Issue 19October 2022

Reading more

Written by Chris Fellows We have recently taken part in an Innovate UK competition to try and encourage farmers to read from formal material.  Trial results, papers, research, on-farm projects and so forth.  The assumption being that farmers who are better informed, make better decisions and thus become more profitable or sustainable (or both hopefully).  …

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No-Till Innovation Come in Leaps and Bounds

By Brian O’Connor originally published by No-Till Farming Wisconsin no-till dairyman Chris Conley thwarts heavy rain and hills with no-till, covers and planting green. No-tiller Chris Conley took two big steps where other farmers might take one. Conley farms 120 acres for feed (silages, dry hay and high-moisture corn) for his 52-cow dairy, located down …

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Another Extraordinary Year

What an extraordinary growing season we seem to have had. In a nutshell, very low rainfall, low temperatures untilJune and good levels of solar radiation (sunshine) resulting in generally good yields with good specific weight andmoderate protein. Especially so as most crops senesced approximately 2 weeks earlier than normal.Written by James Warne from Soil First …

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Wye oh Wye…?

Wye oh Wye…? The River Wye intertwines the border of England and-Wales. Once the nations “favourite” river it now probably has more designations than actual fish and continues to regularly feature in the media as the poster girl for agricultural pollution. In this article I hope to provide some insights in the complexities behind the …

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