The Mzuri system is widely recognised as Europe’s principal one pass strip tillage system, unrivalled in cultivation, reconsolidation and seed placement accuracy. Ben Knight demonstrates why.

As Mzuri’s farm manager and knowledge exchange officer, I get to see a lot of Mzuri drilled crops around the country as well as those established by conventional and min-till methods. One thing that has struck me this Spring is how well Mzuri Pro-Til established crops have coped with the relentless dry weather.
On the Mzuri trial farm, the jovially named ‘Peopleton Umbrella’ struck again and saw us with no measurable rain since the Cheltenham festival. Thankfully, the Pro-Til’s ability to cultivate, reconsolidate and seed into the perfect nursery seedbed, surrounded by structured soil, gave us the edge when it came to preserving moisture and supporting crop growth sans rainfall. Despite this, both our Winter and Spring crops look well and benefited from rooting into moisture, preserved by previous crop residue and have gone on to produce, healthy viable crops.

However, you don’t have to go far to find crops that weren’t so lucky. I’ve seen both conventional and min-till crops in surrounding areas struggle with the drought from a combination of either moisture loss at drilling, or a lack of sufficient seed to soil contact and poor reconsolidation.
This is why I can see the value in the ProTil’s cleverly designed features that allow us to prepare and seed into the perfect nursery seedbed, without compromising establishment or soil health. It is the collection of unique features that are laid out below and overleaf that makes the Mzuri Pro-Til an incredible tool for consistent crop establishment across a range of seasons.
I’m pleased to see so many Mzuri users reaping the rewards of the Pro-Til’s clever design and what is proving to be a reliable crop establishment system time and time again.