Green Cover: Soil Health Resource Guide – 8TH Edition

The Purpose of This Guide

At Green Cover, our mission is to help people regenerate God’s creation for future generations. As producers who make our living from the abundant resources with which God has blessed us, we should be the most adamant and passionate conservationists. Not only do our current and future livelihoods depend on healthy functioning soils and ecosystems, but God has charged us with caring for His creation. Adam, the first farmer, was directed by his Creator to care for and protect the soil. At Green Cover, we believe that we still have this responsibility, and we are called to take the additional step of rebuilding and regenerating our soils.

We are committed to educating people about soil health and providing them with as many tools and resources as we can. This Soil Health Resource Guide is dedicated to that end. We recognize our own limited knowledge and experience, so we have invited some of the best minds in the regenerative agriculture movement to share their valuable expertise and insight for the benefit of all. To some, this guide may be a reinforcement for what they already know; to others, it may be the first step in their journey towards healthier soils. This is by no means an exhaustive soil health resource; rather, it is intended to be a concise summary of soil health concepts, and a gateway to further learning.

Think of this guide as seeds that can sprout and grow into deeper understanding if you will but plant them. We strive to have significant new content every year. While that is a good thing, it also means that many excellent articles  from previous editions, some of which are catalogued at right, are not printed in this eighth edition.

Fortunately, we have allof them available on ourwebsite. We encourageyou to diversify youreducation and read thesearticles also. Let the learning continue by going to:

We invite you to do your due diligence and further explore any or all of the topics that we will touch on in this resource guide or on our website. We welcome your comments and feedback on this guide, and we are happy to provide additional copies upon request.

Keith and Brian Berns, Green Cover founders