Issue 27 – Contents
Inside this issue:
Inside this issue:
It looks like arable movers, shakers and advisors seem to be moving away from yield, costs and profits towards the birds, bees and ecology. They’re ‘following the money’ as Warren Buffett might say. Today they are making the choice between AHL1 (pollen and nectar flower mix) at £739 / ha/year or leaving their Sustainable Farming …
Never fear, I’m not venturing into Shakespeare here. Not only are my writing skills lacking, but I can’t see Direct Driller ever making it to the stage either. However, I am questioning the desire to be labelled a “regenerative farmer”. Do you want or need to be labelled at all? This is not quite weighing …
Written by Chris Fellows In the realm of agriculture, a technological revolution is underway, reshaping the landscape from traditional practices to cutting-edge innovations. This transformation, encapsulated by the term “agri-tech,” is not merely about mechanised machinery or futuristic drones; it represents a multifaceted evolution that spans the entire agricultural supply chain not just changes on …
Direct Driller magazine is looking for female farmers to join their community of Farmer Focus writers…
Farm risks rise as subsidies fall The competent and effective manager keeps a weather eye out for storms which threaten their organisation. The ‘threats’ can be sudden, coming out of nowhere or alternatively events which have been building up for some time. Threats are sufficiently important to be the T partof the highly regarded SWOT …
Do you vividly recall the start of your journey into regenerative farming, can you pinpoint a specific enlightening moment? For some, this revelation is a regularly discussed topic, while for others, it unfolds as a gradual evolution. The changes introduced by SFI (Sustainable Farming Incentive) this year, however, are compelling new farmers to embrace regenerative …
Welcome to the first tech focussed edition of Direct Driller Magazine. From now on, issues will rotate between soils issues and tech issues. Contents – Old-fashioned farming with modern technology – page 4. It’s 2030, so how have we done? – page 4. Labour pains push robotic pickers – page 6. Industry-leading research in robotics …
I first encountered this definition of Regenerative Farming about a year ago, and it struck a chord with me. Farmers talk (often nostalgically) about farming again like their grandfather used to, but while that is true in the approach, the method has changed massively. Technology has played a pivotal role in enabling regenerative practices to …
Introduction – Mike Donovan 4Adopting Regenerative Practices 4Covering Soils Event 6A Midwest Tour of Innovative Farmers 8Agritechnica 2023 14Drill Manufacturer: Kuhn 16Managing Cover Crops? 18Farmer Focus: Neil White 20Have we Underestimated the Importance of Soil Health 24Drill Manufacturer: Mzuri 28Trials Show Value of Stonger Varieties 28Enhanced Weathering Supports Farms 36Farmer Focus: Tim Parton 40Drill Manufacturer: …