In January we launched the all-new Direct Driller Magazine Website. You can now read articles from every issue of Direct Driller over the past 5 years (well you will when we have finished loading them all up). Issues 1-6 and 18-21 are all already live. This should make it much easier for you to share articles on social media or with your friends via email. We have included a QR Code in the contents section to link you to the content page on the new website.
As always, all content we have ever published is free to read to farmers worldwide. So please do keep sharing. Content is organised by Issue and by “Category”.
We have also created authors pages, if you have written for us then you will have your own page with all your content show in reverse chronological order with newest at the top. That means all of our Farmer Focus Writers have their own page where all there content is (or will be once issues 7-17 have been loaded up). You can get to a writer’s page by simply clicking on their name at the top of an article.
The next step for the website to allow you to edit your account with us to update your own shipping address. Where you are a TFF member already this will combine with that account (assuming you have used the same email for both), you won’t be required to have an additional login to remember. This will make all your account management much easier and save you have to email in with your address updates.
As always, if you think there are any other ways we could improve the site, we will continue to evolve it going forward.