Dale Drills Innovation: Split-Tank Drill and Eco Drill Enhancements Unveiled!
Dale Drills new Mounted Tine Drill now offers a split tank feature…
See more of Dale Drills at Direct Driller at Cereals in June 2024
Dale Drills new Mounted Tine Drill now offers a split tank feature…
See more of Dale Drills at Direct Driller at Cereals in June 2024
Written by Chris Fellows It’s an odd thing to define what a “regenerative farmer” actually is. I generally think, it has more to do with the mindset of change than anything else. Then it becomes a journey and at some point you may meet the criteria of an official definition, if we actually ever get …
Written by Ranald Angus Ranald Angus NSch 2021 Before my Nuffield Farming Scholarship journey, I was fortunate enough to be given the chance to visit Argentina in 2014 on a Young Farmer’s study tour as part of a group of 15 enthusiastic young Scots. We gained a unique insight into an agricultural colossus on a …
Written by Joe Stanley from the Allerton Project It’s well established, including by our own research (in part discussed in June’s article on our pioneering Conservation Agriculture trial), that a move to reduced tillage or direct drilling (DD) can generally be considered beneficial for the triumvirate of farm economics, soil health and environmental sustainability. With …
SPX Strip-Till Cultivator and PPX Planter Will Coward is a farmer and contractor from Wiltshire, maize planting makes up around 750 acres of the contracting business alongside umbilical slurry spreading and baling being the bulk of the contracting operation. The farming side of the business centres around a 360 head of Aberdeen Angus suckler herd. …
Written by Joe Stanley from the Allerton Project What it is to be ‘a good farmer’ in the UK is currently undergoing a transformation of grand proportions. Many will have spent much of their careers in the belief that farmed land was for one thing only – food production – and that soil health (to …
Proving the value of Conservation Agriculture in the UK Read More »
Completing my last ever BPS application last month really got me thinking about the financial future of our farm. We all know the era of the Basic Payment Scheme and money for simply owning land is drawing to a close. So, what does the future look like and how can we ensure that our businesses …
Written 1st June 2023 Trials and learnings of livestock integration at BHF. So, calving happened, with a few more issues than we expected. Through our breeding choices we have managed to significantly reduce the level of human intervention at calving over the last 5 years. However, we hit a small bump in the road this …
WHERE IT ALL STARTED Growing up on a Canadian prairie farm previous to the 1980s, the term summer fallow was as common as wheat. Every farmer factored summer fallow into the farm crop rotation, often 50% of the land was left to rest while the other half was cropped. Resting land was prone to weed …
Direct Drilling Offers Savings for both the Farmer and the Environment Read More »
April 2023 Since my last article we have taken delivery of the new Horizon disc drill and used it for Autumn and Spring drilling of cereals and Beans. Initial results have been good and I have been pleased at the lack of blackgrass germination behind the drill ( One of the main reasons for the …