BASE-UK was established in 2012 and is independent of all businesses or organisations. We provide a forum for members to share information, experience and ideas on conservation agriculture, which includes topics such as minimum tillage, direct drilling, cover cropping, integration of livestock and many other techniques offering more sustainable agriculture by working in harmony with soils and the wider environment as well as inviting industry experts to speak to members.
BASE-UK shared a stand at CropTec with Direct Driller Magazine and the Farming Forum and jointly hosted “Soil Hubs” where some of our members stood on a panel for Q&A discussions on Integrating Livestock into the Arable System; Cover Crop Strategies and Widening the Crop Rotation. These were well received and provided a great opportunity to encourage the audience to take part and ask questions with farmer to farmer knowledge transfer being key as per the principles behind BASE. Thanks to Steve Lear, John Cherry, Angus Gowthorpe, David White, James Warne, Tom Storr, Andrew Jackson, Clive Bailye and Adam Driver for their contributions.
As this is written, a group of 20+ members are visiting Frederic Thomas along with Frederic Remy and other farmers in France for a knowledge exchange trip and to compare notes on how to cope with the wet conditions experienced this autumn (and of course to sample the local culinary delights).

Details about our upcoming AGM Conference in February 2020 are on our website www.base-uk.co.uk We have a variety of different speakers including Dr Sam Cook, Dr Anna Krzywoszynska, Professor Adrian Newton, Dr Lea Herold and some of our own BASE-UK members including SFOY Julian Gold.