A variety of powerful, educational speakers will be on hand when the 28th annual National No-Tillage Conference
convenes Jan. 7-10, 2020 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Behind the theme “Banking More No-Till Dollars,” headliner speakers at this 4-day event at the newly redeveloped Union Station Hotel include:
• Roberto Pieretti, long-time no-tiller and farm consultant from Argentina
• David Johnson, research scientist and molecular biologist, New Mexico State Univ.
• Robert Saik, ag futurist and consultant, Alberta, Canada
• Jason Mauck, relay cropping/ interseeding, Gaston, Ind.
• Steve Groff, cover crop expert, Holtwood, Pa.
In addition, two exclusive pre-conference workshops (additional cost) will cover soil biology, and no-tilling hemp as a specialty crop. There will be 23 focused classroom sessions for intensive learning, and more than 70 roundtable discussions allowing attendees to discuss specific notill challenges with their peers and find solutions.
A welcome reception, several meals and a dessert/networking session will enhance the networking opportunities. A revamped spouse’s program with enhanced opportunities for learning through the Women for the Land program (American Farmland Trust and NRCS) will make NNTC an even more attractive event for farm and family members.
To learn more about NNTC, go to www. notillconference.com. The full printed program should be available online in early October.