
Spring 2024 Challenges in Grassland & Forage Crops

With the delayed Spring, forages stocks have been severely challenged, late turn out meant that already depleted Winter stocks were used, and grazing paddocks left longer than expected in warm wet conditions continued to grow so quality was reduced.  This alongside being unable to apply fertiliser particularly in the heavier soils of the west has meant a late start to both grazing and silaging in the livestock sector.  Even now soils have not recovered, recent silaging has been under challenging conditions in many areas trailers and foragers being pulled in and out of fields. This means that the silage is likely to be poorer quality due to late cutting, little or no fertiliser applied so yields not what they could be and the resulting damage and compaction to fields potentially having a knock-on effect for 2nd cut.  Upon completion of VESS soil inspections around the country, compaction can be seen because of heavy winter rainfall, animal treading following a wet Autumn and Spring, this will mean that plant roots will be restricted from taking up water if the summer turns dry reducing the ability of the plant to endure periods of drought. 

Clemson/Michelin study impact of tyre pressure on soil compaction in South Carolina

Written by Denise Attaway from Clemson University, South Carolina Clemson and Michelin researchers are studying to determine if low-pressure tires can help increase yields in cotton and peanut rotations. “We know the researchers at Clemson University will make every effort to determine what data and information is going to best serve our regional farmers. Their …

Clemson/Michelin study impact of tyre pressure on soil compaction in South Carolina Read More »

Covering Soils with Direct Driller Magazine (20th Sept 23)

Join us at “Covering Soils” – featuring discussions & demonstrations relating to cover crops, drill technologies, soil health & compaction. Date and time Wed, 20 Sep 2023 09:30 – 16:30 BST Location TWB Farms, Burntwood WS7 0LG, UK Description Covering Soils is an essential event for farmers and agri-professionals to deepen their understanding of cover crops, …

Covering Soils with Direct Driller Magazine (20th Sept 23) Read More »

The evolution of tillage techniques on heavy arable land in the East Midlands

Written by Dr Alastair Leake from The Allerton Project “There’s a reason why we use the plough” a colleague sagely advised me when I questioned this fundamental agricultural practice; “It works” – and I was treated to a history lesson to-boot. Having transitioned from growing heated glasshouse salad crops in hydroponics, the ultimate zero-till system, …

The evolution of tillage techniques on heavy arable land in the East Midlands Read More »

Soil Health: New Opportunities to Innovate in Crop Protection Research and Development

Atwood et al, 2022 The paper discusses the importance of soil health in crop protection research and development. The authors argue that soil health should be given greater attention in crop protection research as healthy soils can lead to healthier crops and better yields. It highlights the challenges faced by farmers in maintaining soil health, …

Soil Health: New Opportunities to Innovate in Crop Protection Research and Development Read More »

Anglian Water’s Grant scheme supports farmers with innovative ideas to improve soil health and water quality

In Autumn 2022, Anglian Water announced a grant scheme inviting farmers from across the catchment area to apply for funding of up to £7,500 towards innovative ideas that would help them to improve water quality, reduce chemical use and support the improvement of soil health. A total of 65 farmers were awarded grants for innovation …

Anglian Water’s Grant scheme supports farmers with innovative ideas to improve soil health and water quality Read More »