this year which continued its public tour at Cereals in June.

Staying true to the Mzuri concept, the iPass has been designed to achieve optimum establishment at a fraction of the cost of conventional establishment, into a range of soil and residue types.

Parallel linkage coulters for accurate seeding

Low disturbance legs and clever individual parallel linkage suspended coulters allow for excellent contour following and seed depth control thanks to the drill’s independent depth wheels. Accurate seed placement is maintained across the width of the drill and excellent soil to seed contact is achieved via the V-shaped press wheel – vital for quick, even germination. The manufacturer is an advocate of band placement fertiliser below the seed for giving crops the best start, particularly useful for spring drilling where dry weather can reduce the effectiveness of broadcasted nutrition.

Large capacity, pressurised tank system The impressive machine boasts a large capacity, 5000 litre pressurised tank to accurately meter and convey high application seed rates at higher forward speeds. Four variable speed electric metering units offer high output, efficient delivery and the flexibility to shut off half of the drills width as required. Aimed at growers of a wide range of crops including cereals, oilseeds and beans the iPass is a versatile drill for those looking to minimise soil movement whilst not compromising on a quality seedbed.

New Lower Link Sensing Drawbar

The model displayed at the Cereals event featured the new semi-mounted drawbar option which has been designed to allow accurate seed depth control across the whole of the machine whilst also ensuring efficient use of the tractor and its horsepower. Automatically adjusting to ensure correct working depth, the system is useful for challenging terrain and conditions while always ensuring maximum efficiency of the tractor. The iPass range is available in widths of 4.0m, 4.8m, 6.0m, 8.0m and with two different row spacing options, excluding the 4.8m version which is only available with row spacings of 266mm. The 4.0m, 6.0m and 8.0m machines can be ordered with row spacings of either 250mm or 333mm depending on the operator’s preference.

A major draw of the new iPass is its relatively low horsepower requirement with the smallest model in the range, the iPass 412 starting at a recommendation of 170hp+, with the manufacturer recommending a forward speed of 6-18km/hr.