Drill Manufacturers In Focus…


We have a small scale trial farm close by which we are now entering our 3rd year of direct drilling with the Ma/Ag, overnight the change was made and all crops have been direct drilled ever since. We have just completed spring drilling of Oats and Barley which went well, but we don’t recommend pre germination of seed before drilling!

The conversation pre drilling went along the lines of…. Farmer “well, I’ve not done a spreadsheet to analyse the cost and return yet for last year, but normally I would be overdrawn at the bank by now and keen to sell any remaining crop, but at the moment we’re in the black with half of last year’s crop still in the shed, and isn’t that what it’s really all about?” Of course he’s right, isn’t he?

Last backend was an interesting time again for drilling, and we had the usual rush of conventional drilling farmers calling for a “demo” to see if a direct drill could rescue their autumn drilling campaign when all else had failed. How do we address this view that direct drilling “can’t work on our land”, what is the obstacle to reducing costs and inputs that some farmers are struggling to grasp, there aren’t many farmers who won’t save a few £100’s or £1000’s on a piece of equipment or on the spray bill but look at the possible savings over the whole farm with a change of system and there are suddenly many obstacles.

The new 3 metre mounted Ma/ Ag drill is winning some converts, a “handy” drill which can be used direct or conventionally which allows for small famers to completely change of larger farmers to dip a toe in the water, it provides all the benefits of the larger Ma/Ag trailed drills but will a much lower ticket price. Ideal for cover crop establishment and the following main crops as well in an easy to use and compact unit with mechanical or electronic seed metering.

If you want to balance the new mounted drill & carry tools, fuel or perhaps some cover crop seed, maybe you should treat yourselves to a WorkBox ideal for anyone who needs to have a workshop in the field?

The lid is waterproof and dust proof so every angle is covered, although dust seems a way off at the moment !

More details on Ma/Ag Drills or Workboxes contact Ryetec on 01944 728186