Since the release of the Virkar Dynamic DC machine back in 2018 Virkar have continued to develop the Dynamic range with the addition of the Dynamic D and C and soon to be released DD machine. This now means we have 4 coulter options to go into the Dynamics frame. All 4 coulters are designed for ultimate durability and performance and utilize the unique features of the Dynamic range, 35 cm of coulter travel, on the move coulter pressure control, maintenance free coulters and the steering rear axle. Along with many other features the Dynamic drill range offers customers with every conceivable way to establish their crops in the most efficient cost effective way possible.
New for 2022

The Dynamic range has undergone more product development for the 2022 season. The machines can now operate off load sensing hydraulics that take control of the on the move coulter pressure control. Hopper options for 2022 have also been enhanced. Alongside the split hopper of 65/35 and a third smaller micro hopper we now have the option of a second demountable 500 litre tank that resides in the back of the hopper for easy filling. This option would appeal to customers who predominantly drill just one product and require the 5300 litre hopper capacity, But may be wanting to drill cover crops and require a smaller secondary hopper. This option means the customer can have two hoppers capable of seeding up to 380kg/ha each but keep the hopper capacity of the single hopper when required.
We now also have the option for 2022 to be able to plant 2 different crops in independent rows to suit drilling certain cover crops that require seeds to be placed at different depths this is a feature that is becoming more in demand as farmers look to utilize their cover crops in the best way possible.
Dynamic C

The Virkar Dynamic C machine is a tine only coulter that is available on 19/25cm row spacings. With machine widths of 4.5 – 7 meters this machine comes with a tungsten seeding boot with interchangeable points. The coulter design keeps the 35cm of coulter travel with on the move coulter pressure control. Maintenance free coulter design with heavy duty bushings and one simple adjustment for seeding depth per element. The Dynamic C machine will appeal to customers who require a simple low maintenance low operating cost tine drill that is capable of drilling direct into stubbles or into pre prepared seed beds.
Dynamic DD
Launching in 2022 is the Dynamic DD double disc direct drill. This is a totally unique design that has not been seen before on disc direct drills. Instead of traditional route of having row cleaners in front of the single disc, Virkar have added a turbo disc that runs directly in front of the single seeding disc that insures even in the highest volumes of crop residue the turbo disc and seeding disc remain free of substantial crop residue. The disc with its 7-degree running angle cleans as much of the seeding channel as possible to ensure the seed has great seed to soil contact leading to even germination and crop establishment. With the extra turbo disc, you can alter the pressure this disc operates at and can also lift the disc up out of the way when not required.
Redesigned OCEAN
With the ever increasing demand for larger wider machines where maximum work rates can be achieved in the most optimum of conditions Virkar have developed the new ocean machine that will be available Autumn 2022. These machines will allow Virkar to provide machines from 8-12 meters allowing even the biggest of farms to have a machine that provides the ultimate in seeding technology. The range will consist of the Ocean C, DC and D machines based on 25cm or 19cm row spacings and will feature the same coulter design as in the Dynamic range meaning you retain the 35cm of coulter travel plus the on the move coulter pressure control.

The new Ocean range has been designed from the ground up and Virkar have really pushed the boundaries with this machine that plays host to some unique design features previously not seen on direct drills. Starting with the chassis the machine has been designed for perfect weight distribution and the tandem commercial running axles that also features a front steering axle means ground compaction is reduced dramatically. With the tandem axle design and the machine folding to under 3 meters means that it is a very safe machine to take on the roads. With an 8000 litre pressurized hopper that will be able to be split 4 ways for ultimate flexibility in seeding different mixes. The hopper has been designed to still provide the best view possible to the rear seeding frame, great access for filling and to the metering units for calibration.
Moving on to the rear seeding frame this is where the philosophy of Virkar to push the boundaries of what is possible really becomes apparent. With the design of the frame able to accommodate the 3 different coulter options. The drilling frame itself is designed to pivot 20 degrees either way in conjunction with the steering axle. This means when drilling round corners all rows stay the same distance apart and it reduces the strain on the frame and drilling coulters as it naturally follows the path of the tractor.
Available with limited numbers in 2022 and full production scheduled for 2023 this new Ocean machine has a very bright future in the UK direct drilling scene.