The first in Direct Driller’s series of “Covering Soils” events took place on 21st September, after the remnants of a storm blew through the farm on the 20th when it had originally been planned. But most of the 100 registered farmers where still able to attend and enjoy the content we had on. Full write up will follow in the next magazine and look out for the video content from the day on our YouTube Channel. You can subscribe here to get a notification when the speakers talks are added.
A few pictures of the day to give everyone else an idea of how the day went. Many thanks to RAGT, Poly4, Agrii, Agreena, Horsch, BTT UK, Grange Machinery, Tractair, Farmdeals and speakers Phillip Wright, Wright SolutionsandStephen Lambfor being at the day.
The day was based around the RAGT Cover Crop Trials that Clive Bailye is running on his farm in Hammerwich. The results of which you will be able to follow either in the magazine or at events in the future.