
Have we underestimated the importance of soil health and carbon sequestration and their impact on British agriculture?

Written by Thomas Gent, UK Market Lead for Agreena As part of a British farming family which has worked the land for generations, we have witnessed firsthand the shifts in weather patterns and the challenges they pose to our farming practices. The threat of climate change is no longer a distant concern; it’s an immediate …

Have we underestimated the importance of soil health and carbon sequestration and their impact on British agriculture? Read More »

From Precision to Autonomy: How AI is Helping Farmers Tackle the Biggest Challenges in Agriculture

As a farmer, I have always been interested in new technologies that could make my job easier and more efficient. One of the most exciting new technologies in agriculture today is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is a broad term that encompasses many different technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. These technologies …

From Precision to Autonomy: How AI is Helping Farmers Tackle the Biggest Challenges in Agriculture Read More »

Anglian Water’s Grant scheme supports farmers with innovative ideas to improve soil health and water quality

In Autumn 2022, Anglian Water announced a grant scheme inviting farmers from across the catchment area to apply for funding of up to £7,500 towards innovative ideas that would help them to improve water quality, reduce chemical use and support the improvement of soil health. A total of 65 farmers were awarded grants for innovation …

Anglian Water’s Grant scheme supports farmers with innovative ideas to improve soil health and water quality Read More »

AHDB Cereals Market Outlook

The latest Cereals Agri-Outlook takes stock of the current situation and looks forward to what we might expect in the coming months, for supply availability, trade and demand. The volumes below are estimates at the time of writing. Production Wheat supply on the global market remains constrained, from the lasting impact of extreme weather trimming …

AHDB Cereals Market Outlook Read More »